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CHEL8EA, June 8. - Very little wool has come to this inarket yet, the farmers holding back for higher prices. The figures paid have rangod f rom 30 to 33 cents. -The grist mili at this place is reported sold to L. E. Sparkl of Jackson who will make additions to it and run it when the new erop of whoat comes in. -Chas Downer one of the boys charged with sheep stealing was bound over to Circuit courfc last week but while making arrangements to give bond for his appeara'ce ran away from the offioers and has not since been caught. - The late rains have delayed many with their shearing bufc will raako all spring grain in this locality much better than was expected ten days ago. Wheat in this section will not yield to exceed two-tbirds what it did last year. - The temperanoo leoture of M. J. Fanning last week was a masterly produo.tipn and slinnlr' !, ... . ,_, every citizen of Chelsea. Por well chosen points, natural arrangement, clear tbought, condeusod stitemeuts, happy illustrations, pure, well selected language free from evory form of slang, attraotive word painting, solerĂ¡n earnestness, ound doctrine, and irresistable logio,- Ir. Fanning has few equalg. He is the man to lead the next ad vanos in the forward march of temperance in the west.


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