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TILI.'S OPERA HOUSE. 1 A C. J. Wiiitkey, Lessee and Manager. Return by universal desire. One Night Only ! Saturday, June 14! The management takafl ploasuro in unotratODg u..u H tan iuducocl thegreatShakespearianArtiste" MISS LOUISE POMEROY, To appeur at flie Opera House in ber wondertul ren.linon of KOSALINü, in Bhakpeare', Exquisito Comed y of "AS YOÜ LIKE IT." Supportcd by the Popular Tragedi.m, AVILT.IAJI H. LISAKE as JACQUES, Wíí'; his„ciitssical rendilion of the " Seven Axea and her New ork Company of Artint and Schd ropuLAR Pjuobs- Ï6, 50 and 25 cents. Xo extra ?ewSryTorTCrTed BeatS' DW " Sale at '" Ill'Ctioil "U'itll DiV WHOLESALE Boot, Slioe i Leate BTJSIISTESS, I have opened a Department, At48SJMainSt., Where will bo found a complete assortment of Men's, Ladies', Boy's, and Children's BOOTS and SHOES of my own manufacturo. CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY [ HENRY KRAUSE. i t i I dntrioua. Capkal not raqnir tfiittiLE we "''" slart !""■ Men 0 TtJ? 1$f wi inil .„, boy and sfris niako mnney faster at work lor us than ;il anything else. The is lighl and pieasant, and mh]i nsnyone esn go rieh( i Those rhn re wise who te.' thls notice wil] send üa theïr ea i1 onoe and .-,■ . for themelve, Oostly o.itflt end terma trea. Now ia tbs time. Toe ala'-", y :"n,1',":' Ñ,1"'1' ■lr"!y l large suma of mony. Addreaa TBÜB & CO., Augusta, Malpe A NEW GROCERY! AT 16 EAST HURÓN STREET, GASPAR RiNSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, ompriüing averything in tlie lino at bottom prices L-aod pureband excliuively fot cash. Krmn nlongexperienccin tlio Ira.lo, rctuil nnil holesnle, li a beliüvx's lio ciiii goll gooas aa cheap as ie ctaeapest. ' CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES ! All G'oods Warranlfid First-CIass. Farmera produce wantod fbiLwhich the highest sil prioe uil] be pald. $W" Remember the place, 16 East iuron Street, Ann Arbor. FTIïNITTJBE UPHOLSTERYI A.MUEHLIG 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Announces In the poMio Dk.i )„■ i, bettw than „n, furTnT !mPle SïES BED KOO7.I SUITES, PAELOE SUITES, SOPAS, TETEH, CHAIRS, etc, &c, At prtres wondorruliy low. CaI and see our stock. ■JTJNIVEKSITY TONSOBIAL - AND - Satii Sooiïis I o . 'AI.I. AND 8EE on;, CIGARS & TOBACCOS. Tl;v OUB ZFITTIEJ CE3NJ-T CIGAIÏS, Chewing and Smoking Tobáceos. TONSOTiTAI. ROOM-aU white operators. Hair Cutting, 8hamPooina, and Sbaving, in the best mi latert styles. SatUfaction guaranteed. THE ONLY BATH KOOMS TX TUF ( rri . C ENTS A BA.TH. TOO CU KAL' TO O DIÜTY! Ko. 5 x.„-tli Majo straat, Aun Arl.or. Jj-XJBCHUTT JINSISY & SEABOmÍ Bakefy, Crocery, AND , FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Weïeepcontantly on liona BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, For Wholeaa) mui ïtctaü Trade. We slmll alao keep a anpplyot J. W. Swift & Co'g Bet White WUeat Vlam; Bye i'lour, lïukivlicat Flonr, Cora IVTeal, reed, &c, &c, Are. At wholesala and retafl. A generei stock of G-EQCERÏES AND PEOVISIONS eonsiaotly oa band, which wiUbesold on m reasirms as at any otlier house in the city " ' '■ ':íner.nV.fOr " yWiyerodto any part of tl.o city, -ithRINSET & SEABOLT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1S79. LEGAL N07ÏCES. Estáte of Rebekah Walker. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY tO of Watbtenaw, bs. At n seseion of the Probate Conrt fir the Couuty of Washtemra-, holden ;ii the 1 róbate Office, in the city of Aon Ari.ur, on Wedneaday, the elcventh day of June, in the year one tnousnnd ewht hundred and seventy-nine rresent, William 1). Haiitman, Judftof Trohate In tlie matter of tlie estite of Eebekah Walker deceased. ' On rraidinsr and filine the petition diily rerifioil of C. Page, praying tlmt a oertain instruni' ut now 011 file in tliis Court, purporting to be the laat Will and Testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that lie ruay be appointed exiculür thereof. Thereopon it ia ordered, that Monday, the sevonth day of July next, at ten o'clock i'n the aaaigped lor the hoariiif; of said petition.n.i.i (hal thé devíseos, légate and bei re al law pi Bttid. deceased, and all -other persons interested in said estáte, ure rcouired to nnnear t a session (.1 said court, then to be holden at tl Iro.