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Report of the Condition OF TH 15 Aim Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN AI'.Illllï, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, Monday, July 7, A. I. T S7!i, made in accordance wïth sectfons is, 1;), md 67 oí' i' general Baaklng Law as amundwl in 1871. BKSOÜEOBS. Loanáuid discount!, Í181.176.5S Bondeend Mortgagea, tit,:iol.s; üükfá Blates Buuds, 13,100.0(1 Dui froru banksand banken, 44,528.59 lult in transit, 271,60 Uevenue. stampa, 51.00 Fnniftureand fixtaros, 3,680.83 Silvercoio, 1,188 67 Expenses, .V..70 Legil tender and bank noto?, 88,368.00 Total, S85ü,0fi5.7l MABIL1TIES. Capital stock, $50,000.00 Undivlded pronta, 6,190.88 Due deposito, 298,021.36 Dlvidends unpaid, 80.00 Inte vsi. ana uxcliange, 77IS.47 Total, S:C65.71 I dft solera nly sirear that the above tatementla true, to the best of niy kiiowled(r and belief. CHAíi. B. H1SCOCK, Cashier. Subscrihed and aworn la bcfore mg this 8th day ofJuly, 187D. ADAM "D. SEYLKU, Notary Public. lOstute of I.iiwriiu;es - minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ of Wasbtenaw, ss. At n assaion of the Probntc Court for the mnty of WaahteüOW, holden al ih' X'robute OllicH iu iheoityof Ann Arbor, on Thur day, the tcnt.h duy of July, in the yeiir one thoué&aa eight huBdrea and aeventy-nine. Pteaent, Vvilllum l. fclarrtman, Judgeof Prohste. I n i he mal ter al tha ntate of Qaxjry F. L;iwrence and .Tossit "W. LftwTenoe, ptnora. On anil lilinjr the pctitiOB, duly verififd, of Alberi (i Lawrenoe; puiirdiim, psaylng tliat he muy be lioensed to eell certaiu real estáte belODging to sald minors. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the Becond day of August uext, at ten o'elock in the 'oreo i, be aaainned for the hearing of suid ■ tion, und that the next of kin of Kaid luinors, and all othpr persons interrgted in said estáte. are required to apnear at a session of said court, then to be holden ir the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and i-how cause, f any thereba.why the prayer of the petitionei should not be ürauted: And it is furthcr ordered that ! Raid petitioiicr gire notiee to the persons inteiented in aald estáte, of the pendency of said pelition, and the hearinn thereof, by causing acopy of this order to be puhlished in the MlCHIOAB Augus, a newapaper priuted and ciiunlated in s:iid , :ounty, threeaucces.sive weeks previoua to aaid , iay of hearmg. WILLIAM D. HAHRIMAN, fA true eopy.) Judge of Frobate W. G. Rott, Probate Eegieter. ____LLGAL NOTICES. Kstate of CUristlan MHler." " STATE OF MICHIGAN, COU2ÏTY ?oK?7h; ■::;;- oi Washtenaw, made on M,c nimh dayoljaly' ; i„ ';,:;' "V"-15 e" " date wèro V c-'"ie ' Wstían Jlíller, late of said countT r, .■,„„,„„ and allowance. on oXefo Dated, Ann Arbor, July ft ü T 1S") WILLIÁM L. HAüiÚMAN, Judge of Probate. Eetate of Thomas A. lii.,ih OTATK OF MICHIGAN, 0OUNTY kJ of Át a sesslón of the l'robate Nonh W. Choevov. aamlnJstratui of raid estáte comes into court ,m,l repieBents töBt he tonow Mparedto ronder hi flool „„t L JSf SSffl Thereupon II Isordered, that 6urday the ae "'"l '"y '" A"gt next, at ten o'olbck in L """IgDedforeiaininiSgand alWini such account, ana that the heirs -n liw of ' i"'-'. ■■. rc,.,n,l ,„ appe„ ,, ., f'.:.. C u,t t hen to ,.- holden ai the Probate Office ntle I j uiAnn Arborinsaid county, and show cause J,' Probate KagWc J"''-f P,u!,,, p i ït nr ín !5 s jTïTiËT" .ve6i:í1rí;s;,rí?íI.impi:?vcr:i' oíiFt'10 wost s ■■ iVill bo sold cbeap. iu,„ „., . K,,,": ,," "u ■ „ , L. C. EISBON, " m Ann Arbor. Mich. ■ jyjANHOOü: HowLost, Hovv Eestured. - __ _ E', Just imMisbod.a ncwedltion of Dn. CutA VKttWKLL'S CKLEliKATKl, ESBit OU the ijfc radical cure (without medicine) ol Spfb - MATommati oí Seminal Weakness, I:,voi. untary Seminal Lossns, riupoTEScr, fieo&l nnd PhsiCBlIuoapacity,IuipedimentsloMarna(, te sell indulgence ar sexnal extravagance te rhocelebmtedauthor.iu this admirable Essar clrailj denwnatrates, from thirty ... '' practice.thal the tlumlw consequonset biraemayberiidloaljyeurea i Staccr m,s nseof iDternn] medicine or the apnllction of the knife: polntlne out a íí.