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- tur yñar eruhug M iy 1G,' coiinti treasurer Fairchild reetived f385 finí. tooney. '"-jeromo Murray, it is roported, has taken off the red ribbon and is dropped ás a leottirer, by Ohio authorities. - Arotus Dunn is building a new tösldeiioe ncxt east of the M. E. parson(ige. John Thompson is puttiug up one tin División Street. - Oeorge Miller and Anton Eiele have been elected delogates to the Workingmens convention to bc held in Detroit In the Intter part of Juno. - Ádolphua Cohén has purchasod the Oígar manufaoturing business of Mr. Goldman and is oarrying it on n the tear of Berolzheimer's cigar store. - The jary in tho caso of Wiedmann VS. White, beforo Justioe Frueauff on Mouday, aüowed the girl twelvo ihülüigs per week - a cornproiiiise voraiot - James B. Halleok of Northfield eharged with illogal sale of liquors at Whitmore Lake was brought before Justioe Grangor on Tuesday and case adjourned to Monday, June 2. - "Groceries aro eheap" people say fter calling at tho City Toa Store. Just look el8ewliore at nn advertijement and see the prices of goods ; then go and examine, and you cant help coming to that conclusión yoursolf. - Maj. J. A. Brown haa rooeivod letters patent for an improved hay rake and tedder, which ia very simple of struotion. An eflfort will be made to induce the Ann Arbor Agricultural Company to manufacture a uuiuber of them for salo. - In the case of the People vs. Daniel M. Cline of Hastings a medical student, charged with jumping a board bill due Dr. MacFarland, trial was had by jury on Wednesday bofore Justice Granger. Fined $1 and costs, amounting to $37,74 or 60 days in jail. - John A. Volz of the Third ward, bas exchanged his property on High street to Natban H. Carey of the town of Ann Arbor, taking in exohange five acres of land on the territoria! road, a short distance west of the city. The amount of the trade involves $3,500. - Supervisor Krapf returns from wards ono and two an assessment of f2350 tor the retailing of liquors. Supervisor Gregory for wards four and five (1050. Supervisor Bro wn of fif th and sixth waids f250. Total revenue (if collected) to the oity from tho trafSc $3650. - Fifty-two years ago this month, Gen. Clark, a young man of twenty years left what was the small villago but now city of Aubr.rn, N. Y., for the far west, and came to Ann Arbor where he has since resided. In November, 1S37, he moved into the residence wliere he now, and hap, from this date, resided. - Dr, E. Watson, brother of professor Watson, was taken with a t.troko of paralysis recently while crossing tho University campus. He lay some time on the campus beforerecovering, but finally succeeded in dragging himself to his home. Ho is now in a very preoarious condition, his recovery being oonsidered doubtful. " - The June meeting of the Pomological Society of Wahtenaw Co., is Bot down forSaturday, June21, in theroouis of the court house. A paper ou "Ornithology" will be read by A. B. Covert. Mr. Jauies Toms will exhibita floral display. Prof. Sage will furnish the music. "The StrawberryanaitsCulture" will formthe topic of general discussiou. - The committee entrusted to present to the Reform Club tho most feasible plans for the erection of a suitable building for the wants of the orgnnization, reported in favor of issuing stock to the Binount of $10,000, in $30 shares, all Inoneys except what is aotually required to pay the running expenses of tho club to be paid over to the treasurer of the Tiompany for the benefit of the stockholders. Whtn the suin of $10,000 shall have been raised, the building is then to beoorae the property of the Reform Club. - Mrg. Jennie Badger Reade, who figared conspiouously in a lawsuit against her brother, Major Badger, of this city Bomo months ago, has brought suit against Mr. Thomas P. Murphy, of Terre Haute, for breach of promise, laying her damages at $25,000. Murphy doesn't exactly deny it, but claims that she is a tough ooustomer and that he can prove it. If what he alleges in his defense, is provon on trial - provided tho case ever comes to trial - he will make her out to be one of the worst specimens of unchaste, blackmailing tiavolers that infest watering p1ace3, watching for viotims. - Mrs. Edgar Phelps of Hinton, camo to this city one day last week to submit to the painful and dangerous surgieal operation of removal of a tumor that had been troubling her for eight or more years. On Monday Dr. Maclean formod the doHcato job, the location of which was directly abovo and attached to tho womb and weighing fit'ty pouuds. The lady survived tho oporation and gavo ovidenco of reoovery until Wednesday, whon she died the shock to her system proving groater than she could withstand. It seems only fair to inention hero the faot tbat Dr, Maclean has performod a large number of operatious of this description, and at the same time has had a larger &i eentage of reooveries than any surgeon in tho Northwest- Distinguished gentlemen of Aun Arbor, Gov. Ashley, John N. Gott, A. W. Hamilton, H. O. Waldron, Proís. Green and Watson, met other distinguishod gentlemen in Detroit last week with the view of extending the T. fc A. A. II. K. to Pontiac, where it will connect with the Grand Trunk. In responso to a question frora a reporter of what was doiie at the conference, Qov. A. repliod: "Wo didn't do very much," said Mr. Ashley, "but what littlo we did had a nub to it. AVo told Sir Henry Tyler that we should build our road from Ann Arboi to l'ontiac and wantod him to meet us at the latter point by finishing tho line froni Eochester thereto. We were assured that they would bo into Pontiao ahead of us, and that, in a nutshcll, is all that our conference aniounted to. You can teil the publio that we left for home Buiiling, content and happy. I might add that we aro going to build our road to Pontiao whotuer the Grand Truuk does anything or not. I shall never give up." - SophOinore hop held a State Stree Hall on Friday evening was au enjoj able nffnir altliough lilitly attended. - Umli.T influences of pnintcrs, kalsoniinors and gilders, tilo tlrug storo of Mr. L. S. Lerch presen ts au attraotivo and pleasing appearaiice. - The namo of A. McBeynolds was accidentally ouiitted froni the list of speakers announcad to delivor short addrosscs on tlüs memorii' day. - Tho usual meeting was huid at the church in Lower Town on Bu&day cvenng addressed by a number of speakers ncluding 31r. Fiumiug of ühio. Eigh,een signers. - Tho rotailer of milk at fonr cents per quart.finding tbc business unprofitabl, sold his busiuuss. Tüereupon, thoso renmiinng met ou Satuiduy and agreed with oue exception to ad vanee tho pricu to fire centa. - Jumes nmmel, a pedagogue teaching the young idons of Salem how to shoot, was arrestad on Monday charged with an assault on an eight 3-ear oíd pupil named Harry K SheiEeld, and arraigned before Justioe Beahan, plead not guilty. Cuse adjourned to Juue 6. - Alfred B. Sager writes Charles Donnolly of this city, from Las-Vegas, ííewMoxiooanuouncing hiaarrival there after a stnge iassago of 200 miles and anothor 100 to inako to reach his dtstination. Mr. S. says ho met aud was cntertained by Edwaril Henriques who is prospering. - At the meoting of the Coraraon Council on Monday eveuing, an eftbrt to elect a city attorney will be mado, Messrs. J. Q. A. Sessions, present ineuiiibent, John F. Lawrence and J. C. Knowlton being candidates. It is iossible tho question "Isalderman-electRoss (National) a citizen" will come before our city Fathers for solution.


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