üvte OUice in the city of Ann Arhor, iiu' show cause, if any there bo, wliy the praye] of the petitioner ahould nol begranted: And H 1 iurther orderec1 that said petitioner giv( ïiotice to the persons interested ia said estáte of the pcudency of said petition and the hearing thercot, by oausing a oopy of tliis order to be publishefl in the Michigan Anaos, a newspaper printed and oireulated in said county, tlirue suecessive weeks previoua to Baid düyof hearing ,, . W1LLIAM D HAKBIMAN, w tr"e5Py-) Judge of Probate. Wm. Q. Doty. Probate Heïister. JCstate of Jacob Berry. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUXTY KJ of Washteuaw, 88, Notiee ishereby Kven that bjan order of the Probate Court for the C'ounty of VTashtenaw, mnde on the ninth day oí Jun, A. D. W79, aix roonths from that date wcre allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte ol Jacob lieiry, late of said county aeceased, and that all croditors of aaid deceased a requlredto present tlu-ir claims to .said Proba Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann A nor, iorexammation and allowance, on or bef the mnth day of December next and th such elamis wil] be heard before said Court o ruesday, the ninth day of September, and o luesday, the uiuth day of December next, at te o clock in the iorenoon of cach of said days Dated, Ann Arbor, June 9, A. D. 1ST9. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, 24w4 Judse of Probate. Estáte of Nathan Buzzanl. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT NJ of Washleninr, ss. At a session of the Proba Oourt lor ihe County of Washteoaw, holden a unJay, the 8 "'f'.Piiñ'iA1;!)eorjf?, ll thousand eiM handrea and sevcnty-nine. Present, WilliamD. Harriman, Judgeof Probate In tlie matter of the estáte oí Nathan Buzzari deceased. On readiiig and SHng the petltlon, dnly vertfled of Benjamin B, Nichols, pnying that he muy be' Iioened to Bell Uie real estáte whareof said doceaseil lifl selzed Thereupon it is orijered, that Wednesday, the ninth dny of .luly next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing oí said petition and thut the heirs at law ot said deceased, and alí other persons mterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a Bession of said Court, then to be holden at the l'robate OiHce in the city of Ann Arbor, and sliow cau?e, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioners should not be tjrnnted: And it is further ordered that saiil petitionera giTe notice to the persons interested in paid estale, of the pendency of said petition, nnd the hearing thoreof, liy causin" a oopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Aiígu, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three auecessive weeks previuus to eaid dar oí hearing. WILL1A1I D. HARRIMAN, (A trae copy. ) Judpre of Probate. Wm. O. Dotï, Probate Register. Itcal Estafo for Bale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COTTNTY kJ oí In the matter of the estáte ot Russell Brigg, jn incompetent porton. Notice M bereby l-,v,„. thal in purraance rf nn order íN, othomKlrrsined, pfnardian of the sald RnaseU Brigjby the Kon..!,,.! ■„ für heoooDty ot Washtenawon the third day of June A D.1879, there wil! ba gold t pulilie verdue, to' he lnghcet bidder, at the residcnce of saitl Russell !ri-L's, m the townnhip of Saline, ín the county of d ashtenaw m s State, on tuf TwrxY-s. vran daï ofJüt.y, A. D. 18T9, at teu o'clock o i the toren,. on of that day (subject to all o irancas by mortgage or otberwue erlaUnïatth I me ot the Ie i thefollowtag de.ortbed re.T esta" ' 7' : , rh%S"' llllf of nortbeart quarter U chon wo K) and tWenty arres on the east slde f he west huif of the northeast