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Abstracts of Titles. All parties who are desiroua of ascertaining tbe condition of the title to their landa, or parties who wish to loan money on real estáte will do woll lu cali at the Register'a olflee and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Booka. Said books are so far ad van eed tb at the Register can furniBh on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Titl6 of any parcel of land in Washtenaw County as shovn by the original reoords. C. H. MANLY, Register. A DOLLAR SA VED IS A LLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS 1 And pricea LOWEK THAN EVAS. 1 have puruhaaed in New York, for oaah, aud 1 Jim nuw daily receiving one of the largfat and most select stocks of GrocerieB in Washtenaw County, conglutine of a full and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop- including (iuupowdera, Imperiais. VfUUM - si II i voiin, Japan, Oolonys, lor mosas, oiitfous. Som lionas, and l' 'iiiiiii j , Together with a full line of CUFFKKS, consialing of the following branda : MOCHA, OLD GOV'T,IAVA,MAKAOA1BO. LAUUA YKK.SANTOö Rud RIO, both roasttid and ground ; a full und well selected ntock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Togetber with everything in the line ff Pure Spieën, Canned fruits, and Vegetable. We huve a full and complet line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And HoBiery. AIbo, a clioice auBOrtment of Ladies' and Gentlemen' Underwear. Cali ttnd examine (Joods and J'rineB and we will insuresatisfaction. EDWARD 1)EFFY. " Maynard'a Blork,-' cor. Main and Ann ttreeti Add Arbor. Mioh. KtfHí'Mimt ctib plica paid fu: all farm pradüoí.ti GET YOUE PROPERTY INSUEED BY C H. KILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR. - MICII. The oldest agency in the city. Kstablished a quarter of a ceutury ago. Repi-enenting the foliowiiig iirfit clasa copiimnieis Home Insurance Co. of N. V., Asspis over $0,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asscls over ,000,000 Niágara Fr Ins. Co., N. V., Assola 81,442,400 Girkrdol Pa., Aawta onr (1,860,000 Oriënt of lfarllbnl, AM't s $700,000 ÖJ Rales luw. I.osscs ühcrally adjuated :ind promptly pa ld. ('. II. MIIXKN. IN8IJRANCH (XNHPANY. Capital, - - 8,O0O,OOO. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $ 6, 792, 649. 98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, in:lucii''g Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Nut Surplus over Liiabilities, including He-lnsurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK. Aiícnt, A il ii Arlior. RAILROADS. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. T;ikins i-nwi Sundaj Marca 23, 1879. ;01Nti NOIITH. GOlN(i SOUTH. Mix. iup.iExp. Kxp. ESpi Mix. A. Mi. M. P.M. A.M. I'. M.P.M. 30 10 40 (00 TOLEDO 9 29 2 6(1 'b 0 53 10 4S SOS NonhTuIrdo . 21 2 48 9 22 7 ii7 10 in (i 11 Detroit Junctlon 9 ÍS 29 :i 01 7 20 10 -W 6 20 Uawthorn 'J 11 '-' :1 X -17 7ta!lla 6 Samarla 03 tí IM 7 42 11 11 34 beola 8M 2 18 8 19 7 55 11 18 4J I.ulu 49 9 10 8 02 803 112.1 1147 Monroe Junetioa 42 2 05 761 8 35 n 32 57 Dnndee BSÍ i r5 7 32 8 4 11 ü7 7 m Macón 8 80 1 80 7 21 8 38 11 42 7 10 Alalia 8 24 1 ' 10 i ■.■ 1154 7 -J3 Noran 8 11 13267 II 3S 12 00 7 29 L'raa 8 Oñ I 2 2ñ 21206 7 86 lUlnia 7 58 120 618 1(113 12 15 7 4t Ypsilanti June. 7 48 110 .) "4 10 4012 28, 8 00 ANS ABBOB 7 3ó 12 18 5 30 The 7.:i.r u. m. expresa umith makis close conneotion at Monroe Junctlon for Adrián uta Monroo and tbr polnta OB tb lkí Sliore; at Toledo witli ( (iluiiihiis & Toledo lid tlie Wabnnli. The 12.f8 p. ni. expresa Bouth oonnet-ts at Toledo witli the 3 o'clocx train easi on (lie 1'tMiimjivania Road thro' lo Xew York. All iiains mu by C'olumbus time- i 7 iuíruIh raster than Aun Arbor time. J. M. ASH1.KY, Je , SuperinWndsnt, ! Ml 'II HUN CENTRAL EAILROAD. MAY 25, 1879. OOIXO WIST. A.M. A.M i-M. p, M. P.M. p.