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MOORKTOXE, Jnno 16. -John Jaekson is raising his house and putting a wall uniler it. - Kev. Mr. E'unnin? delivered an ablo leoture on temperauce in the M. E. I church. -The fourth quarterly meeting of tho M. E. chnroh will bo holden on the first Raturday and Sunday in July. - There is to bo an ice creara and strawberry festival Friday for the benefit of M. E. ohurch in Moore's grove near tho Episcopal church. Student. Milán, Juno 18. - Glasg ball shcoting 13 bocoming quite popular here araong our sporting men, and wa expect to challeuge the world soon. - Large quantities of tan-baik ia being purohased here by James Gauntlett, whioh he is shipping to Mr. Krause of Ann Arbor. -The wool market has fairly opened hero, with four buyers in the field. C. M. Blaokmer recoived on Saturday last 6,000 Ibs. the first of the season. Avererago price paid 30 cents. - Our school doses here on Friday of thia week. During tho past year it has I been successfully managed by Mr. A.E. j Densmore, assisted by Miss Ida L. Burroughs and Miss Mattio Dodgo. -The flrm of Edwards and Kelsey [ have dissolved, Mr. Kelsey continuing the business. Mr. Kelsey is a young I manofgood business ability, and we wish hiin suooess in his undertaking. - Saturday last, our citizens had the pleasure of witnessíng a match gaine of ball between the Mooreville Club and the Woolveriue club of this place resulting in a victory for the latter club by a score of 3ó to 14. - Mrs. Mary Hamer living in the township of August, four miles east of hero, took by accident reeently a table spoon fu of laudanum, but prompt medical treatment was administered and she has entirely recovered. -E. A. Beynolds han just returned from a trip to Detroit, where hehas purchased for N. C. Putnam & Co., a nice assortment of goods, consistingof clothing, dry goods, and boots and shoes, eapecially adapted to the 4th of July trade.


Old News
Michigan Argus