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T. And A. A. Railroad

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James I!. Gott, Ewj., oalled the meeting to order tirui nomínate 1 ex-noyor Kinne chnirmar., whieh was ratitiud by those present. Upon taking the ohair Mr. K. addressod the assemblage sis folio ws: 1 thank yon for the honor and regret thiit some One preparad was not, oallud to the chair. Ho i'elt camoatí y the need of a continuation of the road to Pontiac. Thig enterpris? wilt depend perhaps upon what we do here to-night. If we can accomplish this we shall have all the outlets we nood. This is an opportunity we cannot nlford to lose. It semns thera is no doubt for contioversy. Judge Lawrence enllerl npon sairl he subscribed $200 for the road. He didn't know inucli about railroads. If there ia only wantod $10,000, thero ought to be ten men to subscribe the amouut. If wo don't seize this opportunilv now the road inay go to Ypsilanti. lt we leave it to sorae future time we will look back regretí'ully. It ig strange that somo of our best men financially do not tako hold of this project. The wheat murket has bcen advaneed five cents por busliel since the road was built to Toledo. Tbe towns that taks interest in sucia enterprises aro those.that nmke the important business centres. There was more public interest foriy years ago than now. With our adviintages we are debating over the rtxising of the little ainount of $1Ü,OÜU. We o not run auy risk for the amount wul not be called for until the cnrs are running. Mr. Hamilton gaid it was about two ycarj since we began to raise inoney to buüd tho road to Ann Arbo. We raised $2",000 then, and the road hasanguiented businesa. AVe had a good railroad meeting at Pontiac. 135,000 bushels of wheat wore bought one vear ago. 00.) busbels huve boen boughc in Ami Arbor in the past ten moutbs. ïbat shoV3 tbe bunerits of the road. Wheat bas been brought here from near Ypsilanti and L)exter, and onr mercbants bave reaped benefits. Fuel bas been brought down in pnce ; coal has been roduced in prico; wood roduced from i" to s.'i.öO. Our manufacturing interests have looked up since. Mr. Green has ftgrced to pat on h coach and run it dileot from Columbus, O., to Lansing if we build this road. We want connection with the lumber regions of tbe north. To Detroit via. Salem station it ia only soven miles further and we can get better torms from the Central. Farmers are already holping us, and they can afford to for the price of' wheat bas been raised at least throe ewnts per el. $13,800 has beon paid tbein alone in this wy. Col. Dean said if the people along the Hnu would furnish $1,000 per mile eastern men would finish the rond. He believed unloss wc accept thíe proposition we shall go back to what we wero before the road was at all nudertakeo, He wiíbed to impress those present that we aro not asked to pay ona t'.irthing uutil the rond is corapleted. Mr. Cramer wished a dozen, indeed forty roads cuino to this city; the more the better. He could uot add anythiunto what had been said. Mr. Waldron said leading men of Pontiac guaranteed to bny viglit of way to crossing of Pure and Marquette. Unless wc act within the next thirty or sixty daya the grand opportunity is lost. If we can secure only the building of the road to Salem we shall have an jee io Detroit and lansing, whieh will be worth all we are asked to pay. James B. Gott said it seemed impossible to add nything to what had been said._ If it was not for the interest he feit in this matter he would not say a word. He found several gentlemen willing to sign $200; then they ran ngainst a snag. They attended a rousing meeting at Pontiao. Eeturning he thougbt he would try again. You do rot know where, gentlemen, you stand to-night. You don't know what you are Hable to lose. He had given largely for the road and had signed $200 to extend it, if he had to mortgdge property to raise it. If you are worthy of the road you will get it. The speaker offered the following resolution : Beiug assured that the people along the line of the proposed Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nortlieastern E. E., ara willing to co-operate with the citizeus of Ann Arbor in securing riht of way and Mibsaripüoii, and believnig that tho building of said road wonld be of great value, not ouly to Ann Arbor, but to the people alom the entire line; therefore, ; Resohal. That we bereby piedle the citizens of Ann Arbör to co-operate with the paople along tbo line and secure to the Toledo, Aun Arbor and Northnastern R. B. Co., the entire right of way from the city of Ann Arbor to vvhere sak! laihoad stiall cross the Fttñt and Pere Majquette rail way, in its courpt; to Pontiac, together with mie thousand dollurs per niiledonated subso'ription, to be paid as follows, to-vvit; One-third when said railroad is completed and tho cars are running from Ann Arbor to ttic uotroit, ij.insing nnd Northern 11. K. Ono-third when oomplotcd and the cars are running from Aun Arbor to the Flint and Pere Marquotte rail way. .Onethird whon completed and the cars nro running frora Arm Arbor to Pontiao. ProTided, the flrst nstallraent hall be void unless said Toledo, Ann Arbur and Northeastern 1Í. 11. U oompletod to the Detroit, Lansing and Northern li. B., on or before January 1, 1881. The second installment ghall be void unluss said road ia completed to the Flint and Pere Marquette It. II., on or before January 1, 1881. And the third installïneut shall bn void unless said road is oonipleted to Pontiac on or before January 1, 1881. Messrs. Valdron, Dean, Jas. B. Gott and A. W. Ilamilton addressed a meeting hold at Pontiac last week. Oov. Ashley was present and spoke. Proin an articlo m the Pontiac Gazette descriptivo of the meeting the following extract is made: The gentlemen composing the committeo from Ann Arbor, soverally "lrau L"e mtiüung, aisplaying au enthusiastio dotormination to heartily cooperate with Pontiao in getting out of the woods, into the broad open world of eompetingrailrnads to the four points of the compasa. Each gentleman for himself anrl for the committee pledged that they would take care of the right of wiiy, from Ann Arbor to the line of the F. & P. M. railroad, a distance of 21 to 24 miles, and nsked that Pontiao and intervening places east of that road, take care of the right of way, etc, from the 1. & V. M. railroad to Pontiac, a distance of botwoen 16 and 17 miles. Ten miles of right of way and 3,000 for the west división has been already raised by Messrs. Knapp and Pebbles of South Lyon. Michigan'snHW episcopal bishop, elocted in Detroit last week, Eev. Samupl Harris, D. D., is a native of Alabama, educated at Alabama University, and graduated at tho early age of 17. Ho took to tho law but possessing au inclination to the ministry soon disearded the legal profession. A splendid soholar, and preacher, deeply read in theology. moderate as a churehinan and sagacious as an administrator, he is among tho foro most of the episcopaliau clergy of tho Union. He was voted a salary of #3,000.


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Michigan Argus