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 31 S 55 j 54 8 111 9 50 G. T. Junction, 7 15 10 00 10 410 8 25 10 lo Wayne Junction ï 52 10 28 42 4 :u; 8 57 10 42 Ypsilanti, 8 20 10 45 7 05 4 55 9 22 11 U4 Geddes, 8 30 7 20 ', AnnArlior, 8 40 11 00 7 :■,! 5 20 9 38 11 10 Delhi, 8 53 7 4l Dexter, '.1 04 7 5ti .-, ü7 '' 69 _ Chelsea, 9 lij 8 1] 5 50 10 16 Graas I.Hkf, i) ."jO 8 M ij 10,10 38 f. M A.M. Jackaou, 10 20 12 ir. 9 00 G 30 11 16 12 4a Albiou, 11 04 12 50 ó 7 ::6 11 59 120 Mnraliall, II .10 I ::u 8 03 12 25 1 40 P.M. [ S A.M. BattleCreek, 12 11) 1 55 ♦ 8 32 12 50 á C2 Galeeburg, 12 Ú2 1 M 1 20 'A. M. Kalamazoo, 1 15 2 :1J r, 00 '.1 26 1 08 2 43 Lawton, 1 63 r. SS 2 13 Decatur, 2 10 5 .10 2 31 Dowatfiac, 2 89 11 12 2 57 Niles, 8 08 4 07 6 55 3 30 4 15 Buchanan, :1 19 7 07 :l 45 Tliif-nukt. ,t 49 1 7 .12 New Bufinlo, 4 O,'! 4 67 7 IS 4 27 Michigan Til y, 4 10 5 20 SIO 4 56 6 30 Lake, 5 13 6 02 8 :,■: 6 4.', ti 19 Kensington, K (Hl (i 50 9 10 1, 40 7 10 Chiisago.arrive, ü 50 ; 40 10 S0 ; 30 8 00 QOINO F.AhT. 4 % JÊÏ I . Jjïl Ëi. - J A.M. A. M. P. M. P.M. C.M Chicago, leitve, 7 HO 9 00 4 0(1 5 15 9 10 Keoaiueton, 7 50! 9 50: 4 50. f, OS 10 00 Lake B 10 0 5 42 C 50 10 43 Michigan City, 9 2."i 111:: B :i.r 7 40 11 :io New Buflalo, 9 47 11 3(1 S x 11 52 Three Oalea, 10 02 7 0 A. M. Buohauan, 10 :2 7 .V. 1 Niles, 10 45,12 1.", I il,. 9 00 12 48 Dowagiac, 11 lü : 8 331 j l 10 Decatnr, 1139 8 S7 ! 140 Lawton, 11 S7: 9 15 a. M. 1 1 57 KalamazM), 12 33 140 9 50 (60 10 28 2 28 üalesburg, 12 63 . . 7 08 Battle Creek, 1 28 2 lf M 7 40 11 10 3 18 Marshall, 2 25 3 00? 8 08 il 37 3 4t; A.M. , Albion, 2 52 3 21 a.v. 8 3511 59 4 12 Jacknon i 45 4 05 ; 15 9 110 12 50 5 00 Oraa Lake, 4 10 1 7 38 9 50 i 26 Ohelsea 4 40 I 8 02 10 07 5 S0 Deiter ' 00 8 16 10 19 e OS Delhi, 6 10 8 25 Ann Arbor 5 20 5 10 8 45 10 ;5 2 05 6 25 (ieddes, 5 ".0 8 50 -. Ypíilañti. 5 37 6 24 9 00 10 48 2 20 6 41 Wayne June, 6 01 , 5 46 9 2:1 11 08 2 44 7 05 O T June. ti 33 6 lf. 9 55 11 SB 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., I 6 48! 6 30 10 10 11 50 3 85 8 pd Sundays excepted. ISaturday and Hnuüny excepted. Daily. H. B. LKDYARD, Oen'l Manager, Detroit. H. O. Wkntworth, G. P. & T. Agrt., Chioago. CANADA SOUII1ER1S R'V LIIfES. The Only Auierioan Koute Ttaroiigh Canada Train l.-av.' M. e. K. R. DeiMit, Deli'oii, city lime, as lollows : Atlaniiv ElplW, duilj, 4 00 . m., Wagnr car to Boston, Faut Day Express, daily, 12 nixin, Wagner "ir to New York and Boston, LlghtniDg Express, d:iily exeept Sunday, 11 10 p. m Wagucr car (o líullalo and Ragebester. Toledo train leuve 7 r0 a. m. exeept Sunday ; " 10 p. 111. daily ; 6 50 p. m. exeept Sunday, ïor Fayette 6 30 p. nl. exeept Suuday. Kor inforuiation and tickets applj t.. H. W Hayes, agent M.C. R. R., Ann Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E, SNUW, ün. Pas nd Ticket Agt. Uitrolt. NOTICE. The uudemigned hn piuilii"(t the Interest of ET. Winslow in tne frame and picture bul0.80 Em IIiii-iju Stnet, nd will continue he DoaineBs aJ theaame place, giviog prompt attention to all orders fiLun.