qnarter of anction ti to (2), ail m lown fHM)iouth range flve (6) al s (Saline), Washtenaw Co.mty InMiohigan re Isothlrty Bye (SS) acres on the west sideof the te Mt halfoi thenorthweat qnarter of seotlon one A i. tmvn iour(Ds,iHlh rntiRe flve (5) eaat (Salina) U aihteoaw Counjty in MicUgan. Also the A t quarter of section tliirty live, to-wn three (3i n ntk range live eaat (Lodij, Vashje„aw Coui.ty i p Iw8?"; , , MYBON WEM), Guardian. In JJated, June 3, 1S79. ti. Nolire of Cluiiicery Order. OTATE OP MIOHI8AW, THE CIRCTjrT ö C'ourtfor theCuunlj of Washtenaw, in Chaneery. Almira Thompson, CompIniDant. vs. 8üm Thompson, IX'fendant. Waahtenaw County, bs. It attafaotoiily njpearing to me that Silna Thompaon, the defendaifi is a non-resident of flus State, on motion of Cramer, Frueauff & Corbin, solicltora umi of counsel lor thfl oomplaiuant, it a orderetl that the said detendant, Silna ThompsoD, cawe bla appearanoe in thisoauseto beenttrea withln three montha In.m tbedateo) thia order, and that in case of hia appearanoo he canse his anaver to the complainant'B MU cf aomplaint to nu led in tliis cause and a copy thereof to lo aerred on the complniuant's iolicitora wit hm twenty daya ftr due service of a copy ot aaid bill on the defendant or lus solicitor and a Ilo.',lc.e f, """ "ffler, and in default, thereof that tha sHid bul he taken a conftased 1" the said dafendant. And It is further ordered that within twenty daya tbeaaideomplalnait oanse h notice ot Iliis order to he pnbltshed in 1 ho Mkiiioan Akgos, a weekly papor printed In the olty of Ann Arbor, in said county, and that the said publloation bcontlnued in BHJd paper al easl once in eaon weck for sx auccewive reeks, oz that she cause aeopyof this order to be penonally serred on thesaiddefendant, Silna 'I hompson, at lenst twenty daa beloro the time above prescribed lor bia appearance. Datcd, Aun Arbor, May 8, 1879 ÏAMEH SioMAHON, Circuit Court Commisaioner for Washtenaw County, Mich. S i orbik, öulicitors and of Cuunsel for Cornplainant. LEGAL NOTICES. Cliancery Siiic. - WTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRCUIT COI! t? ,r Ttí1%Co!1"ty -uf Waahtenaw, i„ Ghanoi Deunt H. Taylor, Guardian of Artliur H Ch. { plin, eomplainant, Ti. Tracy W. Koot and Ezn .,, Seaman, deferí danta. ín pursuimee and by vir (, ol a flecree oí aaid Cnnrí made and entered bv e ,. Court in the at ove entitled cause, on the 23d d.v "■ ,a'ViU"'í',' D' Notice is liereby ffiV(fn tbl Bhallsellnt public auolicm, to the hirfiest birle , 011 MOKDAT, THB fclXTKr.NTJI HAY OF .TtNy, A. r lf),O,at teno'elock in tbe eantfr door of the Court House, in tbe city of Ann Art .f ■"; "t W aslitcna and State of Michiiran ,. following aesorined real estáte, being the bh e mentioned and described in said desree, to -n e All tlmt oertain pico,, orparoe] of Luid ituated d tbe County of Waahtenaw and State of Michia known.boundedanddesoribecl as follows to w e Baginntag at a take tivv ehams north of the een e ol eection number twenty-eight in township t . BOuth i range six eaat on tbs quarter line and n ' 5ri"?'heSeeMt5aralleltotnenortl: line of For i nill Cemetery as it hot runs on tbe east and wt qiiarterliiK' twenty chaina and thirtyfive Unl e thonce north torty six minutes east siïtcer. ohai j and eighty-eight links, thence eouth èfchty-seT r aegreeg and htty-six minute! jrest eighi chaina a j thirty-nmo links, thance Borftheasterly nlnn- t e '"'st bounds of lands now owned by ITolmañ a O I ooiesix chaina and seventy tbence wi . parallel to the eaat and w( st qnatter line twel ; cnanis and fifty links, thencesnuth on the nuarl r !et,en'ï?JSf and etxty-fonr links to the land - h ; „ A motto'liepliU'cr'' b'-i:min? A1 the foUo-wingdesoribed pan! of land dtnatein t BBme township and range, county and state afot aud, .beginning at the poini vbere the half nnart lmebetween the east and west halves of the norl east quarter of said seetion number twentT-efe ïntcrsects the middle of the ravine eight ohai and two niks