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"-t)ecoratíon ■- Day has como and gone ; -In the language of the rural editor, - Shall we colebrate the glorious Fourth P - A sido track just off Miller Avenue, Ís being lain for Mr. James B. Gott. - Wm. Honey was an unsuooeasful applicant for superintending Lansiug's schools. - Regular meetingof the Eoform Club will be held at the Opera House on Sunflay afternoon next, to be addiessed by home talent. - Jacob Laubengayer's horse, fright" ened by a passing team, ran away on J3turday and smashed the wagon into tnithereens. - JimPB ]Wé CHne, convicted bofore í ustlce Oraager of ju nping a board bilí, hM enterad soourity in f IDO and appealed fc oirooit oourt. - It is expeoted and without doubt, that the next meeting of the Common i Couneil will be held ia the new room in the Gourt House. - -Sinee the firat of last August, Swathel, Ailes & Kyer have shipped from thi place to the eastern market 135,000 bushels of wheat. - New potatoes at sixty cents per peck smacVs strongly of money. Unfortuuately not & millionaire we had to ba content with a simple gace. - A time look has been placed on the Vault of the savings bank. These locks et at close of business hours can not bo opened until at a statod hout the following day. - The sidewalk ordinanee amended ai the last meeting of the Council so as to prevent the propulsión of velocipedes will meet the approvul of the entire community. - The usual evening meeting was held in Lower Town Sanday. Allen Prazer, K. E. Frazier, John Schumacher and Chas. M. Jones addressed the audience. Niue signers. - Cbief Johnson distributed the lowing amounts among the poor during May. First ward,$ 10.45; Second,$4.25; Third,$2.59 Fourth, $13.78 ; Fifth $11.92 ; Sixth, $8.63 ; total, $51.62. - J. Q,. A. Sessions was elected city attorney at Monday evoning's session of the Coramon Council by the following ballot : Sessions 8, Kinne 5; Knowlton 1. The Board of Health were allowed $25 oach. - The following gentlemen became eurety on the bond of city treasurer Woodruffin $80,000: "W. B. Smith, David Higcock, Christian Mack, Israel Hall, David lünsey, Moses Seabolt, Louis Fritz, A. Burhuz, W. W. Niins, William Oreery. - Occasionally a merchant remarks that it does not pay to advertise. Yet within one week from the iusertion of ka dTertisetuent in the Argus, calling attention of the public to the merits of the Davis' sewing machine, the agent, Mr. Schub, sold thirteen. - The chapter of Royal Arch masons, now ia a flourishing condition, expect witfaia a few weeks a set of regalia or robes, composed of nine pieces, for the offioerg. Three gentlemen froin Saline, Messrs. Shepard, Edtnunds and Warren, ■were exalted into this body on Monday evening. - Douglas & Co. secured t.ho contract let to the lowest bidder for furnishing stationery for county officials for ensumg yer. There were 6Íx competitors, Messrs. Richmond, Backus & Co.F of Detroit, Ihling Bros. of Kalamazoo, Toledo Blade Co. of Toledo, John Moore and Sheehan & Co., of this city. - After a protracted illnsss Mrs. Harriet D. Henriques, prominent in social oircles and highly esteemed in this community, died on Sunday, of höinorrhage of the bowels, at the age of 62. The deceased, the poseessor of wealth, was liberal to aii charitable appeals and opened wide her doors for entertainments of all kinds that served to aid the church and social friecdship. She wilt be greatly inissed by the people of this city. She carne from New Haven, Conn. Funeral services thia afternoon at St. Andrew's chnroh at 2 p. m. - Wednesday was pension day at the lw office of Mr. John N. Gott. Eighty pensioners, residents of Washtonaw county are paid quarterly installments, by agent Post of Ypsilanti whose place of business ia in Detroit, but whoso papers are preparad in this city by Mr. Gott, beíore going to the former city. About $6,000, independent of new pensions, goes through the office here annually, Widows of Colonels and Lieut. Colonels of whom there