ü.Il. of enré al once !i' pie . cerlau., m.leí rae.iT.sof whioliev.p■ufoer, no matter what hfa condil ion muy be! nwí - 1 Lecturo should be in tbe hands oí ererv youth and every man in thf land Sent trte, unrlcr s.-al. in a pkio euvdopo, to anv address. Address the Puhlishers. TJie CalrerweU Medical Co., 41 Aun St., Xkw York; POit Office Boi 4BS6 OeWIrocery! ATW EñST HURÓN STREET, GASPAR RINSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, comprlainpr evorythinf? in tbe lino at bottom priees -and purebased exclusively for casb. Trom a long in tile tntde, retal] and wholeaale, he believes be can sollgooos as cheim as the cheaiest. ' CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES ! A1I Hoodg Warrauted First-CIass. Farmers produce wanted for which the highest caab prico will be paid. ÍW Eemember the place, 16 East Hurón Street, Ann Arbor. yjNIVEESITT T0NS0KIAL - AND - Batb. ZESoo3nn.s I CALL AMD SEE OUR CIGARS & TOBACCOS. TRY OUK IVS CZEZKTT CIGAES, Chewing and Smoking Tobáceos. ' TONSORIAI, KOOM-all wlUte operators. ' Hair Cutting, Sbampooinfi, and Sbaving, in the best and latcst stylcs. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' THi: ONI.Y BATH OOMS IN THE CITY. ZÖ CENTS A li.VTH. TOO CHEAP TO GO DIKT Y! C No. 5 North Main Street, Ann Arl.or. t G. SCHUTT I AND UPHOLSTERYI .+. A.MUEHLIG 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Announces lo tlio public tliat he isbetler toanflver prepared toshow them completa stock of Fiirnitnre, comprlsing BED liOOM SUITES, PAELOR SUITES, SOFAS, TETES, CHAIRS, &c, &c, At priccs wonclcrfully low. í-sF"1 Cali and see our stock. O INS1SY & SÜABOLI'S Bakery, Crocery, AXD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wc keep constantly on band BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, I'or Wholesale and Betall Trade. "We shall also koep a supply of IDEXjECI PLOUB, J. M. SwiW & Co's Host White Wlieat Flour, Rye Flour, Bnckwheat Flonr, Com Mcal, ï'eod, &c, Ac, &n. At wholewle and retall. A general stock of GEOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, wbkb wili bo sold on as reasonable terina as at any otber house in the city. fl.ïr Cash ]iiii(i foi Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce geaerally. 3 Goods deliverod to any part of the city without extra charge. KINSEY & SEABOIS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879. KoAVriiFrfs Ren ooi yoft Boys Michigan imtm mm Soul br Cftta)ogD4. OsoHAmo Lakii. Micii. DDIIITrDf Send for samples mid ■ 11 Ira MrK '"'ics of Pper, Cara I IBIBV I lul I VI Board nnd Printers' íupphes to GEBHABD & KK.4MKR, B nnd 8 Baat i aincd st., DETROIT. dëtroitTbee pbéss Electrotpje k Stereotype FOUNJDRY. We har unequaled facilitie for Electrotyping md Stereot.vping Book I'latw, Enfrraved Cuts, I Hetal Plates for Eneravers, Circuíais. Cards, i Deis- in (act everytliing pertaining to the art. LABELS, CIKCULARB, CARDS, etc, tastily set ip and Metal Casts shipped at a very rcasonable ate. Newspaper Headings, Sub-Headings, i Slugs, ete., also furnished. 3orrespondence solloited. Address ' FREE PRESS CO., 1 LEGAL NOTICES. - -- . Estáte of Natlian Buzard.. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNT ot Washtenaw, ss. At 11 session of the Proba Court ípr Ibe Uounty ot Washtenaw, holden the Probate Office in the city of Ann Albor, on Su urday, the seventh dny of' June, in the yeur 01 taouaand ejght hiindrod and seventy-nine. Present, WilliamD. Hamman, JucVeof Probat In the matter of the estáte of Nathan Buzzar deeeused. On reading and flling the petition, duly verifie e of Benjamin E. Nichols, praymg that he may 1 liceneed to sell the real estáte whereof said deceas died seized Thereupon it is ordered. that Wednesclay tl mnth dnyof.Tuly nest, at ten nVluck tn the fon Qoon, be