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Üiïïcial reporta from Cashinere aay that it íb iinpossible to exaggerate tho distresa the famiue ia causing there. The Maharajah of this province, at the urgent requeat of the Viceroy of India, is procceding to Serinagur to superintend the orgamzation of relief. Three thousand five hundred tons of graiu are in transit to the valley of Caahmere. M. de Leaseps will shortly isHue a prospeetua inviting subscriptions to tho Panama canal project, and will go to the Isthmus himaelf in September. Wm, H. Vanderbilt left London Thursday for New York. Mr. White, the new American minister to Germany, has arrived at Berlin. The Germán presa welcome him as an appropriate successor to Bayard Taylor. The Btrike of workmen in the timber trade, at öundsvall, Sweden, at the end of May, has extended to all the leading ports of the Soderham district, Gulf Bothnie. Some 10,000 men were idleat last accounts. Tho Government is taking precautionary meas mes against acta of violence. The Italian Chamber of Deputiea has voted 500,000 Ure for the relief of sufferers by the eruption of Mt. Etna and an inundation of the Po. In consequence of the provisional imposition of an iron duty in Germany, the Silesian foundaries have raiaed their prices 2 mark per 100 kilogrammes. The Ruaaian commander in Bulgaria haa sent an energetic note to Servia May 23, summoning her to vacate the diaputed frontier diatricta of Bulgaria within a f ortnight. The eruption of Mount Etna ia diminishing. The spreading of the lava has almoat ce&sed, although one stream continueB to flow toward the river Alcántara, at the average rate of 15 metres per hour. Loud rumblings and denae smoke continue, and it is ieared that the lnll is only temporary. The famine in Cashraere ie taking its courae and people are reported dying by hundreds. The sentence against Alexander Solovieff, who attempted the assassination of the Emperor of Bussia on the 14th of April, was carried out Monday. He waa hangcd at 10 o'clock a. m. on Shomenki field. The eruption ot Mount Etna has ceaaed, but the volcano continúes to give forth amoke. Germay is seriously offended at the right of Rcarch claimed and exercised by Peru against Germán vessels, and a strong protest, demanding explanations, is about to be dispatched to Lima. Moro or less copious rains are reported from nearly all the districts of Bengal and Assam. The rainfall in Cachart and Bengal has yet been slight and partial, but sufficient to greatly improve the prospecta of the indigo erop. Reporta from the tea districts are, on the whole, fairly good. The Arab inBurgents of the province of Constantine attauked the military post of Redaa Snnday. The position was defended by two companies of Chasseurs and a squadron of Spahia, who repulsed the attack. The insurgents lost 50 killed. Another djke on the River Po has burst and the waters, pouring through the break, have done immense ciamage to the province of Mantua. The inundation took by surprise uwards of 12 communes. The inhabitants are completely destitute, and are encamped on the djke.


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