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- Flint pirls havo thi-ir hair cropped short a la boy styiu. - Hillsdalians want to hearMrs. Florence liioe-Knox sinr. - Congressrnan Burrows va3 ovated on his return to Kalaumzoo. - Hillsdale olergyman hold services occasionally at the cmnty house. -The editor of tho Hillsdale Democrat indulges in 1,30 buflf cochiu china fowls. - A (2,600 debt lningina over the M. E. oh uro h of Lansing, was liquidated Suuday. - From a novv directory Grand liapids counts up some way a poi.ulatiou of 40,000 souls. - Au Adrián tíorint received ovur $100 for bouquets for couiuiencemuat exorcises June 27. - Asa B. Hadaoll of Pontiac, agcd 85, whilo riding in a wgon, feil bauk f rom his 6eat, dead. - In 1876, 3G1 couples were married in Hillsdale eounty ; Ü!S7 duaths and ölu births are reported. - V. B. Canfiüld of Lansing, has contracted to supply the oapitol witli coal during the year at $ -1.8.H por ton. - The second annual convention of the reform clubs of Michigan will bo held in Lausiug ou the 5th and (ith of August. - A traveling quackattorupted to beat a Tecumseh landlord, who sent an offioer after aud found hint in Ynailanti Settled. -The son of the editor of the Clinton News carne near choking to death ou a ooppor cent. VVealth has its drawbacks, after all. - An aged citizen of Morenoi correoted porppreally, as ït wem, a youth ot tbat villa., aud it cos' t.l.o a. c. ' and custs. - Dr. Kost of Adrián college, has been nominated by the Oovernor of Kansas as President of the Agiicultural college of the state. - Convicta at Jaikson worked in tlio forenoon July 4, had green peas for Jinner, and then listened to a talk with a smile in the corner of the eye, froin thu chaplaiii. - Aftor a quarrel with herlover, Maggie White of Lapeer attempted to cürnb the golden stair with the aid of morphine. Balling in that she attemptod the use of scissors. - Too proud tobeg toohonest tostoal, Marshal JDavis of Toledo comniitted hia body to the Maumee. Uis mistress who saidshe loved him dearer than any other man on t.he earth, says he was iinancially embarrassed. - Undc-r the uew law which takes effect Sept. 1, providing that cattle shall not ba allowed to run at large ia streots oí citiesot i.OOOinhabitants andupwards Adriau, Fiint and other towns will be relieved of future trouble in this regard. - The bilí to foreclose the mortgage on the Flint & Pere Marquette Kailway was oled iu the United States Circuit Court, in Detroit, lately by Hon. Wra. L. Webber, and Dr. II, C. Potter was appointed receiver, with his bonds fixed at 150,000. - Miss Angie Chaplin, a gradúate oí' the Univeraity of Michigan class '75, and for the past three years preceotress of the High School in Flint bas jnst boen appointed to a chair in the Wellesley Peínale College, vice Miss Mary Marston, resigned. - Looke (Nasby) of Toledo Blade has written aplay entitled " Widow Bedott," which, first brought out in the future great city, pro ved a great laooaas. Now what effect will this have upon 13m Quod of the Detroit Free 1'resx, who is out over f 1500 in a similar enterprise. -At Grass Late on the 4th, while Hon. E. P. Allen of Ypsilanti, was speaking aloud the praises of the Krat bird of freedom, a tier of seats feil and : a great uproar ensued. No ono killed. In the evening Miss Helen Shearer was hit in tho face by a rooket and seriously injured. - Tho Stevens tragedy at Hunter's Creek, leads a correspondent of the Bhssrield Advance to remark anent the dead woman : "Last March she lei't ügden a happy, loving bride ; now a victim, cnauce uiuruerea, ny tnat nusoancl s haud, and yet this is love only enacted upon the great matrimonial stage." - At the recent meeting of the Michigau State Sabbath School association, held in Detroit, the State was divided iuto twelve Suuday school districts. - Barry, Uaton, Calhoun, Branch, Jaekson and Hillsdale couuties, coinpose the second district, of which J.W. Childs of Augusta, was appointed superintendent - The regatta at Toledo was pretty unanimously voted a sell, at least not many degrees removed. Matches were flelayed from day to day, and the irnpression has gone out that the managers were in collusion with lindlords, restaurant keepers, haekmen and all others who flock to such localities to ñeece an innocent public. - A young ladybrought insoinecherries to the Hudson Qazelte man, and he thanks the donor, who, ho says, is "modest and fair, with cheeks as'red as cherries are." Chromos and things are uowhere in coiuparison withpuft's like this as an inducement for ladies only to forward garden sass and fruit, lieceipt of cherries, with or without worms, will be acknowledged, - As soon as the news of Prof. Payne's electicn to a chair at the Uuiversity became known to the teachers of thepublio schools and the understanding bein; that he would accept the duties of his iu;w position, it was deomed fitting that the teachers show thoir csteeiu for him by some testimonial. Accordingly, after school hours Thursday afternoon, Miss Knowlton, on behalf of her iissociates, presented the Professor with that most exquisite of Roger's groups, "Coming to the Parson," togcther with a mrhlo-topped stand for it to rest on. Miss Knowlton accompanind the presentation with a few appropriato remarks, and the Professor, dejply tiffected, acknowlt-dged it briefly and fealingly.


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