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The latest reporta trom np the road aro to ullücit that the recent i'orest fin s were ternblv destiuctive, not only to Btanding timber hut to logs along the line of logging railroads and at different, roll-ways, A portion of the tract lamber by Gerrish & Co. is located in town ia- 5, about 10 miles north of Farwell, and this tract vtu the scène of a terrible woods conflagration on Thursday, Priday and Haturday. Five of the lumber sectiona weie oompletely burnod over before the fire comniunioated to four million f eet of logs at the rollways on the shores of Lakes Smith and Oeorge,"all of which in due course of time were reduoed to ashes. The losa of Gerrish & Co. cannot fall short of $20,000, and later inforination may increase this estímate considcrably. Godfrey Dershuah, one of Gerrish's jobbers, who had five million fcet of logs at one of the roll-ways not delivcred, had a gang uf 18 men employed in defending.his logs, the destruction of which meant his ruin, and at one time on Friday the men were so completely hemmed in by the flames that escape neemed impossible. They had to burrow in the earth and satúrate their clothing with water to prevent being suffocated and roasted alive. - Saginaw Courier. John Cameron, of Flint, was knocked over and robbed of f S00 in money and his watch and chain at Clio Tuesday night. His assailant in unknown. The officers made one arrest Wednesday afternoon at Fiushing on suspicion. Cameron iies in a critical condition from the eftects of the injuries received. The village of Chase, in Lake county, was noarly destroyed by fire Thursday afternoon. Tlie f ollowing are some of the losses : A. F. Mullen, postmaster and grocer, loses his store and barn, with most of their contents, loss, $11,000, no inaurance; J. F. Dressenger, fihoeshop and house, loss $1,000, no insurance; 1!. H. Holliday kwelling, $3,500, insured $1,B00; C. W. Joiner & Son, lumber, shingles and well tubing mili, loss $15,000, no insurance; O. W. Joiner. 8,000,000 shingles, 1,000,000 feet f lumbar, 60,000 feet of weU tubing, 1,500,000 tjet of Ijs-s. Duanc Chapman, convicted at Flint of assault with intent to kill a short time ago. has just confessed to being a party to the rnurder of Holly Conklin. This oceurred in that city Be.Tal years ago. The murder was committed in the night time. Clurenca Storm, 13 years oíd, a son of Chas. Storm of Portland, was drowned in Grand Kiver Thursday afternoon while trying to resoue a drowning companion. His body was recovered after one hour's searching. East Saginaw and Bay City, 14 miles apart, are now connected by telephone. lt is the intention to hitch on the milis all along the bunks of the river, which will prove an immense convenience. The Jackson County Pioneer Society will celébrate the 50th anniversary of the settleBient of the city of Jacksou on Wednesday, June 18. The State Pioneer Society will hold a reunión at the same time. The Industrial Fair Association of Western Michigan has effected a lease of the ground and buildings of the Kent County Agricultural Society for a term of five years. It was re Bolved to hold the first exhibition in Grand Hapids, commenoing September 22, continuing flve days. Premiums to the amount of $10,000 will be offered. Louis Mouzan, a farmer in the township of Gaines, Kent county, lost his house and nearly all its contents by fire, including about $1,000 in money in a chamber drawer which he was uuable to reach after the fire started. The total Io3s is $3,000, with some insurance. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Institution for the Deaf, Dnmb and Blind, in Flint, the resignation of Principal J. Willis Parker to take effect August lst, was tendered and accepted, Prof. Parker having accepted the prineipalship of the Kansas State Institution. A dispatch from Harrisville, Huron county, Friday afternoon saya: Firea are raging all around Harrisville terifically this afternoon. Two hounes were burned and others barely saved. Ten raillion feet of long pine timber belonging to U. A. Alger & Co., banked north of the village is on fire. There is a strong gale from the southwest. The town is black with smoko and sinders, and all hands are fighting firo. Theodoro H. Eaton, of Detroit, who owns the old city hotel site at St. Clair, offers that and ten thousand dollara in cash, if the citizens of that city will add another ten thousand dollars, and put up a first-class hotel. Dr. Hough, formerly assistant professor f chemistry at the University of Michigan, at which institution he graduated, is In a bad woman's scrape at Waynesville, Ohio, which may possibly eventuate in a charge ot murder. A young man in Wheatfield, lngham county, with an eye to business, recently applied to the aecretary of the county agricultural society, oiïering an $80 sewing machine and a young cow to the girl between 18 and 24 who will set the best table on the fair ground, oooking her own victuals, and then marry him. Deooration day was observed with the customary parades, speeches, floral offerings, etc., in