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Reform In Life Insurance

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PoUeiea ol' Lile Assurnnee contain so many restrictions and special stipulationt. aiid eonditions that it is alniost impossible lor u policy kolder not to viólate bis contract so as to render it void. If a polieyliolder lias succeeded in making every statement in his application for his policy, .'líe ín every respect, he yet lias to eonstantly and caivfully guara against dying in anv but the most Btereotyped, christian and pattioüc manner, and so environed - in the prescnce oí' auch witnesses as will malee the suspicion of self-destrnction impossihle, or he inay leave to his hcirs - not a léjfacy, bnt a iaw suit with a strong and soulleas Corporation. True, life assnrance oompanio? recognize and pay many death claims. More than 47,000 snch claims vcre paid last year, and of these bat 191 were contested. But the most of these claims were paid, not because the contracts making tliem wonld not justify a legal contesting of the right of the beneficiarios to demand payment quite as iairly as did the 191 contested, b:it merely beeauee the companies concluded it was the best policy to pay. Men have grown cautious and wise by experience. As a rule thcy ció not want to depend upon tlie generosity nor the craft of a company to pay death claims, bnt would prefer to depend upon the plain letter of the contract. Wise and honorable liberality is not an objectionable characteristic in a Life Aaanrancfi Company, but thoae who want to purchase polieies of Life Afsnrance in these times, require something more than this - Bomething in theorm of their polieies that will make their payment when they become claims, as prompt and certain as is practicable. The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States has taken the lead in the very important step tliat just meets this public demand. All polieies of lift usurance ksretofore and hereafter issned by the Equitable, are inconteitable after tfiree years from their date, and include a delinite surrender value. This is the most important move made in the history of Life Assuranee management. All the other companies, if they secure any hare of public patronage, will have to clean np their poliek'S and omit all verbiage and unfair restrictions as the Equitable Jias done. The Equitoljle merils the patronnge and confldence of the public because of its unifornily, progreBPive nul lilxral management. Oiir readers will 6nd in anolher column a .statement of the clianges made in the Kquitibk's form of policy.


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