are a numbor in the county receive $30 per month. Widows of Captains $20, Lieutenants $18. Privates according to disability $2 to $50. ín bounty and pension claims Mr. G. has over soveu hundred ñames on his books. - The celebration of Decoration Day wm interrupted by a very heavy thunder-storm. The day opened pleasant, and A large nuraber of people from different parts of the county were present. The procession startod about 2 o'clock from the Armory and was led by the Dexter Cornet Band and Company A. After reaching the cemetory in the Fifth Ward, the Soldier's Monument was profuaely deoorated with flowers. There was aaunusually large number of townspeople and visitors present. A platform had been erected for the speakers, Chas. Manly, Register of Deeds, presiding.- After short addresses by Mr. Manley nd Rev. Dan. R. Shier of Saline, the storm broke out and compelled the crowd to disperse. - Superintendente of Poor, Edward Duffy, David Wilsey and D. B. Greeno, ex-officio Jail Inspectors, report 137 persons to have been coufined in the county jail for the six months ending and including May 30. The offenses were as follows: Disorderly, 25: vagrancy, 45; drunk and disorderly, 7 ; assault and battery, 7 ; drunk, 18 ; larceny, 6; petty laroeny, 5; insane, 1 ; grand larceny, 3; threats, 2;burglary, 3; entering railroad cars, 4; larcpny frora person, 2; bigaray, 1 ; false pretenso, 1 ; receiving stolen property, 3; adultery, 1. Total 137. They reported the jail to be in a cleanly condition and the prisoners supplied with good and wholesome food. The report goes into the hands of circuit judge Morris, who will on the opening of court June 17, submit it to the public. - A hop under auspices of Grande Jvlite club is announced ut Kelly' Hall, this evoning. - J. C. Burkhardt has moved bis linrness shop into the store occupied until lately by Clanoy. - Plato glass fronts are becoming so popular that noraerchanton Main 9treot will want to get along without thein. - Chief of polica report for May ; Assault and battery 2 ; drunk and disorderly 2; disorderly and vagrants 2; total G. - Prof. ÍVieze conteniplates the ereotion of n residence on a lot on División street, neütt to that of Mr. H. D. Bennett. - Judge Gouverneur Morris will pre1 side ou the bench for the first time ut I the term of circuit court, beginiiing I June 17. I - A new featuro iu the Vegetable lino I w8 observed in the streets Wednesday in the person of a resident of the Dominion retailing radishes from a wagon. - Annual election of direotors of the savings bank was held on Monday evening with the following reBult : Christain Mack, W. D. Harriman, R.A. Beal, W. B. Smith, Daniel Hiscock, William Deubel and W. W. Wines. Bubsequently Christian Jlack was elected President, W. W. Wines, Vice-Presideut and Churles .E. Hisoock, Cashier. - Charles, son of Win. Lewis, formerly of the Leonard House in this city but now of Carr'a hotel, Ypsilanti, was severely injured by the kick of a horso in Chicago on Monday. He was driving Membrino M., on a park whea the accident occurred. The first rumor had it that Lewis was killed. - A doublé team owned by gome one residing near Dexter wore frightcned on Main Street on Taesday aiternoon by the raising of an uní brolla andran northward. Samuel Jacklin ran and threw his arms around the neck of one of the horses, and after being dragged a few rods the steeds stopped without damage. - Christian Bach of Chelsea brought to this city carcas8es of sbeep, to the number of about ono hundred, and offered them at figures below market rates, which average geven cent3 per ponud, an ordinary carcass, dressed weighing forty pounda. He offered some to one dealer for f 1.75 each, and of course, the presumptiou arose that soniething was wrong. A sale was ef fected to doalers, and a half dozen live sheep to Fred Stabler. It turns out the sheep were stolen and owners have been in town looking after their property. Those alive were recovered and those dressed lost.


Old News
Michigan Argus