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Bach & Abel guarantee their 50o Corsets just as good as sold ia other houses for 75o. Bach & Abel's is the first house in Ann Arbor to pull down that fatal sign ' credit" and hoist in its plaoe that other that wins every time, Cash Down. Big bargains in store for tho ladies of Ann Arbor at Bach & Abel's for 1879. 12tf If you want your Baby to look bright do not put it to sleep with laudanum when restless, but use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. 25 cents a bottle. 5 bales of Russia Crash at 10 cents per yard at Bach & Abel's. Sold in other housos at 15 cents, samo goods (12-tf) The reason why Bach & Abel sellmore Ties, Laces, Handkerchiefs, liuching, Collars and CufFs, than any other house in the city, is, bocause a lady can find just what she wants by going there 12-tf ARCHEEY I TnE NATIONAL GAME. Don't fail to cali at Douglas & Co's. and examino their largo and oomplete stock of Bows, Arrows, Targets, Belts, Quivers, &c, which they havo just recoived at their new storo in National Bank Block. 17-lt Bach & Abel have all tho new atyles in fanoy Eibbons. 12-tf Have you ever esamined Bach &Abel' Black Silks? They are 20 por cent cheaper than any other house in the city - reasonwhyP They buy direot from the importer and save a middleman's proflt. Their$l,17and $1,39 Black Silk astonishes overy one. 12-tf 50 new all wool Shawls at Bach & Abel's at $1.50 - very cheao. Cali and see the beautiful patterns of Wall Paper at Douglas & Co'e., National Bank Blook. Their arrangement lor exhibiting it are unsurpassed, and their prioes oan not be beatón. 16-2t Bach & Abel offer for tbe next thirty days, 3 oasea of Bleached Muslin, equal in valuo to Fruit of the Loom, Wamsutta or New York Mills, at 9 ota. per yard 5 bales of the best Brown Cottons in the market at 8 cents per yard. Never be-, fore h&ve suchinducements been offered in this line as are offered this month 12-tf Charles Meyer will be pleased to wait on all of his Germán friends at Douglas & Co's. new store in the National Bank Block. i6-2t Special Bakgains : 80 doz. Ladies' Fancy Hose at 18o, reduoed from 30c. 60 doz. Ladies' regular madeBalbriggan lioso at 25o, foriaer price 40c. Bach & Abel. For the largost and most complete stook of WallPaperandWindow Stmdes go to Douglas & Co's., Albino Block. AECHERYI THE NATIONAL GAME. Don't fail to cali at Douglas & Co's. and examine their large and complete stock of Bows, Arrows, Targets, Belts, üuivers &o., which they have just received at their new store in National Bank Block, 1714 Any books outside of the usual line can be procured on the shortest notico and at reasonable pricos at Douglas and Co s. new store in the National Bank ,-■ 16"2t The nicost fitting corsets manufactured and tho largest display willbefound at Baoh & Abel's. 12 tf The only place in Ann Arbor yon can Snd a full line of Fanoy Buttons, is at Baoh & Abol's. 12-tf Baoh & Abel have just received 25 ïozen moro of their magnificent Kid Liloves vu,D cents por pair ; samequality retaüed elsewhere at 75 oents andl Doctors are to guard human life and bring relief to the siek. So does Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup ; it containa nothing injurious and ia always reliable. To be had at all drug stores in our city. Price 25 cents. Wanted. - By a competent woman a place to do housework, or to work by the day. Address Almira Weston, at the postoffice. Mack & Schmid aro clearing out all theii suits at cost. The rush still oontinues and crowds come from all direotions to secured the great bargains that are offered at Mack & Schmids and whieh have oreated an excitement unparaleled in the anuala of the dry goods trade in this oity. Towels, napkins, table linens, special bargains in these goods at Bach& Abel's Don't go to Detroit to buy your woll paper before you see the beautiful Dado pattems at Douglas and Co's. which they are solling at prices that will defy oompetition. 16-2t Douglns and Co., have removed the Book, Stationery and Wall Paper Stook to the second door Noith of the first National Bank. 16-2t Douglas and Co., by having but one store can afford to, and will, sell goods cheaper than any other houso in the oity. i6.2t All kinds of cheap and choioe Stationery may be found at Douglas and Co'b. new store in the National Bank Block. Their assortment of Blank Books is also unsurpassed. 16-2t Largest and cheapest line of Parasols in tho city at BaciP& Abel's. Bach & Abel's heavy Gros Grain Colored Silks at $1.10 beats them all. Bach & Abel are selling ttaeir new Black Casbraeres very cheap, indeed, 20 per oent. cheaper than ever before known. They can afford to as they buy for cash and sell for cash. 12-tf CROWDS of people are consfantly buying their Groceries, etc., at the TEA STORE, next the Postotfice, why they do so ís because they buy so much cheaper than they have heretofore. JTJST SEE A FEW OF THE PEICES Yellow Coffeo Sugar, IXc. per lb. White " " 80. per lb. Granulated " 9c. per lb. Best Koasted Eio Coffee, 20c. per lb. Extra " " 18c. per lb. Good ' 15c. per lb. Best Japan Tea, 50c. por lb. Extra " " 40c. per lb. Good " 30c. per lb. And all goods found in a grocery store equally as cheap ! CALL AND BE OONVINCED. Free öelivery to any part of the city. W. J. McLEAN, Prop. To try the Siill Mil BEFOKE YOU BUY. It is Simply Wonderful IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCHUH'S Hardware Store. rjlUX: LAHGEST ANB BEST STOCK OP PAINTS, OILS, Si ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WINDOW GIíASS Al I Size. 26 and 28 East Washington Sfreet, ANN AEBOE. Prices of Lime Reduced ! Kelly lKlainl Limo. 23 cts. per bimk. Uonroe Limo, 25 cents per bushel. macón Lime, 23 cents per bnsbel. FOR SALE. Caleined Piaster Water Lime, Cement, PIstr. n Hir, ai.,1 Land Piaster, at m7 Lime-Kiln nesr Central Depot. 1Slf JACOB VOM.AKD. ('Ki:rliIH K KKAIISE, ATJCTIONEEE, Will attnd to all salea, nn hort notice, at reas ble oharges. Y. O. addreu Ann Albor, Mleh?


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