assijrued for the hearing of said petitio and that the hens at law ot said deceased, and n other persons mterested in said estáte, are p quired to appear at a session of asid Court, tilt to be holden at the Probate Office in tl; city of Ann Arbor, and show oause, if ai there be, why the prayer of the petitionei sliould not begranted: And it is furthor ordere , that said petitioners pive notice to the persons ir terested in Bald estáte, of the pendency of sai I petition, and the hearing thereof, by causin oopy of this order to be published in the Miohioa AROtu, a nowspaper prinled and circulated in sai eounty, three sucecssive weeks previous to said da of hearing. WILHAJI D. HAREIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Regisier. Estáte of Silas ay. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNT1 IO of Wasbtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probat Court for the County of Washtenaw, holdeli at th Probate Office in the city of Ann Arhor, on Toes day, thesevooteenth day of June, in the year on thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, Wiliiain D. Ilarriman, Judgc of Probate In the autttei of the estáte of Silas Day, de ceased, Myron Webb and Sarah Ann Day, administrator of said est;. te, cunte into court and represent thal they ure now p repared to reuder their final aceounl as snob administ ratOTS. Thereupon it is ordered. that Raturday, tlit twelfth day of July uext, at ten o'clock in tin foreuoon, be asaigned for examlning and allowing auch account, and that the lieirs at. hit of sajd deceased, aiul all uther persons inter estad in said estáte, aro required to appear at i sosslon of said eourt) then to be holden at the Probate Office in the cily of Ann Arbor in said couuty, and show cause, il" any there be, why ihe H:ud account shonld nof, be alioTod. And ir is furiher ordered that eaid administratora give no ice tu the persona uterested In said estáte ol the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof by rausing a copy of this order to bc publisbed in the Michigan Akgus, a newspapex printod and ciiculaUng in said county, three sucecssire weeks pruvions to said day of hearing. W1LLIAM D. HAKRISIAN, (A true oopy.) Judgoof Probate. Wil. ü. Dotv, Probate Register. JÏCiil r'síaít; i'or Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte ofGeorfïe Fischer, Annie Fisoher, John Fischer, Lewis fisher, and Mary Fischer, minors. Notice is hereby giren, that in pqrsuaace of an order granted tothe undersigned, guardián of the estáte of said niicors, by the Ilon. Judge of Probate for the connty of Washtenaw, on the d day of July, A. IJ. 1S7U, there will bo sol'l at pul lic venflne, to the hihest bidder, at the south front door of the Court ÈCouse in the eity of Ann Arbor, in the eounty ot' Wasbtenaw in saidsiaie, on U i unisday, thk Twkntii.tii iiav of August, A. D. 1S79, at ten o'elock. in the forenoon of tbat day (subject to all enenmbrances by mottgage or otherwise eiistlngat ihe time of the Bale), all the right, litle, and iclerest of said miaors in and to the following described real estáte, to wit : Lot mnnber three in bloek number three sonto riinííe six e.atít. The northeast part of lot nnitiber three in block number one south range number four east, being Bisteen andahalfxeet front and flTty l'eet deep. Also siteen feet otf of the west aide of lot number twoin block number one soitth of range four trast ; all in the city of Ann Arhor, in the. átate ol' Michigan. Alsoa piece of land on section number thirly-two in town two south range six cast, in the Stal e of Michigan , beginning on tho north and eouth quaHer line eleven chains north oí the center of said section, thenee north aiong the qnarter line thirteen chains and t:nty-six link--, tmmoe east aloufi 'hr sonth line of Brown & Bach's addition to tho city of Ann Arbor fourteen chains and thirteen links to a stake. thenee south four ohalna and ïix links to the half qnarter line. thenqe