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A Triple Tragedy

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The Hunter's Creek, Lapeer county trsjre'ly, one of tb o most horrible in the nnnals of Michiguns history, carrios witb ft a moral. The libertino songht to alieritn the affections of a wife of a few mcraths, counseling her to elope witb him. The husband nt work not far distrnt, saw a light in bis house at a late I hnur, and, approaobing it saw what was poinp on. Plaoing bis ear at a hole in the window his suapicions were more lhn confirmed. Therevolverpurcbased a fow days beforo with which to end bis own life, was made to do treblo duty. - Rushing in iipon tho guilty pair, Mr. Stevens sougbt to kill his wife's mour, John House, putting two balls in hishead.butnotfatally. Housoeseaped lynching at the hands of an infuriated mob by ficeing the county. The wife, whoseparents reside in Lenawee County, nd who married against their advice ■was olive at latest accounts though she is not exppcted to survive tho wounds inflicted by tho revolver at herhusbands linnds. In the midst of this heart-reuding agony of body and mind she gave birth to premature child. Stevens, after penning a lengthy letter to his friends, in which he deliberately re-inested "to bo buried in the grave with liis wife, for lie lovod ler and wantetl she should lay alongside of him," killed liimself on the spot. While tho law would probably have doalt differently with Stevens were he nlive to meet his fate, than though the libertine had sucoceded in placing himself on terms of intimacy with his wife, which. does not appear to have been alleged.yet the insidious ad vances of House, ndvising herto place herafl'ections upon him, gradually estranging her from him whom she vowed to cherish and obey, taking advantage of a feeling of homesickness and change in life for the worse in respect to this worlds goods, yet, it is nltogether likely with a proper considerntion by a jury of all the provocations, through a plea of teinporary insanity, he would have received a brief term, if he went to prison at all. lts result can not fail to serve as a warning to all who think the sanctity of the household can be B'ifely invaded. The daré devil who juraped into the Niágara river from the upper suspension bridge made about twenty-five cents by the operation. The spectators wouldn't pay five cents for his photograph. Heexpectstomakemoneywhen he repeats the experiment on the Fourth of July, but, if he doesn't do well, he will go to Europe, when he is confldent that a good perpendicular jumper will he appreciated. He says that one's sensations in descending 192 feet do not differ essentially from those which one has in jumping ten feet. He thinks that he must have gone down about eleven feet into the water when he encountered an nnder current, which caught him and threw him flat on his back. He feit as thought he was being drawn quickly on a ros hoardtahle. Hi&.axgt HW ftPá"VáVer. 'flê'threw up his hands, paddled a little, and instan Üy rose to the surface. Both partios had cancuses on the Senate side Friday, and when the President pro tem Thurman and the Chaplain went into the Senate Chamber there was not a solitary Senator present. The olerks stood in regular places, pages wore arranged in line, and the venerablo Doorkeeper Bassett stood besida the Vioe Presidente desk with lns hands folded ïeverently, but the Senators' desks were 11 vacant. During tho prayer, whieh was longer than usual, Ben Hill carne in and stood at the door as the Chaplain said"Amen." Thurman rapped on the Vice President' desk with his gavel, and turning to Mr. Hill, said : " The Senator from Georgia will please coma to order. The journal of yestarday will now be read." Tile South American sky presages a clash of arms. Ecuador and the Colutnbian states are wrar.gling over a small matter and Columbia's ministerial representative has deraanded his pasaporta. The Argentina Eepublio is dissatisfied ■with the treaty recently made with Chili regarding the Patagonian frontier, and is on the point of rejecting ifc. This can only result in a declaration of war, and if the Argentines go into the fight it will be hard for Brazil to keep out of it. It appears as if the whole continent ■would soon be in a blaze. Bev. Dr. Samuel fcmith Harria of Chicago, has fornially aooepted the bishopric of Michigan. Now wiil foilow the nocing committees of all the United States Unable to leave hi9 charge at once it is expected threemonths at least will elapse before he can be consecratcd to his new neld of labor. Ii looks as if the Eepublican leaders, undersrandiug there arenohopes of succes without a third ticket in the field had agroo.1 to furnish the sinews of war tor the Greenback party in New York to carry another oampaign. We warn them of financial dnnger, for the Presidenhal oampaign is drawiug nigI)._ We waat to meet a foe worthy of „ur stee 1, and not a party in the throes of bankruptcy before the contest opens While President Hayos is looking around for a per.on to accept th(J foho ol the war department, provided Secretary McCrary is confirmed as U S judge to suoceod Judge Dillon, let him look into the oapaoity of Mosby who would no doubt be pleased with federa promotion. Anothor " confedérate brigadwt" in the cabinet might not hasten tno "new revolution." The man on the watch-tower of poli tio. must have observed by this time nobody appear3 t0 be booming for Bla.Qe Ihe party employ3 BIaino for thQ oWe p„rpoSa of irritating Mr. Ben Hill, and h6 never get8 above his busincss. Tho amoiint of governtnent interest dne on the first of July will be some 117,000,000 and it ig expeeted that other disbursements of interest, besides those of the governraent, will be not far from $15,000,000, matting a total of $32,000,000 to be reinvested next month. This is Iikely to mako loans eaay, and there is an increased demand for the four per cents. Ton chances tooneif Zich Chandler, when on tho stump in Ohio, and under the inspiration of his old friend, don't imagine himself President and cali for seventy-fi ve thousand troops to put down the new rebellion. Things do change. ï'or twnnty ynars or moro a nomination on the Republican ticket in Maino haa been equivalent to election. Kow an esecutive nomination goes a-begging.


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Michigan Argus