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- Eobert Collyer can yet shoo a horse in good style. -Sara Cary owna $25,000 worth of governrnent bonds. -Mr. W. H. Vanderbilt is having built a stuble to oost $40,000. - " Time," says Jeff Davis, has " worked with wasteful energy upon me." - The Boston Post pauses to remark that President Tilden is dangorously well. - Secretary Schurz conteinplates visiting the Indian agencies duriug tha summer. - Sarah Bernhardt, undoubtedly the greatest living actress, has declarad her intention of coming to America. -Senator Ben Hill built a house in Athens, Ga., for $32,000 sorao years ago, ana now offers it for sale for $8,000. - King Kalakaua has invited General Grant to visit him, and the General saya he will be " happy, etc.," if poesible. - The Emperor Wilham received 13,000 oompliraentary letters or dispatchea on the occasion of his golden wedding. - Gen. Grant will arrive in San Francisco in September, but will not come East until late in the fall, as he will visit Oregon. - The widow of Commodore Vanderbilt, arnong her other charities, is credited with 6upporting thirty-four families in the South, - Senator Don Cameron has exnhanged seats ia the Senate Cnambor with Senator Platt of Conneoticut, so that he now has the seat which wasoccupied by his father. - Samuel J. Tilden anong others met on the doek to bid a parting farewell to Charles A. Dana, the distinguished editor of the X. Y. Sun, who visita Europa tuis suinmer. - Samuel J. Tilden has leased Greystone, the residence of John T. Warir.g in Yonkers for six months with the privilege of buying at a fixed price at the end of that period. - Ex-Secretary Borie says that h e undertook his trip with General Grant for the benefit of his health, but that in this respect it was a failure, on account of the exertion, the heat, and the many diunera. - Although his employment of Mrs. John Hayden of Port Byron, N. Y., as bis secretary has given rise to muoh scandal, the report that Mrs. Benator Conkling bas instituted proceodings for divoree, is denied. - Senator Ben HUI and Representativa Alexander H. StepUens, who had not spoken to each other for five years, shook hands the othor day. Mr. Stephens' praise3 of tho Sonator'a recent speeches on political afhirs led to the reconciliation. -Speaker JRandall and fatnily will spend the sumnier at Bryn Mayr, near JPhiladelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Senator Thurman are at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Bayard are on the way to Europo. Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Hill are in Saratogn. Senators Lamar and Gordon will suuimer at Virginia Springs. President Hayes will 6ojourn at the Soldiers' Home. Sbernisn goes to Mame amrj thence to Ohio to open the campaign. - Gen. Sherinan said at Orchard Lal'e ' Mich., the othor day, thatheis frequently asked by young men what course of study, what books, will best fit them for the military profession. He called this a very hard question to answer, andadded that it reminded hiin of a similar one addressed to " Corporal Wcoster," at West Point, in 1836, by a cadet who is now a learned Judge of the United States Court : " What must I do to become a first-class soldier?" " Obey orders," was the only answer.


Old News
Michigan Argus