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Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWARD AVENUE, DBTEOIT. We keep in stook the largest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof in America. ar VWllor are c.udlally Inrlted lo vislt our sioi .- vtdt-ii in Detroit. FHVSICIANS, ICSGEOMt, STUDENT, and DEAI.KRS are inviled lo examine onr Urge and completo aavo:tment of Snrtóal Instruments uil alt ktednd uu.1, betere makMg tlieir selecHuns ïlsewbere, uu wc wnimatB t lo theli ndvantnge lo Gbtaintbeirtuppliesof na. FREDERICK STEARNS. T DOLLAR SAVED IN A HOLLAR KAENED ! NEW GÖODS ! And prlces LOWEB THAN KVKK. I have purchaned in New York, fot oi.sli, ud 1 am now daily teceivini; one ot the lnrpest anü moat select stock of Oroeerie in WashkTmw County, coLsistjnt of a full and well selrcted LINE OF TEAS, AH of the uew erop - incladlng Gunpowdi -r, Iinp, iilti,. oiiiiü lly. sous, ll aaiiN, Japuim, Ooloiik, Kar. mosa, loiitoiK, Suik buiiK-, u(i I iinl, a .. Togfther with a fiill line of COPFEK8, conaiminji of the following branda: MOCHA, uLU (K)V'T JAVA.MAMAUA1BU, LAi L'A Y KK, SANTOS and K1O, both roasted find gmund ; full and we 11 selecteil Htock of SUCARS, SYRUPS ANJ) MOLAS.SE8, 'l'oyether with everythiutr íq the line if l'iue 8pioea,Canned fruit a, and Vegetables, We bare full and complet Hub nf BOOTS &, SHOES, HAT8, CAPS, GLOVES Aud HoMiery. AIbo, a cholee asBoi tnient of i.udiea' and Oentlemen'n Underwear. Cali and examlnr Goode aod l'tinea and we will insute satiafaet ion. EDWARD DITFPT. " Maynard'i Jtlotk,-' cor. Main an.1 Ann stret-t __ Ann Arbor, Mich. "Hlgrie6i laah ji.i.o p,.ij t„: 11 arm jiroduce.js RAILROADS. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday Marcli 23, 1879. opino NOnTH. ooisa south. tai-iap.iiap. i;xp. f:xp. míxA.MA.M.'p.M. 'a. M. P. M. P. M. 6 50 10 40: 6 00 TOLKDO 929 260)925 6.13 10 42! 6 02 North Toledo 9 27 2 48' 9 22 7 07 10 50 6 11 Detroit Junctlnn 9 19 2 39! 9 04 720,1058 620 llawlhoni 9 11 2 31 8 47 733 11061628 ■ Samaría 903223 8 30 7 42 11 111 ti 34 Seola 8 58!2 18 819 7 55,1118 6 4i Lulu 8 49 2 10; 8 02 S 03,11 23 6 47 Mnurne Junction 8 42 2 05 7 61 8 35 1132 6 57 Dundee S 35 155' 7 32 8 46 11G7, 7 0T Maron 8 30 150 7 21 8581142 710 Azalia 8 24 1 44 7 10 9 25;11S4 J23 Noran 8 11! 132 6 37 9 38,12 00 729 Uraa 8 05: 126 625 9 52 12 06] 7 38; Milnia 7 58; 1 20 6 13 10 13jl2 15j 7 46[ Ypsilantl Juuc. 7 48: 1 10] 5 54 10 10:12 281 8 00 AKN'AHBOK 7 35 12 58 S 30 The 7.36 a. m. expres sotith makes close connections at Monroe Junction lor Adrián and Monroe and for pointa on the Lake Shore ; at Toledo wlth Columbas & Toledo aud the Wabash. The 12.58 p. m. expresa south connects at Toledo with the 3 o'ctock train east on the Pennsylvania Road thro' to New York. All trains run by Columbuü time - 7 minutes faster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASHLEY, Jr., Superintendent. MIG'HHjJAS CENTRAL lt.ULKOAl). MAY 25, 1879. OülHQ WIST. J I ■ i-O . 1 O . 8 !SS-i s ■ A. M. A.M P-M. P. M. r.U. Í.M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 86 6 55 :i 55. 