-.s, Hi . A tt stuik of ('liroinos, Iingravings, wnl PhotograpBa ou hand and for sale cheap. All debtsdue tne late 11 nn ol Winslow .1 UcMIl lau are payable to the undersigned, and any débtl contractas durius bis connectlon witii tne nrm will bc paid by hiin. Ann Arbor, Oca. 14, 1878. l710tf ). McMILLAN. DETROIT ThroatlLunglnstitute HEBRILL BLOCK, corner of Woodward and Jefferson aves, Detroit, Mieh. IL. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r. Wbo personally receiyes patienta at the Tnatitute foï the cure of all the various fltrrmari of tbellead, Throat and Chest, and tneir complicHtious, through the BVrtem of inhalation, tombined wilh proper ínterual treatment. To those who have what they are pleaeed to cali "Ungering colda " we would say unhesitatingly, aiid if poasihle with a voice that would awakeu all from that pleasant delusion, that without prompt and earneat efibrta in a rational and proper mannei, manv will soonfullow who have found relaas from their autlering in t liat "sleep which tnows DO waking." You have been coim-ioii4, bui, almoBt afraid to Confesa the fact, and unwilling to adinit it to yourselves that the slight irritation of the throat, the annoyanee of nasal catarrh, the aymptomg of a bronchial intiaramation of a few weeks or Tuuoth-, ago, which you conlidcntly believed would " w?ar oftV' haf becoine ürmly established, and is most certalnly, and by degreea. more or less rapidly, and with fatal precisión and uuyielUing grap, advancing to ronsuinption. You may object to and shriuk from the frank statement by yoiu iiihIicfll adviser ; you may deny the trutbful eonviction whtch forcea itself upon your observation and reftson, but the plain fact, dirested of ttatteriují a surances that can only cheal you of even Hfe ilnelf, is that these ihroat dlseaMS, tlit; bronebial intiauiniatloDS and other constitutional causes, are telling agulnst you witli uncrring certainty, und the asátirances - so pleasant to the ear - that uil wiil i well bye and bye, are the inore delusivo and cruel. You do nut want lo stupefy the senses by opiaten, nor take into the stomach drugs that will f ore ver uVstroyit toni'undiinïiairiti-offic(!. Youdooot want mei fly palUatlve treawieut to condwct and lull you into fancied security to the very brink of "tlitgrave, foritifl ncither reesonable nor jtut to yonraelves, or thost' who regard yonr cases with treiublmg BoUolttidfl and pain fui anxiety. The chilly blasts and Btorau of advanced auninn, the iuelement winter with its sewrchiug winds and atmosplu re (dtaiged with nioiture, ha?e had their eilect u pon jon - the errat and rapid vicissiludeH of spring, tbat, with the re-awakenïng of vegetable life, ís peculiarly fatal to consumptives - these changes of leasons are uow upon the invalid as weU as upon the robast, and it is wise to just uow stop and rcfleet upon the nature aud progresa of your disease, and the remedial measurea you have eniploycd, and seriously toiuquire it' there la a way open to you by which you may escape Ihe daoger whieh isimpending. We say, without hesitation, that thegreafer nitro her of pulmonaiy djtfeama can be vu red. We need nol dilate u)on thexiea while we are able to present living ovidenceá of the efficacy of judiciotis rnedication in ■ clase of 6a$6B m lou aud peratatently pronouneed hopeless. Inhalationa are applicable in uil diaoases of iiie respiiatory oraná, includingcat;urh, throai diaeases, aathma, bronchitia, conntunption ; amf thuu-. ands rf cases eau becured by this mode of iieatment when notbisg elsecan rearb iht-in. Tlnte vh deaire 10 eonsult me in regard to their caaes had better cali at the office for au examinution, bnt i f Imponible to vUdi ilie oíliee personally, may wriie ior " List of