north of the northeast corner hor eet Hill Gcmdery R-rounds, thence northeastei along the middle of tbe ravine to the Huron riv thence along the sonth and west bank of said ri er to the north and south half quarter line of Ba qnatter section, thence south along said half qu'a ter line to theplace of beginnitig-, contamine abo, tm acres of land mora or les. All of the almdesenbod lands being the same purchased bv sa Tracy -W . Root of l'hiletiw Starka and wife, Hem V. Alderton and wife, Jacob Volland and wife, ar Charles T. Wilmot and wife, and supposed to ooi tain about thirty-three acres more or leaa, togeth. with the heredita.nonts and appurtenances ther "'April 201" D?ís7V"lyK'SC :ll)1)erUlÍnÍngJAMES McMAHON, Circuit Court Commissioner in an A cv '2r ,h(! Countyof Washtenaw. A. Jjelch, Esq., Sohcitor tor Complainant. Estáte of Flsohem - minors. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, C0UNT1 kJ of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Pro bate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holde: at ; ine Probate Ofhcfl in the city of Ann Arbor, oi oneti,o,s;;1.ili.ív'ni;!nr.rV'1-í'H';í,iü:',';' in th_e y Lewis i-herran' On reading and flling the petition, duly verifled of Leonhard Gruner. Ruardian, prayinV that )' ímh!óeresnS tO SeU the Ieal e6tte toSSg t! Thereupon It is ordered, that Tunsdar, the flrst day of July next, at ten o'clock in the oreooon, be assiirned for the hearing of said petiu.n, and that the next of kin of said minor. è rei, ," 7 persons 'nterested in said estáte re required to appear at a Bession of said ourt then to be holden at the Probate office in he city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if anv here be.why the prayer of the potitioner sho üd ot be granted : And it is further ordered that nd petitioner give notice to the persons iuïested in said estáte, of the pendency of said etition, nd the hearina eanaing acopy UüB order tobe publiahed in the Michigan Ab ra, a newspaper priuted and circulating in said "oThKr6"1!8 WCek3 Preou8?to said ,.,„„„ ". WILLIAMD.HAERIMAN, So', Probate Kegist'c6 ' MEsteta of Jolui O. Groe2ingcr TATE OF MICHIGAN, UOUNTY nrtfZ'lïr mWi "", 4Í a session of the Probate i. f, l K CouIlty of Washtenaw, holden at the ? íte fl heSln th,eTCity of Ann n Th h't hf.nd rt yf June' in the ytaronethouaund irnt hundred and seventy-nine Piesent, William D. Harriman', Judge of Probate, eceasea matter of thoe8tl"e of John G. Groe2inSer, On rcading and filing the petition, duly verified Lconard Gxuner, piaying that administraron '■Aon may be eranted t0 some suitable Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the thireb day of June next, at ten o'clock in the ■renoon, be assiancd for the hearing of Raid petiun, and that the heirs at law of said decensed ,? d íerPerSOnSÍIlterestecl iu Bail1 estáte, are quired to appear at a session of said court, then be holden at the Probate Office in the city of nn Arbor, and ahow cause, if any thore be, why : e prayer of the petil on.r should not be granted ■ : nd it is fnithcr ordered that said petitioner giré ! tice to the persons interested in said estáte of the ndency ot aaid petition and the hearing thereof cansmg ■ oopy of thia order to be published in' l f.LÍÍÁ?.E!La ""PP Print nd ! R TTi -"""'J jnree successive weeks preTious to smd dnyof hearin' WILLIAM IJ. HAURIMAN, ft #S 1 A WEEK in your own town, aml r Ik. M M ? "I11'"1 risk.-d. Yon can give the 1 BJiW B 1 ,';'"■■"■" 'ss a triul -n-illiout. expense, f OMidoal tSebusJneM We offer. Cfon itoexpiKa " 8. You can dvot all yourtime or onl your ' pare time to the buatness, and raake neai wV for ' en. 8end for special private terma and particuTrs, wlnoli we muil net, 85 Outfit fruc nón't mplaln of hard time „hile v,m hïrasuen , Addre H. HALLEtí co! rortiaiidt " lift ad BB g% f TO 6000 A YKAK, or te 'Ú H SU 9 il '-' l.v in your own 1„. tl, BBl i "'sl,. WcMiiendi. ■' Ü I SJrUBJ "s ''" ■'"■■ Manymake ' ■ f' # % ""'ri' tlinn Hih ainmiiitstaal in-il-o „ r , tcd alove. No om can f'ail th , ;'; m'"'yl Any one can do the vork iu oan mate from M cto. to Ï2 an hour by di-votre. íyonrerontog and apare time to the BuaineM -:" oostanothingtotrytfie bnainen. r?othiag Uke o ?nej makiuievei offered before. Busine ll" "ant and trieSy honorable. 