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May 31. - In the House, Mr. Cox introdnced a bilí f or an international exhibition of arts, manufactures and producía in New York city. lteferred to the committee on foreign affairs. The special order, the silver bill, was then taken up, the question being on the fourth section as amended yesterday, on motion of Mr. Marsh (Rep., The amendment is as follows: The charge for converting gold and silver bullion into coin shall be the difïerence between the market value, in New York city, of bullion and the legal tender value of the coin. A vote was taken of the section, the friends of the bill voting against and the opponents of the bill for the section. The section aB amended was adopted ; yeas 113, nayB 109. May 22.- In the Senate Mr. Harris (Dem., Tenn.) called up the Senate bill to prevent the introduction and spread of contagious or infectious diseases, and moved to ignore the original bill and consider the substitue reported from the committee May 9th, which embodied what appcared to be the views of the majority of the Henate, though not so satisfactory to the committee as was the first bill. Mr. Harria said that the committee had tried to frame a substitute to conform to the wishes of the mnjority, as shown by the objections to the original bill. He also stated that the appropriation asked for had been reduced from $650,000 to $500.000 on account of the removal of the direction of the board to investígate diseases of cattle. The bill was discussed at some length by Senators Edmunds, Conkling and others, but without reaching a vote the Senate adjourned. The House resuraed the consideration of the bill to repeal and amend the laws relating to the transier of cases from state to federal courts. The Republicana refused to vote on the demand for the previous question. Various propositions were thereupon suggeBted on both sidee, but were not acceded to. Consideration was then resumed of the Warner silver bill, and the Honse agreed to a committee amendment to the bill, which provides that the certifícate of deposit shall be in de nominations of not less than f5, instead of $10. as originally provided. After some time spent in debate, the House adjourned. May 23.- The Senate took up the bill making subsidiary coins exchangeable for lawrul money of the United States, and to make such coins exchangeable for lawf ui money of the United States, and to make Buch coins legal tender in sums up "to $20. The committees' amendment to substitute $10 for $20 was diücussed. The bill was Bupported by Messrs. Bayard, Bootb.Ferry and Kernan, and opposed by Messrs. Edmunds and Thurman. The morning hour having expired the bill went over without action, and the Senate took up the contagious disease bill. Mr. Morgan (Dem , Ala.) moved to amend so that the act should not remain in force for more than four years from itB pasBage. This legislation was experimental, and should not take the f orm of estabüshing a permanent system, which it might be diflïcult to get rid of if it proved unsatisfactory. Adopted. Mr. Harris moved to reduce the penalty named in the bill from $5,000 to $1,000. He thought that fine large enough to effect the desired object. Adopted. After further amendments in snpport of the ball by Mr. Cali (Dem., Fla.) it was reported bick to the Senate, and the amendmentB made in the committee of the whole agreed to. It was then read the third time and passed, yeas 34, nays 12. The Senate took up the Senate bill relating to transportation of animáis, but without taking action thereon, went into executive session and when the doors were reopened, adjourned until Monday. In the House Mr. Atkins (Dem., Tenn.J, from the committee on appropriations, reported back the Senate amendments to the Legislativo appropriation bill, and stated that he was instructed to move concurrence in all of them. He stated in reply to Mr. Oonger (liep., Mich.) that the öenate had made no amendmentH in the political features of the bilí. The amendments were concurred in. At ahe expiration of the morning hour the House reaumed consideration of the Warner j silver bill. . ,, Mr. Mills (Dom., Tex.) ofEered the following as an additional section: "Nothing containg in this act shall be construed to authorize the coinage of silver except into standard dollars." Agreed to without división. The Republicana refusing to vote on a cali for the previous question and the Demócrata refusinü to adjourn, an all night's session was the consequence. May 24. - The all-night session of the House closed at nine o'clock this morning, when an adjournment was taken till noon. On reassembling therc was but a slim attendance, and consideration of Mr. Warner's silver bill was resumed. A vote was taken on Mr. Ryan's substitute and it was defeated, ayes 69, nays 137. The vote was then taken on the passage of the bill, the result being 114 ayes to 97 nays, and the Warner silver bill was passed. The reiult was grceted with hand-clapping on the Democratie side. Every Michigan Representative was present and voted in the negative. The House then adjonrned till Tuesday. May 26.- The Benate took up the liill heretofore introduced by Mr. McDonald (Dem., Ind.), authorizing the cmployment of the roilitia and land and naval forces in certain cases and to repeal the election laws, Mr. McDonald claimed that the respective states have an absolute right to prescribe the machinerv for conducting elections. No power for this purpoae was ever delegated to the general Government, and it was never exercised uutil of late years under the authority of the law, through the agency of BupervisAt the conclusión of Mr. McDonald's address Mr. Edmunds said that he intended to speak on the subject when it again came up. The bill relative to transportation of animáis was then taken up. Mr. McPherson (Dem., N. J.) explained and advocated the bill. Mr. Maxey (Dem., Tex.) opposed the last clause of the bill, which authorizes the commissioner of ngnculture to appoint the inspector at each port from which live stock and dressed animáis are exported, who sball inspect all animáis offered for export, and, ïf found in good health, give the owners or shippers a certifícate to that effect, and whose salaries shall be $1,50 per annum. He though such an officer should be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Without f urther action the Senate went mto executive session and soon after adjoumed. May 27. - In the Senate consideration was resumed of the bill relative to the transportfttion of animáis, the pending question being on Mr. Voorhees' amendment to strike out the clausc providing for the appointment of inspectora, which, after debate, was adopted. Mr. Saulsbury moved to strike out the clause requirihg railroai companies to give right of way to stock trains over all other freight trains. He thought other freight, such as periRhable fruit, etc, was as much entitled to speedy transportation as live stock. The matter had better be left to the recpüation of the companies. Mr. Teller (Rep., Col.) offered an amendment which would confine the direction as to giving right of way to stock trains to railroads whose lines are in more than one state. Adopted. Mr. Edmunds (Rep., Vt.) aid that this was a subject for general legislation, but not one contemplated in convening the extra session. He moved that it be postponed till the first Monday of December next. Agreed to. The Senate then took up the bill to make subsidary coin exchangeable for lawful money, and without acting thereon, adjoumed. The House considered the bill to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases into the United States, the Senate bill in relation to that subject being substituted for the House bill. Mr. McGowan (Rep., Mich.) spoke in f avol of the bill. Mr. Conger (Rep., Mich.) advocated the bill, which, if it meant anything, meant that the federal government had supreme and absolute authority over the Statep. Mr. Young moved the previons queBtion on the whole bill. The previoul question was seconded and the Senate bill was passed without any amendment. It now only awaits the President's signature to become law.


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