Detroit and other cities on Friday. The Menominee and Marinette milis usually have flag-staffa, and whenever a marriage takes place among any of the hands, or a child is b.",7ii unto the family of one of the employés, the old starry banner is flung to the breeze in honor of the event. Saginaw Courier: A bear weighing 550 pounds was killed last Saturday at Van Win- kle's lumber camp, on the Tobacco River. This is the largest bear ever captured in that section, and one of the largest ever killed in this State. The animal has hung around the vicinity of the camp for a year paBt. He was very fat, and several gallons of oil were obtaincd from the carcass. The new Presbyterian Church and three dwellings were burned at G'rofton, Kalkaska oounty, on Saturday morning. No insurance. lt was caused by forest fires. The reoeipts and disbursements ot the State treasury for May were as follows: Balance April 30, $823,318 30; receipts for May, $113,02Ü 38; disbursements, $343,114 80; balance on hand May 31, $593,232 88. A half interest in the coal leases recently effected by Z. G. Eldred, William Randolph and M. M. NoyeB has been tranaferred to the Ohio and Pennsylvania Coal Company, which has its headquarters at Cleveland, Ohio. These leases embraco the following farms about four milea west of this city: Lafïerty, 200 acres; Phillips & Robertson, 50 acres; Strand, 79 acres; LaRue, 129 acres, and Dr. Tnnnicliff, 35 acres, aggregating in all 494 acres. These pieces of land have been respectively prospected with the exception of Mr. Strand's farm, and veins of coal discovcred uuder them varying in thickness from three feet two inches to four feet two inches, and of excellent quality. M. D. McGarry, superintendent of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Company, was in this city yesterday, and with the Michigan Central Railroad officials visited these lands. lt is expected that arrangements will be made for locatiug and laying the necessary side-tracks without undue delay. These eoal-fields lie on both sides of the Michigan Central Railroad, and it ia intended in about ten days to begin ninking a shatt and prepare to mine the coal. - Jackson Patriot. The northern rivera are one mass of loga. Tittabawassee is one complete jam for a distance of 45 miles, the Pine is full for 12 miles, the Chippewa 18, and the Betsey 12. The destruction by fire of the liarnum Honne,the finest hotel in the Upper Península, at ishpeming, llarquette county, May 23, was complete. The total loas is nearly f 100,000. Mr. Nelson, the proprietor, had some $40,000 insurance. He proposes to rebuild at once. H. 8. Elson also lost $1,100; Prof. H. Olcott. f500; Geo. W. Hayden, f300; other guests loat clothiDR, jewelry, etc. A little son of George Parker of Vicksburg, Kalamazoo county, was drowned May 30. A !ad named James Trengrolf, aged 8, was drowned in the lake at Houghton May 27. The Huron Bay slate quarry at L'Anse was Bold at auction by the sheriff, May 24, for ten tbousand dollars. It was bid in by the bondholdtrs. James Burk, a young man, while at work for a farmer three miles nortli of Wayne, waB Btruck by lightning May 29 and instantly killed. Hls parents reside two miles east of Dearborn. Afamüy consisting of a father, ïmitlier and several childreu arrived at Eaut Saginaw, May 30, having traveled the cntire distance from Buffalo to that )oint in a small open boat. The trip occnpied about a montti, and when they reached the salt city they had 110 provisions of any kind. They were on their way to makc a home in our north woods. Capt. James Daltun's saw-mill, at Whitehall caught fire frum the spark of a passing ferry aboat two o'clock Suuday moruing and burned to the ground. Loss about twelve thousand dollars; insured for eleven thounand dolar. Two Polanders, named Pawlaski and Saba, each lost a child 7 years old at Manistee on Baturday. The ohildren were playing on loga, in Shrigley's boom, when one of them feil in, and while the other tried to reseue the drowning ohild they both got under the logs and were drowned. The bodies were recovered. At the Mt. Olemens city election Monday, for Mayor to nll vacancy cauBed by the death of Joshna B. Uickinson, late Mayor of that city, George M. Crocker, Demoorat, was elected by a majority of eighty-eight. The monthly report of salt inspection showB a product of 171,384 barrels in May; total to date, 534,370 barrels. The Otsego county Supervisors have appropriated $1,100 for the buiding of a new court honse at Gayiord. Professor Steere, of the University, hcads a party of scieutiiic excursionists to the Amazon this summer to oollect specimens in natural history. Mr. Cyrus Wise's logging camp, 13 miles east of Hanistee, was destroyed by tire a few days since. Loss about $2,500. Presque Isle County Advance: It ia nut generally known that upwards of 28,000 punnds of tobáceo were raised by the farmers of Presque Isle county last year. Most of the tobáceo raised in this county is grown here, and when carefully manufactured is of very superior quality.


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