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The only place in Ann Arbor you can ind a full line of Fancy Buttons, is at Bach & Abel's. 12-tf Baoh & Abel have just received 25 ozen moie of their magnifioent Kid Gloves at 50 cents per pair ; sanie quality s retailcd elsewhere at 75 cents and$l. 12-tf Don't go to Detroit to buy your wall japer before you see the beautiful Dado latterns at Douglas and Co's. which tey are selling at prioes that will defy ouapetition. 16-2t Douglas and Co., have removed the Book, Stationery and Wall Paper Stook o the second door Noith of the firat National Bank. 16-2t Douglas and Co., by having but one tore can afford to, and will, sell goods heapei than any other house in the ity. 16-2t All kinds ofcheap and choice Staionery uiay be found at Douglas and Co's. new store in the National Bank ilock. Their assortment of Blank Books s also unsurpassed. 16-2t Lnrgest and cheapest line of Parasols n the city at Bach & Abel's. Bach & Abel's heavy Gros Grain Colored Silks at $1.10 beats them all. Bach & Abel are selling their new 31ack Cashmeres very cheap, indeed, 20 ler cent. oheaper than ever before kno wn. Chey can afford to as they buy for cash and sell for cash. 12-tf TTOUSE AND LOT POE SALE. Located in adeairable part of the city, and in good repair. Also ft house to rent on favorable ierms. Xnquire at tho Anoue office, or 22 THOMSON STREET. Ann Arbor, Jan. 20, 1879. 4tf CROWDS of people are constantly buying their Groceries, etc, at the TEA STORE, next the Postoifice, why they do so is because they buy so much cheaper than they have heretofore. JUST SEE A FEW OP THE PEICES Yellow Coffee Sugar, 7Jc. per lb. White " " 8c. per lb. Granulated " 9c. per lb. Best Koasted Rio Coffee, 20c. per lb. Extra " " " 18c. per lb. Good " " " 15c. por lb Best Japan Tea, 50c. per lb Extra " " 40e. por lb Good " " 30c. per lb And all goods found n a grocery store equally as cheap ! GALL AND BE OONVINCED. l'ico delivery to any part of the city. W. J. McLEAN, Prop To ti'y tlie Sbwíii lie IlEfOKE YOÜ BUY. It is Simply Wonderful IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCHUH'S Hardware Store. 'i mi: iAH;i:si' a.o BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMERICAN AND FEENCH WIÏTDOW GLA.SS All Sizee. .A-T1 SOISG-'S. 26 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOR. Prices of Lime Reduced ! liill) Isluml Linie ií5 cts. por bul Iflonroc I.Ime, 25 cents por ttunhel. il:tt:uu I,iinc, 13 cents per lnsliel. FOR SALE. Pili I muí rtulnr TTifi T lina. Cement, Plasttrinp lEftir. ftnl Laad l'lnster, at my Liiue-Kiln liíar Central Iei)ot. llUf JACOB VOLLAHB. riKIini'llK'K KKAVSH, AtTCTIOITEEB, Will attend to nll sales, on íliort notice, 1 riMi ablc charges. 1 O. addrees Aun Arbor, Mieh.


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Michigan Argus