1: lor, r ,u mtto knowalJ aboul the best pkylng boJae in the Pable, nd „ your adSress "and we wil] Q sLss toi LEGAL NOflCES. Mortgasre Sale. LIRT T)EFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE :ery. -f condltuma of a certain mortgage hearing datff ,an,. the eleventh day of July, o;.c tho'usand ewlit I ra C. ared and seventy-six, mude and exccuted byCbarles irtue (ivinnerand Elizabeth (iwinner, his wife hoth of said the village of Manchester, Washtenaw' County y0f Michigan, wraortgagors, to John Conrad Binder lat I of the i.ownship ot ISridgewater, countv of Washtfri tder, naw and State of Michigan as mor'fagee and LD. rccordcdonthotwentyftret day of AuA . Vont 1S76, at 214 p. 51., in liber ál of mortjjaee, olí nní ■bor, 691, in the office of the Register oí Delu ?m tía ,th county of.Waehtenaw, Michigan , and morTl!. „me fixtT day having elnpaed ince default was mad wit : in tlie pnyment of interest nd principal due there■d in uy accnrding to the terras of said mortgage and the gan, note accompanyfag the nos, givmg the mortgngeewit : the rfght to elect that the whole som of principal nter q tatereêt should be due and oTring at once and two tnafd mortgagee baving so made his elertion niid there. beingelaimcd to he due on said mortrest gage anfl tlie note aforementioned at the date of pest tlnsnotico the gum of ninc hundrwl and two dolik,, tor, jnd no proeeeding at law or in equity barton uns been institnted to recover tho smc or anv nart ven thereof: lotice is heroby givcn thatfcy anti virtuc of a oet 01 salo in smu motttaet contlie tau..-l,;1iiilor thestatutein such cases made and a.ul proyidrd I shall sell at public auction or vendue-, rest tn the hignest bidder, on Saturday, uk TVkhit. L.lve Sixth dato Jra,T,A.D. i-7ü, ,-,t ten uYlock i„ rter ■ "' forenbon of said day, at the south door of the 1 of Court House (that biinir the place for holding tlie Uso circuit conrt for the eonnfy o Washtenaw, Michitlic 8n). Ih" prïmfees (iesershec! in snid mitteage 1 roHows. towit: All thosc eertaín píeces oí pírcete rter of land sitúate and heing ín the TiUaffe of Ma chester, in thecjuntyot AVashtennw and Stato of ht Miehtgan, and lieins: more particularly defcribed in ins a deed riven by Christopher Kntz, his wife nnd „f Jacob Kat: and Anna Mary Katz, his irife, of the Tly townshif of Manchester, county nd Slate afore■er, Charles (winner, and Ileinp recorded ia rlv he Iieister's Office of Washtenaw county in liber aid 63 of deeds, on page. 729, on the 17th day of August. ar. ISW; and also iu a deed given hy John W Oown ,„t indDoicasCowiin, his wife, of the town of Sharon „-,, county and State aforesaid, to Charles Gwinner' ,id and beinjr recorded in the Eegister's Office of ny ashtenaw county. in liber 62, pa;e 610; and also ,nd in a deetl piven by William H. and Cedelia Bessai, ,n. hfa wife, of Manchester, county and Staie afor 'ier faid to Charles Gwinner, and being recorded in. the Register's Ofticeof Washtenaw county in liber M, page 432 "''n? expressly hereby intended by the partios of the hrst part that thh mortear is to cover their entire interwt under the last men„d tioned three deeds. The said premises 6eins deBcnbRd in the deeds above mentioned, as fofloire. towit: Paitof lot numberseven in block mm' _ ber three in the village of Manchester, beginman at the northwest corner of said lot thence south on a parallel line with the line of said lot sixty-two Y and one.half feet.thenco cast on a line parallel with thesonth lme of said lot thirty-two feet, thence en T , ' ?n ? llne P?rallel wh the eaet line of sid du iot sl,xt'-two and one half feet, thence west thirtytwo feet to the place of beginninc ; also being re I??,,'?!, gSèif "f Llg lt nunibe, ■ ehnster; also part of'lot'nu'nbvr" sc-ven" ií' bTóS T number three of the village of Manchester, begi. nins sixty-two and one-half ieet sonth of the d, .rYlwest corner of said lot, running thence eas ie ;h"-ty-two feet, thence south thirtv-eight feet thence west tbirty-two feet, thence ñorth thirty eiglit feet to the place of begin-ning. Said premises will be sold to sattsfv the amonnt so clainiéd to bo duewith the interest acerning after tjiis date anJ an attorney fee of thirty dollars provkJcd for ia '■ bv 'law ïE' an(1 'be C0St9 an1 PO"868 allowed ;.' Dated, April 22, 1S79. 