east alonff the half (ïuarter line live chains and eighty-fight links tn the north and ROUth half ((uarter line, tbence loutb oine chains and Berenteen ünks to a stake, vhioh is eleven chaina unrth of the east and weet quarter line of eaid seotion, thenee west twenty ohaintktotbe place of beginning, being t wen! -four and luneone-hundredlhs aeres ot' land more or less. Also a piece ol land on the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of seotion number thirty-t.wo in the townshlp of Ann Arbor, i'ounty of Washteuaw and State oí' Michigan, exoepting the west seven chains andflfty links wide usrosa said quarter of said seotïou,eontaittinLtwen j ly-live and forty-lbuT one-hundredths aeree. Also J tne north half of the Southwest quarter of section tlumber live and the SOUtheast quartei of section ' number rive. town one south range six cast. ' ug Ihe west forty acres, in Michigan. Also lots ' mmlier five, eix, seven, eight, uine. ten, eleven, r fcwelve, thirteen, and fourteen in llruwii's second [ .idditinu to the eity ol Ann Arbor in said siaie. l Also lutí? fiflctn and sixtet u in Brown's sei-ond i lition to the city of Ann Arbor in the state of ' tfiohigan. Alto lotsone. two, ihrce, four, flve and 8 he nnrl h twenty-two links wide of lot number six n block four, eouth of range number two east íd he city of Ann Arbor in the stata of Michigan. " Dated Jujy Sd, J87n. LEÜKHARD GRÜKEB, Guardian, j LEGAL NOTICES. Mortgage Sale. -pjEFAULT HAVINCi BEEH JÍADE IN THE X U cmidilionsof a cerlain mortgajje bearing date te the eleventh day of July, one thonsand eieht hundí dred and ssyenty-six, made and execnted bvCharies ,t. Gwinner and Elizabeth Gwinner, Ma wife"both of le the villnge of Manchester, Wushtenaw Counly Michigan, as moitgatora, to John Conrad Binder! e. , 01 the township oi Brídgewater, county of Washteü, naw and State of Michigan as mort"agee and recorded r.n the twenty tirst day of Aujuat A D J, '.ntür.M., inliber 51 of mortgagts, o'u page e CUl, in the office of the Register of Deeds for the ,j county of Washtenaw, Michigan, and more than sixty djiys haTing elapnd sinee defanlt was mad ,e m the payment of interest nnd priucipal due l j. by ftcoording to the tenns of said mondige and the i a note accompanying the same, giving the moilgaeee I 1] thenght toelect that the whole e u of priuiapal I ... and interest should be due and owing at once, and I „ theaaid mortgagee baving so made bis elcction I e and there beinjr cluimed to be due od said I y ga? and the note aforeroentiomd at the date of I 's this notioa the aum of nine hundred and two I Jara, and no proceeding at law or in equity having I ,. been institnted to recover the same or anv pan I j thereol: lnotice is therefore hereby given that by I a -virtue of a power of sale in said morigae I N tatned, anti of the statute in sueh cases made and I , provided, I sliall sell at publie aoction or vendue, I y to the highest bidder, on Saturday, tuk I Six-BB DAT or Jmi, A. P. 1879, at ten o'dock in I the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the I Coult House (that beint-lhe place for holding the I circuit eourt for the eounty oi Washtenaw, I gan), thepfemises described in said moitgage as I folh.wa, to wit: All those certain jiieces or parcel I r of land sitúate and being in the village of I chester, in the county ol Washtenaw and State of I ,. Michigan, and being more particnlarlr decribed íd I B B deed given by Christopher Katz, his wife, and I . Jacob Katzand Annn Mary Katz, his wife, of tho I 3 township df Manchester, county and 8tte I Charles 'winner, and heing recorded in I t the liegisler's Oiliee of Vashtenaw county, in liber I . 