8 9 5c G. T. Junction, 7 15 10 00 6 10 i 4 10 j 8 25 10 10 Wayne Junction 7 52 10 28 6 42 4 .% 8 57 10 42 Ypsilanti, . 8 20 10 45 7 05: 4 551 9 22 11 04 Geddes, 8 30 7 20 ' ■ Ann Arbor, 8 40 11 00 7 35 5 20: 9 38111 20 Delhi, 8 53: 7 46 , ! Dexter, 9 04 7 50 5 7 9 59 Chelsea, 9 22 1 8 11! s 50 10 18 OraBS l.ake, 9 501 1 8 83 1 ü 10 10 38 P.M { All. Jackson, 10 20 12 151 9 00 6 30 11 15 12 45 Albion, 11 04 12 50 7 36 11 59 1 20 Marshall, 11 50 1 80 M j 8 0312 261 1 40 BattleCieek. 12 19 1 55 ? [ 8 32112 60 i C2 lialesburg, 12 52 9 05 1201 A.H. Kalamazoo, . 1 15 2 3T ,r 00 ü 25 1 38' 2 43 Lawton, 1 5a 5 M ' 2 13 ' Decatur, 2 10 5 50 2 31 Dowagiac. 2 35 6 12 1 57 Niles, 3 05 4 07 6 55 8 30 4 15 , Buchanan, J 19 7 07 S 4J , Three üak 3 49 ■ 7 88 New Buftalo, 4 03 4 57 7 45 4 tl Mj.',hlgii Ciiy, 4 :io ft 2u lo 4 oö 6 30 Lake, 5 13 o 02 8 53 j 13 s 19 ' Kensingtou, 6 w) ü 50 9 10 (40 7 10 Chicago, arrive, CM 7 40.10 S0 ; "u 8 00 , OINHKAM. I JL ï L L. i ■ A.M. A. M. t. V. H.M. F. M Chicago, Unv.., 1 00 'J 00 4 00 5 lil 8 10 Kèuainatou, 7 50 a 50 4 60 6 05 10 00 Lake, 8 88 lo ;0 5 42 C 60 lo 43 Michigan City, 9 Uil .18 35 7 40 n 30 NewBuflalo, 9 47 1130 i; S.V 1162 Three Oaku, 10 02 7 08 A.M. Buchauan, 10 32 i 88 1 Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 06 B N 12 48 Downgi.-, ,1113! 883 i 1 lú Decatur, 1139 8 57. 140 Lawton, 11 57! 9 15 a. m. 1 1 57 Knlaiuaüuo, Yl U 1 '■ 60 6 5o lo 58 2 28 üaleaburg, 12 53 . 7 08 Battle Onek, 1 8 2 18 J H 7 lo II ld JM8 KanhkB, i U P S 08 11 37 3 4fi A.M. , Albion, 2 52 8 21 a.m. U II 58 4 12 Jacksou, 3 45 4 O.i 7 15 9 80 12 Ml 5 00 irán l.Bke 4 10 7 3K 9 50 5 25 Ohelsea, 4 40 S 02 10 07 ■ 5 60 Dexter, ■' 00 8 1 10 19 05 Delhi, 6 10 8 '25 Ann Arbor, 6 20 8 lu 8 4J 10 88 2 Dl 6 2.1 dediles, 5 30 8 50 Ypsilauli 5 37 5 24 'J 00 10 4S 2 28 6 41 Wayne.Junc, C 01 0 45 U 28 11 08 ! 44 7 05 O T .lunc, 6 U 6 lfi il 68 11 SB 3 80 7 43 Detroit, Ar., 8 4.1 6 30 10 10 11 50 8 :.'i_of 'Bundaya exoepted. :8aturdy ud Hands] ■ cepted. t Daily. H. B. LEDYAKD, üen'l Mananer. Detroit. H. C. W'kntwokth, O, I'. & T. Aert., Chicago. -'AÑADA SOITBEKN K'Y 1-1NKS. v The Only American Home Through Canada Trains l.'avc M. C, I!. K. Depot, Pel rolt, city ihne, as t'ollowti : Atlaiilic Exprw, l;iilj, 4 tsO a. m., Wagneï carto Boston. l"at Day KxpresB, ilaily, 12 noon, Wagneï car to New Vork and Boaton. Llghluing Expres, ilally excfpl Sunday, 11 10 p. in., Wagner car to Buflalo'anti fiocbester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. ni. ezcepf Sanday ; :i 10 p. m. daily ; 6 60 p. m. except Sunday, For Kayette 6 30 p. m. oxept Sumiay. For iuformation and tickets apply to II. W llayes, agent M. C. K. R., Ann Arbor. M. O. ROACH, Pas.%. Agent. Detroit. FBANK E. SOW, Öo. Ps3. ani T!.kt Aft. Detroit. WOTICE. , on to all order, ior faun Sc V '", and tT'ehZ8711168' an1 "1. " SS All debts the Ute lirra of Winslow A McMn lanarepayablftothciniJersixned, nd any deb ■■ontractei during U conr.4tln wlth ,i win be pald by Min. "' Ann Arbor, Oct. 14, 1878. 