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Tlm twentielh anniveniary of ülivet College will be celcbrated during the week oommenoing Bunday, .luue 15. Bacoalaureate sermón by I'resident Butterfield, Sunday A. H. annual sermón beforo the College Missionary Society by Kev. J. 1Í. lïoy, D. D., Atlanta, Ga. Kxamination oL classes Monday, Tucsday and Wednesday. Commencement exercises Thursday. Concert in the evening. Keunions of college gradnates and of tho Phi Alpha Pi Society will ocour in connectiou with the anniversary; prize rhctorical exhibition addresacs, and the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees. Karl Peslh, a Germán mill-hand, was found lying on the Lake Bhore Kaïlroad track near Kiga, Lenawee county, Wednesday morning, unconsciousfrom a terrible fracture of the skull. His watch and money are gone, and suspicion attaches to two fellow-workmen, with whom he was drinking the evening before. His recovery is doubtful. WedneBday morning James A. Hill, of Kutland, was picked up dead in the field where he had been plowing. He died of apoplexy, aged GG years. He aa one of the oldest and best known oitizens of Barry county. Mies Lillie Oagood, of Lawrence, daughter of Koland Osgood, of Lawrence, attempted to commit suicide by taking arsenic Wednesday, and now lies in a precariouB situation. She will probably die. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Flint & Pero Marquette Hailway Company was held at lLast Saginaw Wednesday and elected directora as f ollows: Jesse Hoyt, New York; W. W. Crapo, A. H. Seabury, New Bedford, Mass.; H. V. Potter, W. L. Webber, East Baginaw; J. H. Prentiss, Chicago; Philo Remmgton. Ilion, N. Ï.;H. H. Fish, Utica, N. Y.; 8. P. Burt, Milwaukee. The earnings of the road from January 1 to May 21 were f 417,844, being an increase of $38,919 over the same period last year. Kev. Nathaniel West, of Cincinnati. O., class of 1846, has accepted an invitation to deliver the address before the alnmni of the University on alumni day of commencement week. A Ure at Grand Rapids Thursday morning destroyed about $35,000 worth of property. The principal losers are : Wm. Harrison, wagon manuf actory ; Ward & Skinner, sash and blind factory ; Rademacher & Bons, -croquet set makers ; and Dehns & Banks, box-makers. Allen Anscomb, a well known farmer living near Birmingham was fatally kicked by a horB6 Wednesday, and died almost instantly. Au incendiary fire at Holly on Thursday, de stroyed Pier's hardware store, Stone's dry go ods store and Mrs. Smoke's millinery shop. Thursday noon George L. Colweü's planing mili in Harrisville, with all its effects, waB burned to the ground. The fire is supposed o have originated from a heated Journal, when all hands were at dinner. Robert H. Morrison, the treasurer ef the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge, on trial at Mason for embezzlement, was acquitted Wednesday evening. Hon. James Birney, United States Minister to the Netherlands, reached Bay City SaturUay night on a visit to his home of about a mouth. He was most cordially welcomed by a great turn-out of his fellow citizens, headed by a band, and very hearty addresses were made by Mayor Wilkins, Hou A. O. Maxwell and Judge Marston, to which Judge Birney made a fitting response. At the State band tournament at Port Huron on Thursday thirteen Michigan and three Oanadian bands formed in close order on Huron avenue and played Hail Columbia in üninon. The cornet solo contest was held at Tity Opera House, for which there were eight entries, the prizes amounting to $2,000. The rlrst prize was won by Louis F. Boos; the Hecond by Louis Driscoll. Fully 5,000 people attended the races at Battle Creek, Friday. The three minute race was won by Lulu K. in three straight heats, Palma Recond. Best time, 2.40. There were seven entries in the 2.19 race and all started. Bonesetter took three straight heats, Lew Scott Beoond. Best time 2.25X. The total losses by the Holly fire amonnt to about $19,000, on which there waa an insurance of about $2,230. The county clerks are talking about holding a convention soon, for the purpose of agreeing upon a uniform system of collecting fees. They claim that they cannot now collect more than 50 per cent. of what is due them. Egbert Pattison of Alaiedon, one of the old pioneers of Ingham county, died May 25, aged 70. He ereoted the first house built by a white man in the township. He has been blind some 15 years. The annnal convention of the Diocese of Detroit met in Detroit on Wednesday evening and transacted the usual routine business. Friday was spent in balloting for a bishop to succeed McCoEkry. The clergy cast 22 votes for the Kev. George IWorthinsrton, of Detroit, to 1 for all others, but the laity refused to contirm this choice by a vote of 13 to 67. After many other ballots and attempts at compromiae the choice flnally feil on the Hev. Dr. Samuel Bmith Harria, of Chicago. Friday night some parta of Kent and adjoining counties were visited by a froat. Friday night the Thread Flouring Mills at Flint were destroyed by fire. Loss on building and contenta ahout $21,000. The State band tournament at Port Huron closed Friday evening. The first prize, $200, waa awarded to the Knighta Templar Band of Lanaing. A young man nametl Geary was drowned by the capsizing of a small boat near Kalamazoo önnday afternoon. A fire in Hamilton & McGregor's mili at Plint on Monday damaged property to the extent oL nearly $4,000. Miss LUI ie Osgood, of Lawrence, Van Buren county, whose attempt at suïcide by poison has already been chronicled, died shortly after. Charles L. Auge, manager of P. Ruppe's store at L'Anse, waa run over by the cara at that place, having both legs cut otF. He lived but three tours. Biahop Wertin, just choneu to the ltoman Cathohc aee of the Upper Península, at the aame time had a narrow escape from a similar late. The grove meeting of spiritnalists and liberalists at Goguac Lake, which commenced Sunday forenoon, waB attended Monday by iully 6,000 people. A boy named John Owens was drowned at Bridgeport, Saginaw county on the 6th. He had run away from school to go in swimming With some other boys. 'l'he Monroe county board of supervisors, who have been at loggerheada with the insurance companies relative to the amount to be allowed upon their burned court-house, have jnst settled for $12,932 50. They propose to rebuild at a cost not to exceed $14,' 00. The Flint riding park association have arranged for holding a meetinp July 4 and 5. A lamp exploded at the Sherman Houae in Flint Tuesday night. Lossea : C. B. Flandera, damage to building $4,000; James Hurley, hotel stock, $3,000 to $5,0C0; both fully inBUred. Lightning struek Busella's hotel at Parisville Taesday morning, entirely demolishing the chimney, and inatantly killing Wm Susella. tho proprietor. J. W. Evans, of Kalamazoo, for polygamy, pleadcd gnilty and wan sentenced to lonia for two yeara, This is the ehap that married four wivca in less than fur years, and saya he will go to marrying agam as soon as he getB out. A number of billa passed bythe Legislature, and left in the hands of the Governor at adjournment, have failed to get hia approval. These include the bill amending the townahip drain law; the bill to prevent empiricism and quackery; the bill relative to sales of landa for taxes; one for the recompilation of the laws; surgical treatment for indigent children; the bill fixing the salaries of Judges of Probate upon the basis of population; the bill declaring all public offices vacant iL the officer should get drunk. Postoffice chatiges in Michigan during the week ending June 7. Diacontinued - liural Vaïe, Lapeer county. Poatmantera appointed - Earaga, BarHga county, Henry Houghton ; Walton, Grand Traverse county, Mrs. Lucinda Hastinga; West'a Mili, Saginaw county, Arnold J . Weat, Tho exact amount of Htate taxea to be apportioned in 1879, under acts of the legialatnre, is $1,153,096.21; the amount for 1880 is $804,831.21; total for the two years $1,U57,U2742


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