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What Our Reporter Saw And Heard In Sharon

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-The largor portion of wool raisetï in tbis town was clippoci ast week. - This town has neither railroad, hotel, saloon or post office, and owes not a fitrthing. -Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo F. Robison of Dotroit are apending vacatiou at the homeatead in Sharon. - Hon. Jno. J. Kobison is purchasing beeves for fattening purposes upon bis swampy tract of land. - JUessrs. Uushman and Rose, committee, let the job of painting the Center church to Z. M. Fenn of Chelsoa for 78. - A considerable portion of the large quantity of clover in this town, cut during tho last of the week, waa damaged by the rains of Saturday. - Mra. Delniarter, better fcnown at Miss Mary Baker a teacher in thia town some years ago, and latterly clerk in one of the departments at Lanslng, visited relatives in Sharon lately. - Apple erop will be one-third of 1878. The 267 aerea more wheat sown than last year will keep ataount raised good. Corn ia very backward, farmers planting in many cases the third time. - The Germán Methodists have erected a hand8ome ohurch at an expense of $4,000, and havo services on overy Sabbath, Eev. Mr. Young, formerly of Grand Haven alternating weekly wttta ftev. Mr. Nikolai of Norvell. -Eev. Mr. Duke Whitely preaohes in the M. E. churcli at the Center each Sabbath forenoon and in the aftornoon in the Gillett churoh, alternating every threa raonths. Mrs. Samuel Cushman is superintendent of the Center Sabbath school. - Physicians pronounoe Elisha Preer, hopeless. Dr. Palmer of the University as well as local practitioners are uuable to diagnose his oase, believing him troublod with one or more of three diseases, the looation making it impossible to decide upon which one. - The following are overseers of higkwaya for 1879 : District 1, Franklin Kverett. 2, Lambert Uphaus. 3, Geo. L. Kuhle. 4, Bernhard Ahrens. 5, Francia W. Smith. 6, Albert J. Robison. 7, Mathew E. Keeler. 8, John Strahle. 9, Henry Wolf. 10, Harvey D. Hewes. 11, Alfred C. Torrey. 12 Georsre Kihn. 13, Albert H. Perry. 14, Brighton G. Dowd. 15, Chas. C.Bchman. 16, Geo. W. Eaymond. 17, Wra. S. Crafts. 18, Jas. Freer. 19, üimory Fletcher. 20, Gerald Dealy. 21, Christian G. Lehman. 22, Clareuce Gage. 23, Arnold H. Kuhl. - Supervisor Eose may be classed among the larger farmera of Michigan. - A native of Sharon, Litchfield County, Conn., he was in the eighth year of his age when his parents carae to this then wildemess to seek a home. Like most men who have hewn their way in the world, Mr. E. began life poor. To-day he is the poasessor of 520 acres of unincuuibered real estáte in the towns of Sharon and Grass Lake. The larger farm of 240 acres he resides upon and cultivatos, the others boing workud ou shares or rented. On these farms are growing at this time 144 acres of whnat.; io acres cif oats ; 80 acres of corn ; and 17 acres devoted to orchards. His town taxts for 1878 were $188. Besides farm property, ho owns several vacant lots and interest in a number more located m Manchester and Clinton. Mr. Eose acquiied his property by grain and sheep raising and by buying and selling real estáte. Hia popularity among hisfellow-townsrnenwasput toa test last spring when he was elected supervisor over two opposing candidatos, the Greenback nominee drawing the larger share of' his strength from the Democratie party and the town generally carried by Republicana - By request of the Manchester [Enterprise, Supervisor Rose furnishes the following statistics conoerning Sharon for publioation : Nuniber of improved acres in farms. - 14 047 " " uuimproved " " " . 8' 71,3 " " acres of wheat rained in 1878 - 4O(7 '' ' ■■ " " . " " " - 8s'i)74 " " acres now on the ground - 4 334 PRODUCERS OF 2,000 BUSHELS: , _. . Acres. Bush. Augustus High .... 100 2000 Lyjuao Hulbert ; - . 90 2 140 Jacüb llazelsehwardt - - . - 78 2230 PRODUCERS OK 1,500 BUEHELS: Luther McGee - 139 j qq sb? Frcer 6 1,'soo CharJes Kowe -■. go ] 530 Estáte oí H. Huesman - kr 1 'm Wm.lT.Hali :U 1; TKODUCERS OF 1,000 BUSHELS : George H. Feldkamp - . . 40 1 120 Heury Schualty . f,0 goo A. K. Gage .... 65 j m Lambert Uphaus - - - - ;i6 1 000 John il. Hclicht .... 40 l'oiiO John Landwur .... 40 l'ooO Htephen Morithew .... 70 1400 Aruold H. Kuhl - . 39 i'Oj5 Jumes C. McGee 70 l'40ü Aliïed U. Torrey - - . 60 l'l.o David G. Kose .... 45 j'412 Catherinè Biichman .... 38 j'o00 F ra uk Smith - .... 40 j'qüo Charles F. Bart - ... 60 1455 Jl. liuymond ..... 35 -ou Laml)crt (iieakey .... 45 1 120 Wm. S. Crafls 5U Í"?j ' S-,061" 55 1,890 A. llitchcock - .... 70 1 200 J. S. Sloat ..... 36 1 'ouo Courad liuzclschwardt ... 40 l'u;o No. of aerosol' coru raisod in 1878 - - a'oSl No. Bushela of ears ..... I3o,'s(i4 " " shelled ... 6S282 OÜB LEADING CORN KAISERS : Ar t' 1 bu ears. M. E. Keelor ...... 4 =()n Wm. B. Osborn ' , „„ Lyman Hulbert . 3;000 Mort-y Puree -..-._ 3 U,o Augustus Hii(h ...... Víiím A. Hitchcock . 2,sÜo SUEEP. , Sheep shcftred in 1878 - ... g 665 l'ouüds of wool " .... 51 o" No. to shear in 1879 ... . Ift537 1. G. EtoH sheaied in J8(W (largest flock) 5S0 t:l!:lk ;: if ' The oat and potato cropa wero very poor generally ; some farmers having to buy potatoes for ïainily uae. The wheat erop does not promiso as good as last year, although we havo a surplus of acreage of 2Ü7 acres, but thinner on the ground, with some spots entirely bare. i should think frotu what information I could gaiu, the full amount of acreage of cora will be planted this year, but some coniplaints of not coming up ; out worms and gofers are doing their full ainount of thinning out. The apple orop, which is quite a harvest for some of our Sharou farmers, does not offer as flattering a prospect as last year- many trees not blossoming.


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