1;i"ir I. McMILLAN. Abstracts of Titles. All partien who ure desirous of ascertaining th. condition of the title to their lauda, or partie h wish lo loan inoney on real estáte wilf do wellt cali at the Kegister'a office asd consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said books are ao tur advanced that the Kegist fan turniBh on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title Of any parcel of land tn Waahtenaw County shown by the original ra-oida. C. H. MANLY, Registe. DETROIT Throat ILunglnstitute MERRILL BLOC'K, corner of Woodwanl and Jeflerson aves., Detroit, Mtch. M. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r Who peraonally recoivea patieats At the Iosti tute for the cure of all the various diseases of theHead, Throat and Cheet, and their complications, through the System "t Inhalation, combinad wíth proper taternal treatment. To thone who have wbat tbey are pleaned tocal " linerlna colcis" we wou ld say unhesitatlngly and if poHflible with a voioe that would awakeD al írom that pleasant rielusion, that without promn and earoest eflörts in a raiioual ttnd proper inunner many wijl soonfollow ftboM who have l'ound rrleaw from thoirstuftertug in ihat "sleep which knowi no waking." You have been oonaeiuus, hut almoat af raid 1o confess tbefact, and unwllling 10 adoiit it to your selves Ihat the slight frritation of the throat, th bronchial iiiflammatiou of a few weeks or nionth ago, which you coufidently believed would " wea on1," hasbfeome firmly eatablished, and is Iao certainly, and by degrees. more or less rapidlv ai with fatal precisión and unyielding grap, advaoc íngto hopeless coDsumption, You may object to and shrink from the frank statement by your med kal adviser ; you may deny the truthful convicticD which torces itself upon your observation am reasun, but t:plain fact, divested of flatterfog a surancea that can only cheat you of even Ufe itself ts that thfse ihroal dlseues, the hronchlal nüam mations and other constitutionü.1 causes, are tellin agalüst you with unerrtDg ctirtaiuty, and the as au ranees- o pleasant to the ear- that all wiil te well bye and bye, are the more delusivo and en1! You do not want f o stunefy the senses by opirtes nor take into the stouQacn drus that will frfever destroyitstone and irapalrfta office. You do nt want locrely palliative treatment to uondut'L auv'lull you into tiincied security to the very bripÉ of the grave, font is neither reasonable nor jtut tn yourBelves, or those who regard your caW with treiubling aoiicitiule and painful anzlety. The chilly blasts and storms ot' advanced au nmu, the inclement wintfr. witl' lts aearchiag winds anI fttraospbere eharged wiiü moisture, havt had their effect upon yun- the vat and rapld vicisslinilM ot sjring, tliat, with -ne re-wwakenini; ui vegetable life, la pmiliaily fafal to constimptives thee changes of seaaom are "w upon the nvaliJ & well as upon the robttat, And it is wtae to just now stop and rpfleot upon toe&at&TG aud prugrens of your disww, and tht remedial ïnettsurcs yoi have employed, and seriuIy tu {nqalre if tlif-re ia way open lo you by wbioli yon muy e6aifl t hr danser which is itnjioudfng-. We say, without hesiiation, thal the grefth i aum hor of pulmonary Atteuea can be ourei. We need not dihtif upon theories whtla ne hit ftble to preseni tiving evidencea oï tlie efieacy o [udlofnii - medtcatltHi in a cl& ot' pMm fo Ion y anc perststentl) pronounoed hopei--.