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Fever & Ague

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Tliis excellent compound is for salo by i]ie roprietor'ö AgcntB. MAYHAttDS. 2C:My Willson's Corn Mili, (MëKnighCs Palmt.) The subscriber wóuld heic-hy tny to the public lint lif is now prepared to furnit-h on short ,)0, ,,... tftosb wHo wish. a porlablc mili, copoSlè öf irindipg '0 buehols of cnrs of rorn per luoir, or rriod oilicr.conrso g.rpjg lor íec-d,ñr shcUëjd córo, fwith a rush.) ruli out (over Ptcd, &c. are, :n!!(..l. 1-. McKniglits palent corn crushcrand -lover robber, cVcTlu: Bubscribor 8 nlso prepamd lo er!l (flWn ad ouijrjy nylHs n qaid paioni m liberal lerrjie. Fhd machine works likc a cbnnn, npilirol)lc ;o lorse, water, or sieam power: onc horso, ia ■Jiililcicnt to jiortorui tlic nceèsróry grinding for uiy farm r oihcr csnililislniu'iit lur h'nnte csumpiion. hut nio're pawer is üeceesary to do cusiuni Nvorli to n prolit. Tliè Biib'ècribcT ha riow in operalioñ iu his shop n( liis Tempernnce House in Jnckson, n iwohorie puwor, by wlncli. wjlh the forre i( one horse (only at Kcicm) ho diivcs saiil machine. Tlic ndvnnliigpa of frodins rnrn nnrl cobb in lliis wny is now too wcll nndersiood to noed relienriing. Suflicelt to ny, tlint (o the south, whert: thcy u)isc corn ensy, and worlh prbap Í0 cents" per buahel. ihcy think it nn object to ccononiiFc liy (luis! fcerling corn nnd cobb mpn], nnd tlini too where tlu y gjv'o irom to J for for grindilig iiln r l'.r ftc-d or díítíllnúon. Onc. tv.-o or tlirco competeni BnlsTtien wnntod t') bcII rtghts lo ;ikI machino in ibis Sinte i i c I Otfio, nnd 10 fcII ii:!its to Thornin'e'fhorticing machine in tlns ötnte: tbc best now q 1186. .1. T. WILLPON. Jnckson, Mnrcli 2. 1816. 2G0-fim