QnMtSona." and circular, both of which will be teni fit e ui' cnuge. Addresci M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., Mkrrili. Block, Detroit, Mich. gray's simx'11-k' mkdicink. TRADEMK.Tlie (.lelt Kn TRAOE MARK. JJÊL jr0. Jk in iinfailing cure mÊL n r mi1 Self Abuse' is 55l BeforeTakingLuhSO( Meill(„.y After Taking. Univeral Laaaitode, Pain in the Back, Dimness ui' Vision, Premature Oíd Age, and many other diseaeathat lead to lnsanity, Comsumption and a Promatnre Grave. -S Full particulara in our pamphletn, which we desire to sead f ree by mail to every one. The Specifie .Medicine in sold by all iruggiaU al $1 per package, or six packagea for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addresHintf THE URAY MEDICINE CO., No. 10 Mechanica' Block, Detroit Mich. S"8oldiu Ann Arbor by all Draggivts, and by druggista every where NICHOLS,SHEPARD&CO.f Battle Creek, Ml.-h. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VIBIfcATOÏ. THRESHING MftCHINERY. THE Sfatchlesi fJraiii-Savinfr. Thne-Saviny, ■Dd Muiiey-Sui ïuf Tbreaheri ofthiH dny and geaariUuü. Beyomliill riv;ihi tor Raptd Wrk, Pei'rct CleaniBr Aud for Saving Oraui fmm VTtage. STEAM Power Th reshers a Specialty. Special sizea of Separntors made expressly for Steam Powtr. O UB Unriraled Steam Thresher EnglnM, both Portable and Traction, wtth Valatbl Improvt nients, rr bejoud auy other make or kind. THE ENTIltE Thresliinc Expenses (and often three to flve times th&t amount) can be mide by ttn Extra Graín 8AVED by tbese lmproved Machine. G1UIX Rnlsers ill not aubmittothe enormous wasfüge of O rain and the inferior work doue bj all other uiacliiufs, whea onre posted on the dlffreoce. NOT Only Tastly Superior for Wheat, Oata; Barlev, Rye, and HVe iirains, but the Only Succeful ThreHher in Flax, Tiraothy, Mtllet, Clorer, and like Secd-i. Requiren no ': attachaienti" or "rabuilding" w change from G rain to SeeUs. YS ThorouKh Workmantthlp. Elegant Finish, X Perfection or Parts. Completueis ot Kquípmeot, to.( eur " Vibbitoh " Thre-slier üuttlts aie Incomparable. TVf ARYEtOUS for Simpliolty of Parta, uaing ATA ton (haaone-hair the usual Helia and Gears. Make Clean Work, with no LUli-rings r Sralteriugs. rOl'K of Separatorit Made, Rangiu from Slz to Twelve Hm -' liza, aoil twostyls ofUounted Horsc J'ucr.i to match. POK Pnrliritl;irs, Culi on our Dealera or wrUe to na Tor llln-in.Ld Ofrottlar, whicb. we mail fr. M. ROKKR", Aiil, Ann Arbor, Mich. , WILLIAMEEID, ■afffVMI I VCryB I (Of tli-1 late flnii of Kei! & B iél I & I lAÁJS HUI f. Suci-easor to atiiil Uiui PjmBglIphljPaMBliÉBl in G Li m nd Ltad líusiucJa.; 'el HD BTü rTr; 1 1 "vv .t iin.M '",t.Tiu I H ■■ mAll ƒ H1:N('U jt AMKRU'AN III WE m I V 1 1 II Ribbed ud Roogh PUtf '" L J I tfc M J Sky ÏJKbts, Cut nud Edsuí■■nfWSiraf V Ji I eied Glssi, Silver PUteJ lij B êm Lr 3 A I Sash Uur, Frcwh oJ Ui1!pHMÉMVajffMyMrPSl i-ii l.nokiD; Olssa Plttt [#1 1 Ww19} BjJ tll !.'"' ""i Otl, Cuiuis, r-iutj, ""''" '" ■■! foiuts, to. 12 te 14 Conere St. Esst, Detroit, Mich. ■ m 'i. COMPOUND EXTRACT OF--T" CONTAININ CntetJS. Juuipor & Spirits of Nitre IN A CONOENTRATED FORM, FOR I Diseases of the Kidneys & Bladder, Gonorrliea, Weataesses, OrerExertions, Sleet, Stricture, Obstruction of the Urine, I ml all Miaannn C tlie rrluwry iiikI Sexiuil OiKans. I Nu tuutttr of hovv long atftDdlag, uud wUettier la MALE_OR FEMALE. I Prlce, - - One rollar i rrtm ÜM utigiiiftl recipe of DR. HILL. god wU bj ff .'OHNSTON A CO., 161 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. I tOK SI IIY Al.1. IKUti6IST8.


Old News
Michigan Argus