--. Inhalations ure appiicaUe tn all ilinruse-. of tlie resplrator}1 órgano, i nel ud ing oatarrh, ihront diw u . i'lmia, bronchiiis, consumpMon ; and thou..ands of casos can bc cu red by thii mode oi' tieatturiit when nothlng elue can reacb iheiu. Those who desiiv t consult me in regard to theii cases liad better cali at the office lor au examinati'tu. Kot il impo--.'-i'')ti to theoitioi pevsonally may irrite lor ' LmI oí Queflttoos," and circular, botíi of wliiih will be sent firee oï charge. Addreís M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., Meukill Block, Dkteoit, Mich. GRAVS SIi:CIFIf MEDIC1NK. TRADE MARK.Tll(, Gvest Kn. TRAPE N1AKK M 3an "n'a'ling "i'e m&L J$ÊÊ!%tfS& eiiser that follow gaB3 Before TakingESSiJ [jniveral Lansitude, l'uin in iheBaek, Dimue-w ol' VÏ.--IUU, i-ku.íIuií (H(l A.pv, IDit munyoxner UlBeaiesthat leadto Invanity, Conaumption and a Premature Oruve. Full partinclurs in our pamphlets, liioha desire to send free bv muil to every one. The Specifle Modieiiie is sold bv all Druggists Al $1 perpackage, orsix piickages for $.i, or will bs nent by mail on rfe-i[t o!' the inoney by addreaöin(r THE UHAV MKDICINB CO., No lOMecluinioa' Block, U.itroit Mlch. #-Sold in Ann Arlir by all Dniggist, and by Jruggmlü eveiywhere AHDlUMI i'IIMPAM, Capital, - ;i, 000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1N7(, $6,792,649.98. IiOBRes l'uiil in üö Year, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includ'"g He-Insurance Kenerre, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Re-Insurance aud Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. ('. 11A( K, Ageut, AmiArbor GET rOÜJR PROPEETY ' sriiEl) BY C. H. 1ILLKN, Insurance Agent No. I South Main Street, AJfN ARBOR. - MICH. 'J'hu eldesl auRcy in tlie city. EalablialiíJ i ijiiartur of a century ago. Kejireaenting th iollowini üi-t clan enmntDiee l'o. of NV.. Afie over $t'.,(M)i ■oinlu.i' lui.C,. „ÍS. V., AaHtlOTttitf Slagra Fre Ins. Co., N F,, Aets 1,-M'.',4 ïimnld P.., Assets over S1,00O,0W ),i.i.i út Hartford, mï7M : KutfN low. Loases Hberally ad.iualfd '; itiiii]'il v yiai'l. C. II. MIILKN. m C COMPOUND EXTRACT OF-T CONTAININQ Cuüebs, Juniper & Spirits of Nitrel IK A OQNCENTRJTtD FOR, FO Siseases of the Kidneys c Bladder, I Oonerrhea, -Weaknesses, OverEsertions, Gleet, Stricture, Oïstruction of the Urine, mi.,1 ui I OiseaseM of the l rlimry ■ liIMl Srxiuil Oru'HHH. Ko Bfttttr of bow long htaudiog, and whelhör in I MALE OR FEMALE. I Prloe - - - One Dollar. I pared from tlie original reoipfl of DB. HILL, I nd old bj W. JOBXSTON k CO., 61 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. I FOH BALE BV ALLPBCOITg


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Michigan Argus