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BUSINESS DIKECTORÏ. B. TAÏLOR, ATTORNKY AT UW, Chelsea, Mich. ONALDMAC LEAN, M. D., Physieian and Surgeon. Office and residence, 71 Huron treet, Ann Arbor. Office hours f rom S to 9 a. M. and trom I a 3 p. m. MRS. SOPHIA TOUASD, M. D., Pnysician and Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann street. Will attend to all professionul calis promptly, day and night. 7irTjACK.SOlV, Denüst. Office corner W Main and Washington stroets, over Bach & Abel's stoie, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics adminitered if derired CSCHAEBKBI.E, Teacher of the Piano. forte. Pupila attain tlie deaired skill in piano-playing by a systematic couwe of ínstxuction For terms, apply at residence, No. 12 West Liberty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt atteution paid to tuning. CRAMEK, FKUEAUFF COKBIN, Attorneys at Law, E. K. FRUEAUFF, Juatice of the Peace. All business uromptly attended to. Office No. 8 East Washington street, Rinsey and Seabolt s blocK. HEÑRY R. HÏLL, Attorney at Law, Dealer in Real Estáte and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 Opera House Block, ANN ARBOB. E. p: FBEER, DKALER IN Fresh, Salt & Smoked Meats,Fresh Fish, Oysters, Toultry, etc. No. 36 East Hurou Street, Ann Akbk, Mich J. H. NICKELS, DEALER IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Haran, Sausages, lard, etc, tíñHg&tiSfSBgWSF C0ROrders promptly flllcd. Farmers haviug meats to e!l give liiin a cali. E Y E E ? B O DT SAYSTHAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS TUE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. i'Fourth Street, East of Court Honae, lat floor. THE ANN AKBOR SA7IITGS BA2STZ ANN AKBOR, MICHIGAN. Capital pald In - - - 2'L2giX Capital ecurity - - - 100.000.00 Transacts a general Banking Husiness; buys ami Bella Exchanges on New York, Detroit anJ Chicago ; sella Sight Drafts on all the principal ciües ol Hurop; also, sella Punga Tickets t.i Liiarpool, I.ondon and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Steainahips, whose rates are lower tlian most other iirstclaas liuea. ThisBauk, already having alargebnsincs, invite merchants and others to open accounts with tliein, withtheassuranceof most lil.eral dealing consisent with safe banking. lo theSaviugs Department interest is paid semiannually, on the first days of January and July, on all suins that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus aflording the people of thia city andcounty a perfcotly Bafe depository for ttaeir funds, to&ether with a fair return in interst for the saine. Money to toan on Approved Securltles. DlRBCTOKS-ChristianMack, W. W. Wlncs , W. D. Harriman. Daniel Hiscock, B. A. Beul, W. Deubel, and Wlllard B. Sinith. OFFICER8 : CHRISTIAN MACK, W. W WINE8 President. Vice President. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Caahier. EMANUEL MANN, Druggist and Pharmacist, C SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOB, has on hand a well selected stock of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet Articles, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, &e., which he offers for sale at prices to suit the times. t& Physicians' Prescriptions caref ully prepared at all hours. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South MainSt, Have on hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artista and Wax Mower Materials, Toilet Artlcl.59, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Special attentionpaidto the furnishinfi of Phyicians, Chemlsts, Schools, etc, with Philosophical and Chemical Ajiparatus, Bohemian Chexulcal Olassware, Porcelaln Ware, Pure Reagentn, etc. Physiciaua' proscriptioas] careiuUy preparad at aU beun.


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Michigan Argus