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The Ohio Campaign

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For tberongh-going politics commend Tij to th" state across the border. Obio . i firblific in po'iticiang on either sida. , No ptate in the Union, not even New Torlr or Pennsyhrania, with mueh lnrppr pipulations attraots equal attention si the politioal eye. lf a new issue is brought out it is apt to be born in the Buckoyo.stato. These facts are becoming o prominent that almost every Ohioan beHeves hiraself eligiblo to the presi■fircy. ïhe primary cause of the at♦nnl'ton this state reoeives is not wholly Ano to the faot that so nifiny statesraen iDrtko it thcir home, but to the additiona! faot that she holds her olection in Ootober. It ha? come to be believed that this olootion presages national oampaigns, ana that aa she goes, to a preat extent the result ia foreshadowed ia the grand national contest following. Certain it is, as she has given her vote in similar elections in the past, they have been suceeeded with like victories in contests of a inonth later. The peculiarity of Ohio politics, unlüic that of anyothér state, is contained in the phraso"Ohio idea." It is of local significance. It prevails no where rlse, seeming to take root in this comroonwralth, the infection going no further thai Ier bcunñaries. It is explained by tLo sta'ement that the isBuej maintained by the National party tüko a strong hold upon tho Democracv of the state. Her leading representativo men, notably Mr. Thurnian held other flnancial views until a recent date ; but the party became so strongly imbued with the doctrine of National faith that ho was borne on with the tido. Even Secretary Sherman has been half' seas over, and Ihe rank and file of the Eepublioan party incline eomewhat to soft money. This "Ohio idea," is not strpng enough to ïnako itself feit in National conventions. It did not in 1876, nor will it in '80. Being so small a factor in a convention coniposed of delogates from the remaining thirtyseven state3, her pet theories as to finance are lost sight of. Eut in a local election tbis "idea" is invested with great importanco, und particularly so l)y the nomination of Mr. Ewing for Governor. Ile stands ia the front ranks as an early and consistent champion of the"Ohio idea." Whatever may bo thonght of the financial platform of the Democrats in ühio outside tho state, thoir ticket is Btronger for that latitnde than the Eepublican nomiuations. The republioans started out to inake their oampaign turn on a revival of sectional issúes, wit.h a candidate, Chas. Poster, ■who, at thirty-three years of age and in vigorous constitution at the date of breaking out of the war, refused to go to the frout, preferring to stay at homo and coaduet a country store. Ewing shouldered his musket at the first tap oí the drum and shared the perila of oampaigns throughout the long trying ordeal, and carne out of the bloody conflicts with a brilliant reputation for bravery, a General. So did Americus V. Eice, the candidato for Lieutenant Governor on the samo ticket, fighting through the war and losing a leg on Ihe field of battle. With such candi - dates the Republicana are staggered, and their contemplated issue, viz : Fighting the battles over ftgain, is, before the campaign opens, dead as Julius Ceasar. When these two tickets are fsirly placed sido by side before the poople of Ohio, and their antecedents are fully undorstood, there will not be much war talk on the part of Foster nd Compauy of the stay-at-honie brigade. Ohio is indeed a close state. In 1878 the Repubüc.ins polled 271,120 votes the Demócrata 270,960. and the Greeubackera 38.3;i2. In 1877 the vate stoodDein 271,625; Rep. 219,100; Hat. 10,912. In 1876 the liepubliean plurality on President was 7,516, but the actual majority was )e.s than 3.000. The reader will observe that with a small per centage of the Greenback vote - and Mr. Ewingis liable to receive the largor share a bolt haying occurred in the Greenback conventión held on the saaie dav the .Democratie notumees are pretty eure of' winning the contest. The resolutions adopted in the Democratie convention will bo found on the first pago öt this paper. Tho Ohio Democratie Convention wbich put two Union soldiers at the head of ita tickot, wa3 presided over by a third, the gallant GeneralJames B. Steedman' In his spech on taking the chair, General Steodman related thatafter the battle of Chiekaniauga ho was Bummonod to Washington and called upon Lincoln. Tho President said : "What would have becomo of us in this war had it not been for the fighting Democrats of the northweat? 1 will teil you. Tho robels would be in the Capítol to-day. The fact is, our partyjs made up largoly of religious and ayrapathetic people, and thoy don't taake iirst-class soldiers." We invite to thlsanecdote the special attention of any Eepublican who has laborod under the aelusion that his party is entitled to all the glory of "putting down tho rebellion." Secretary of State Jenney senda tho Aegus the following statistics : The erop and stook reporta of 49(5 townships, received at this office, representing 53 oounties, show that there were 1,244,790 sheep sheared in 1878, yielding 6,062,242 pounds of average of 4.87 pounds per head. They also show that tho number of sheep in the sarao townships in 1879 was 1,310,320, whioh is 19.99 per cent more for said townships thanin 1874, as shown by the census of that year. If there has been a corresponding inoreaso throughout the State, there will be 1,982,114 sheep shearod the present year, and the total clip, at the samo average per head as in 1878, will be 9 652,895 pounds. Distinguished gentlemen Bishop Cheney, E. Payson Porter of Chicago, Kev. F. Bagley of Detroit, Prof. E. Olaey of Ann Arbor and Rev. E. B. Pope of Ann Arbor, aro included in the list of speakers announoed to address the Michigan State Sabbath School Asaociatiou to bo held


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