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The Brain

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pceriiig ïniu inc itumuii sauii 111 au me ui ui etio nap,, and .ihus desehbes i:s appearïrst. The Brtrin-has four diatinet npnrtmentB. largcr brain, or Ccrtbmm, is situaied ai the ind extends 'tó ■the front of ihe-bead. ita es are a great deal larger and more round ihose of the brain ; conscquently it , sses more subátnnce. ■ The lesser biain lic i i bacl; pari of ihfcheau ; - this brain is diinto tvo -cavitiea of dcparimenis, and is,, i 4 áted by a slrong, - membraneous, elaalic , .. anee, a'ndia covered by an equally atrong, ihinner snbsiance, termed Dura juister.- ,. brain itself is a soft, pliable, sensitive eube. Ita appearance round the edge, in the jsubjecty ís ofa light rdcolor. External. t haa the appearnnce of a compound stube, - possesses a brighter and more beautiful '.. Such is the largor brain. ■ ■ ■ ie Lesser Brain haa more of a yellovr color a external appearanco rr-does not posses a lively hue as the tonner, and is more dull nanimate. It the sam&nppearance , ts downward) '.extensión,. Thia U what is . eá ihe" Mutulla Oblongata." The whole i is made up of smal! sensitivo nerves. One . re inch of brain coniainaupvvards of 66,000 , xondlij, Of tht strdt.tu.rt of the muscular "' sympathetic nervzs - their office, function, Man has five distinct senses- Sight, HcarTasie, Smelt, and Touch. Through these es all exiernal impressions are conveyed to rain, tlvrouyh the-anediurn pf what we aha.ll. term the sympathetic -aeree. These yiuitic nrrves extend through the wholo system,. , . :y músete or particle of fleeh is onnecied . , them. They extend to cvery joint, evcry on, cvery membrane, andihrougUi&very. bone t iie iyBtcm. In their posiing; thwugh every iele of fleah, they gather from it ubstances ch they earry to évery meinbrane, tendón, scle and liarnent, which surrounds, controla embracen every joint. Tliey are thickly f i'ersed through the bones, and are traced to utmost extremiticB,and in fibres so mail, that x exisience haa been queslioned. To show that theso nervcs pass thtough every , e, we will suppose a boa? in any part of the ybroktn. ' After placing the parts together, keeping the limb in a quiet conditionfor a iod of time, they become aolid as before. - w, if I should aak' the Physician, ,why the es do grow togeth again 7 bis aiiswer would uriably be, ' It is natural.' Vgain. Supposo that a wound is madp, in tho i h, and 1 should ask'the physician if it would lngaini Certaiiiy,' would; be jth ana-., ,, r. Suppose I ehuöld ask him why ho ie conccd it will hesl again ? Hia aasvrer would 'ƒ know iy experience.' Mmost in evöVy caso the physician is not I inted witii tho primury cause of iis beconung ;ored, but siinply affirms, ' I know it by exence.' 'iow we will take1 the bone that. ia brolten, anct ce the paf ts together, as before mentioned, and"1 : will inquire the 'cause of its becoming sound, te small l'.'iires or neives in the bone are set at ; jrk. They accomulate nd carry regularly nü substances or particlca and deposit them at e place broken. Ten.thousond of these in onane, pcrfoim the same action, and continue de8iting amall snbfiances utitil they complettly lite tlie broken borle togethe. -These deposs becoine-ossified, wliich -givee tlieistrengüi. - ,. owplain i the canse, therefore, why it is natal for two bones to grow togetlier.or bccomv littd. Whenever a bone in uny part oí the s}siii ia affacted1 the pain in thai bom: is most in- , iffcrable. But would Eucksensation exist, ia e part afieded, nnlsssj were netres ofsennion exieting in tho bone itself? Ceriainly ot." ■ . n â–