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-First wool clip sold in Adrián at 28 cents. -Cora in ScofieLl has been injurcd by frost. - Hil latíale has one lnwjer for overy 200 inhabitants. - ScaHet t'ut-rr ig euooeeded by erysi ■ pelas - in Tecutnseh. - Win. ILtydün of Tuciirnseb is filling au order for flour frum Ireland. -Mr S. W. Batry of JEmuieÚ dieá wbile yisitíng frieuds in Albion, ií. Y. - The cinliLT wurm h duatr.jying ] youngorchiird for Win. GKdley of lUisin. -A firo in Ilylly, on Tuesday evcning of lnst vfuek consume:! $20,000 worth of property. - Jaundicc tooit awiy Guo. Kappler, one of Coldwaturs' most prominant (Jerman citizens. - Sally Barber of Fairfleld, 72 years ofago, with econd eye aight, bu the whooping cougb. - Georgo Canrike bronght to Coldwator a black walant log soalod 1,400 íeét of lumbar. - D. ü. Hibbard of Jaokson, is now one-half ownerof theborte "Tekonsha," at Coldwater. Price pui ), $1,000. -The Battle Creek ofïicers have tli o material for a faro bauk on hand- also the three bankers vvho managed the cern. - A Kalamazoo physician claims tbat he is treatine a case of geóuine laprosy, and the patiënt is in a fair way to rccovor. - Six divorcos - and t wasu't a very gooddayfordivorces,either--weregTanted in oiio day iu Judgo Morris's oourt in Adrián. - Sliding into a deep hole, the curront dsawing hitn uuder, Eobert Poweil, uge 1G, of Fnuikliu wa3 drowned wliilo washing sheep. -Male nnd fomale students at Alblon college will r.ot bo allowed to room in the same house heraafter, unless they are brothers and sisters. - A gray - boarded, r.ranky, ausiere chap named W. M. Dnnton hailing frora Adrián gelling iiiRsonic oharts, is writton up ns on(; of tlie deadast of dead buati. - Robert H. JMorrison, about reportad embezzlemeat of $1;000 from Odd Pellowg, published far and wide, was tried at Ingliam circuit last week and founá not guilty. - JusticH Joliiel Davidson, of TecnmspU, puts in his timo botweon demurrers, plea, mbuttals, surrebnttals, rejoïnders, replications, judgmentg, exjoutiona, in Belling choioe house planta. -Som Frenoli of Blissfleld, threatens to make it hot for the partios who confiroatad his ousbion at the Presbyterian ohm-üh. IIo gays obnroh assats should be exempt from levy or theft. - Wm. Gobcl of Kalaroazoo, was out on a lark a few nights ago, and with some fellow carousers assaulted a negro, who very properly shot at the ilook. He missed several, but winged Uobcl in a dangorons manner. - Ed. Kent of Hadson, publishes a no tice that ho has left Mrs. Kent for jus) causo and provccation, and wrm't furnish her pin-monoy or pay any of hor debtsThis is a no-i odition to Kent's Gommentaries.- Adrián Prest. - If tho Ionians will sell what I the D., L. & N. railroad requires at the priccs fixed by that Corporation, they may keep the railroad machino shops; but it not, Lansing stands a chanco of socuring them. So the Ionia papers seem to believe. - A young man of Wheatfield offered an $80 sewing machine and a young co'w to the girl between 18 and 24 who would set the best table on the fair ground, doing her own cooking, and then marry him. The youth, hovvever, has siuce inarried. -Mr. Hatch, the high toned chickon thief lately arrested at Kalamazoo, kept a diary of his misdeeds. It is of great service to the sheriff since Hatch was gathered in. Chickens, gold pens, books, clocks, etc, were the articles he mostly yearned for- and took. _ - Jackson Patriot: Sr. f„r lnt ,y little wool has appeared in this market. ' The prices for different grades are as yet hardly fixed, but 25 cents would at present be paid for ordinary washed, and 28 or 30 cents for fleeces extra long and of superior quality. - An irate Petersburg woman drove a young scion of tho law, hailing from Dnndee, out doors, and made the air behind him black with brooms, sticks, coal souttles, &c, &o., &o., beoause he didn't answer up like a man, whon she asked himif lus atteutionsto her daughter meant business. - Kar! Pesth, a Germán mili hand, was found lying on the railroad track near Riga, Lenawee oounty, last week unconsious from a terrible fracture ot' the skull. His watoh and money were gone, and saspicion attaches to two of his fellow workmen with whom ha had been drinking tho night previous. - AVarren Drapor of Pontiao, refdied to appear against Minnie Stovens, the Detroit demirnondc, wbo, infatuated 1 his pampering and petting, and afte ward maddened by joalousy, attempte to send a bullet whirling tbrougb h head. Disohargod sho is now the heroii of her kind. - A numbor of years agoa fellow f ron Kentucky camo intoCalhoun Oounty, i this State, and commenced rnarryiug. Ha married a socond one at Throe Eivers four years ago. In about a your after ho niarried a young womao at Mendon, and somo threo months ago he woed and won a young and very pretty girl iu Brady, of most respeotablo parentage.- She is not all he has married, for ho owns up to having fivo wivos and that he commenoed the business when he was 1G years old. He says he will go to Jaokson, servo his time, and when ho gets out ho will continue marrying till eaught again. A complaint was . yostorday by the father of thtí Brady girl before Justice Allen, and the matter will have a hearing soon. Offioer Boekelo caught the bigatnist near the paper ruill Monday evenin. lic; seerns to be a perfeotly reckless fellow. He is in a safe place nowinthcjail. Hisnataeis Erana, but he has a nutnbor of aliases.- [Kalamazoo TeUgraph. Judge Cooley has deeided that the auditor-general of the state hasno power to adjourn a tax salo frora one year to another.


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