0 r„ JHN CONRAD BINDEE, Mortgagee. j I Attorneys for Mortgagee. ! I Shoriffs Sale. 1 OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ' KJ of Washtenaw, ss. IraBassett vs. Noah Bte■ vens. By virtuc of a writ of execution issued 01U ot nd under the seal of the Circuit Court for th 1 county ot Wa.htenaw. in the above entitled cause and to me directed and delivered, I did on the n?nL teeiithdayof March, A. D. 187S, lery upon all tb ■ right tule and iutert st of Xoah Stevinsf the defen dantmsaidwritnamod, in and to thé followinjr described real estáte situated in the oountT o? V ashtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit Lotanumber seven 7j and seventeen ri7),ection fonr in Hisdon'8 plat of the village of Saline, town fonp south raoge iive eaat; also the east half of the soutbeaBt quarter of section thirt.y-three, town three south range flve east, county of Washtenaw, Mate of Micliijfan. Which nhove describe ril eI tato I shall sell at public vendue to the highest bidder at the north door of tho Court House in the ffi(h4DntírbO,r' inf8aid county of Washtenaw-I Dated, May 23, 1879. ______ JOSIAH S. CASE, Sheriff. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY 1 ?' „Wa"htslr. ss. In the matter of theestateof Jacob Bauer, deceasea. Notice is hereby given 1h4 in pursuance of an order mnted to the uñdcrMgned,adintatoítordebonnon of the estnteof ?Ht 7Tv ' 5; th Judge üf bobote for the lountyot Washtenaw, on the twt-Qtv-sixth dav of Pril. jr 187, theíe will be sola at public enduotothe highegtbiddw.atthe late rïsidenceSf sdid deceased, in Lodi, in the County of TVashtenaw in saffl State, on Wednesd.v, the o.Khteenth dav of June A. D. 187D, at ten o'clock in the foren ooi of that day (subject to all encumbrancea by mort. gage or otherwie existing at the time of the death of said deoeased.nnd also subject to the riirht of dowerot thewidow of said deceased m BaiS real estáte) the following described real estáte, to witlhe west half of the southwest quarter of section number thirty-one (31) and the west twenty (20) acres of the easthalf of the southwest munter of said section thirty-one (81) in town three f3) south range flve ( east (Lodi), in Michigan. And ton (10) acres of land off the northeast corner of the north sixty (00) acres of the cast half of the north9Mt quarter of section number thirty-six f36) in "iehf8 SOU'h r!iDSe fUr (4) ea8t Froe(i0l. Dated, April 26,1879. AAHOif L. FELDKAMP, Aduiinistrator de bonis noa Kstate of .loseph I. Barker. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY P or Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given hal by im order of the Probate Court for the CounV of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-sixth day of lay, A. I). 1879, six months froni that date wer llowed for creditors to present tbeir claims airainet ie estáte of Joseph I. Barker, late of said county, eceased, and that all creditors of said deceased ar -ijuircd to present their claims to said Probat ourt, at tho Probate Office in the city of Aun Arr, for cxannnauon and allowanco, on or before ie twcniy-slxth day of November next, ai.d that ich claims will be heard before said Court, on Tue ly the twenty-sixth day of August and on Wed. eday (he twenty-sixthday of November next, at n o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Albor, May 26, A. D. l70. WILLIAM D. HAERIMAN, Judgeof l'robate.


Old News
Michigan Argus