53of deeda, on page 729, on the lTth dsy of Aupust, I 18R( ; and also in a deed given by John W. Cowan , and Dorens Cowan. hiswife, of tbc townof Sharon, I county and State aforeasid, to Charles Gwinner and being recorded in the lïegister's Office of I Washtenaw oounty, inliber 62, page 810; and also I . in a deed (iven by William H. and Cedelia Bessao, , hw wifc, of Manchester, county and State I . Bata, to Charles Gwinner, and being recorded in I tbe Registert Otticeof Washtenaw county, inliber I 65, page4S2. Itbelner expressly bereby introded I by the parlies of tbe fint part that this mortgaga ia to oover tlitir ontire interest under ;he laat I tioned tbree deeda. Thesaid premisei beinc I scribed in the deeds above mentioned, as follows, I towit: Pait of lo't numberseveo u block I ber thrce in the village of Manehester, beginning I at the northwest corner of said let thence south on parallel linewiti ihe line of said lot sixty-two and one-half feet.thence east on a line parallel with the south line of Bai.l lot thirty-two feet, thence north ou a lino parallel with the east line of said lol Mty-tivo and one half feet, thence west thirtyto feet to the place of lieginnini? : also being üto rods otf üontheasterly end of village lot number Beven in block number three in the village of Mancaestec : aU part of lot mimber spvttn in bloofc number three of the village of Manchester, bcginning sizty-tTO and one-half iect aouth of the northweat corner of sad Int. rnnninr tronce east thirty-two feet, thence south thirty-eight feetf thence west thirty-lwo feet, thenee north thirtyeighl feet to the place of beginning. Said premises will bu sold to satisfy the amount so claimed to be due, with the interest accruina after thia date and an attorncy fee of thirty dollars providcd for in said moitgage, and the costa and expenses allowed by la xv. 'Dated, April 22, 1S79. JOHN CONRAD HINDEK, Mortgagc. Ceamir, Fbükauh & Cojibin, Attorneys lor Morignfjec. liral Estáte tor S;tlc STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of W'iwhtenaw, ss. In the matter of the extate of Russell Briíítrs, an incompetent penton. Notice is hercty giyea, that in pursuance of an order graDted to the undersigned, innmlian of tbe said RnBseU Briges, by the Ilon. Judge of Probate for the countj of washtenaw on the third day of June, A.. B.1H79, there will be sold ut public verdue, to the highest bidder, at. the residenco of said Kussell BriggB, in the township of Saline, in the county of Washtenaw in saul state, on Tübsdat, tui-: TwenIT-fmcoND DAY oi' Julv, A. D. 1879, at ten o'clock in the iorenoon of that day (subjfet to all encumbi anees by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time oí the sale i the following described real estáte, towit: Theeaat half of the northeaet quarter of sccüoii twi f2) and twenty acres on the east afde of I the vest half of the northeast qnarter of apction two (:'), all in town four{4)south range flve (ñ) east (Saline), Washtenaw County in Michigan. Also ihirty üvo (3ój acres on the west side of the weet huif of the northwest qimrter of section one (1), town tour (4) sonth range üve (5) eat (Saline), "Washtenaw County in Michigan. Also the aoutbcat quarter of section thirty flve, town three (3) south range live east (Lodi), Washtenaw County in ilicliipan. MYilON lfKHIl, öuardian. Pat'd. .Tune '!. 1S79. Éstate of John G. Groesinger. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sa. Notice ia hereby given, that jy an order of the Piobate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the second day of July, i. D. 1879, aix months trom that date wcre aliwed for oreditors to piesent their claims against he estáte of John G. Groesinger, late of aaid county, teeeast'd, and that all creditora of said deccaaed j-e reooirad to present their claims to said Pro late Onurt, at the Probate uülce in the city of tnn Arbur, for examination and allowance, on or ef ore the second day of January next, and that uch claims will be heard boibre said Court, on 'lmrs.i;iy, the seeond day of October, and on Friay the second day of January next, at ten o'clock a the forenoon of each of aaid days. Dated, 'Ann Arbor, July 2, A. D. 1879. WILLIAM D HAERIMAN, S"l Jndjs of Piobsts.


Old News
Michigan Argus