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BUSINESS DIRECTOR!. íTb. tavlok, attornkv at law, J, Chelaea, Mich. __ iiÓNALD MAUI.EAN, M. D., Physieian ) and SiirKPOn. Office and resident, , 1 Hurou itieet.Ann Arbor. Offit S to 9 a. M. iiifr'om 1 1o:i p. M. , rfS. SOPHIA VOU-AND, M. ., Phyil sician and Huvffeon. Offlce at residence, 44 in street. Will attemi to all professional callB optly, day and night. íTH. JACKSON, Deutist. Office corner iV Main and Washington str.-ets, Bach & el's store, Aun Arbor.MIch. Auesthftics admiuureil If deanred. ñ ÑH1EBER1.E, Teacher of the Vino(;. forte. Pupila attain the desired sklll in kno-ulaïini? by a systemotic course of instrucff For tefm9; apply at residence, No. 12 M'est Jlirty street, Afln Arlior. Prompt attent.on paul lopüno-tuning. CBAMER. FBIKAIFF & CORBIN, Attorneys at Taw, E. K. FRUEAUFF, Justice of the Penee. All business proinptly attended to. Office No. 8 totWaahington street, Rlnseyaad Seabuli ; bloc. HENRY R. HILL, ttorney at Law, i)eal-r Real Estáte and Insurance Agent. Une No. 3 Opera Houe Block, ANNjUlBOR E. C FREEB, l.v.AI.KR IS ■ Ti-'-Wt, Salt . Smoked Meato, Fresh Fish, Oyaters, Poultry, etc. So. ó Easi Huroo Slrect, Ann Aubbk, Mk h J. H. NICKEL S , DEAI.KB ÍS FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Huí, Sausag.-s, l.ard, eli'., STATE STREET, OPPOSITK NOETHWEST 0OBÑKR OF ÚN1VF.RSITY CAMPOS. Orders promptly íllleJ. Furmers liavinej meata tuKllglvehiui acal). EYERYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS -1HF. Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, EfcSt of ('ourt House, lat Btxji . THE ANN ARBOR SAVnrGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. ranitul nal.l Ín .".0,000.00 Capital üecurtty - - - 100.000.00 Transaiua a geueral Banking Bnslneüs; buys and sellsExchangeson New York, Detroit and Uhieago; sellsSight Drafta on all the principal clüoa of Europe ; also, sell Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Londou and Glasgow, via tbe Anchor Line of Bteunsliips, whose rateJ are lowi'r Ilian iuoM "Uifr firstclaas lines. - This Bank, already haviug a lai-ge boalnem, inTlte uercbants and others to open accounts with them, wlih the assurance of most liberal dealing "" - -ut wiili safehanking. In UieKaving-i Department inl.T si auunally, nu the firsl days of Ja.nir.lry aml .luly.on l all uros that werf depoiited three monihs previous ' luthasedays.thnsaftording tlif people oí thl city ' mdeounty a peiiVclly ifc depfflriUWJ fnr Iheir fanijs, together willi :i fair return n intew forth j same. ; Mouey to Loan on Approvrd s-.urltlf s. ] Diekotoes- ChrwiIanMack, W. W. Win, W. D.Harriman. Dsnlel HtiCock, R. A. Beul, Win. i Deiibel, and Willard B. Hulith. OFFIOEBS : JHRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINliS PresiüVm. Vtoe rWMoent. (JHAS. E. Hisi OCK, Cashler. EMANUEL MANN, Druggisl and Pharmacist, t SOUTH HA STREET, ANN AEBÜR, bas on hand a well ulected itoci of PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet Artlrlei.SlwmlderBraees, Trusses, &c, whieh he otters for sale at prices to sint the times. tS Physlcians' Prescriptions carafulfy preparad M liour.t. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., Have on haud a lare aiul w.-ll irlf-.ii-ii fttock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DTE STUFFS, Artista and Wax Flower Materinls, Toilet A rtifljt, TniHsrs, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Bpeeial attentioD paiíl to tbe i'uriuslijng ot' PhyldüB, Chemiáts, Schools, etc., with ihllosophÍL-ul nd Chemical Apparatus, BohemiaBCbeiuícalUlassWare, Poreelala Ware, Pare ReageatB, etc. PhTsieiaua' prescríptions careí'uliy preparrd at U houn


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Michigan Argus