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LEGAL NOTICES. Kral Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COIINTY oi Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the catate ofGeortfè Fischer, Annie Fischer, John Fiseher, Lcwis Fiseher, and Mary Fischer, minors. Noticeis hereby gi ven, that In pursaan ce fan order granteti totheuiid-r-itmed, guardián of the estáte of said minors, by the Ilon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the 2d day of July, A. D. 1879, tliere will be sold at lic venclue, to the hihest ladder, at the south front door of the Coatí House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenuw in said State, on kdnispay. ihe day of August, A. 1). 1879, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of that day (subject to fijl encumhranees by Diortgaffc or othrrwii-e extatingat the time of the sale), all the right, titie, nnd interest of said mhiOTB in and lo the foUowlng describid real estáte, to wil i Lot niimber three in bliioh Dumber tbree soath rmiït: six east. The northeast. pait of lot number three In block nuiuber one south range number tour east, beitig lixteen and a halt feet front and fifiy feet deep A'so sixteen foet oñ of the west pide of lot number two in block number one ROutfa of range four enst ; kII in the city of Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan. Also n ]i ce of land on seotion number tliirty two in town 'WO south range eixejist,iri thp State oí Micliiprnii , bezinning on the north and sou tb qunrter line eleven cfcuiis nortli of tl e center nf said stetion, thence nortli nlonsr the qu rter Use thirteen chaina and twont.y-six link?, thenee east. along the south line oí lírown & Boon 's uridition to the city of Ann Arbor fourteen chaina and thirteen links to a stake thence nouth four ehalna and six tin ka to the huif quarier Una, thenee along the ha!f quurter line íive chaina aod ipht links to the nortli nnd sotith half quirter line, thi-nce sotith nine ehains aad seventeen linka to HHtak ■, whieb ia eleven cliaius nortli of the east and weat qnarfcpr line of said section, thence west twenty ohaiaa tottie pi nee of bt?uinning, beinfr twenty-four and nineone lnindredths acres of land more or less. Also a piece ot land on the northwest quaiter of the nortliwest quarter of seetion number thirty-two in the township of Ann Arbor, county ot' Wasbtenaw and State of Michigan, exceptin; the west se ven chains und fifí y links wide aoroti said qtuirter of said seetion, OOntliiniQg twen ty-five and forty-four one-hundredths acres, Also the nortli halt' ot' the south west quarter of section number ttve mid the southenst qunrtei oí section numlier ive. town one south ranjzesix east, exceDtinfr the Test fort y acres, in Michigan. Also Iota nnmber fivo, six, geven, ftight. unie, ten, eleven, twelve, tliirteen, and fonrteen Ín Brown's second additioii to the c ty of Ann Arbor in said stafp. Also Iota fifteen and sixtetn in Browu8 second addition to the city of Ann Arlor in the state of MicMirnn. a Ifo Iota one, two, three, four, flve and the nnh twenty -two links wïde of lot nnmber six in block four, pöuth of ranee number two east in the city of Ann Arbor in the state of Michigan. Dated July 2d, 1879. LEUXHARD GRUNER, Guardian. Estáte of Thomas A. Booth. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí ffMfrtOIHT. 83. Ata ses.sion of the Probate Court fcr the County of Witehteiiíiw, holden at the frobate Otticein the city of nn Arbor, on Monday, the gevent h dtiy of Julj, in the year one thouaand ei"h hundred and aeventy-uine. Present, William I Harriman, Judfie oi Probate. In the matter of the estute of Thomas A. Booth, ieoeased; Noah W Clieevor, administrator of said estáte, somesinto court and representa that hè is now ( pared to render his iinal aticouut as sueh , l rit tor. Thereupon it ïê, that Satnrday, the secind day of August next, at ten o'clork in tlie forenoon, be aaawned for exumlnlag and allowiQg iut-h account, and that the heirs at law of said , leased, and all olher persons interested in said eslate, are requhvd to ttppsfjr at a Bttaíon of uid Dourt, then to be bolden al the Probate tlilice iu the ïity of Ann Arbor In aaid county, and show eause f any there be, why the aaid aooeust should nol be illowed : And it is further ordeivd that iaid , ïiiuislrator give notice to the persons interested in nld estáte, ofthe pendency of said account and , ;ha hearing tliereof, by rauatng a copy otihis order o be published in tho Miciuuan Aum s, ■ ne.waper piinted and drculattagtn kuw coanty, three - iuccessivc weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM HARRIMAN, (A tnifcopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doïv, Probate Register. LEGAL IMOTICESMortgragö Sale. DEFAULT HA VING BEEN MADE IN THE conditions of a certain mortgne hearing dat the eleventh day of July, one Uiousttnd eitrht hundred and seventy-six, madeand executed byCharies dwiuncr and Klizubeth (iwinner.his wife, both of the villnge of Manchester, Wushtenaw Countyr Michiffivn, as mortgagors, to John nrnd Binder,, of the townahip ui iiridgewater, county of WashteDBW and State of Michigan m&ftgagee, and recorded on the twenty first day of .Augtwty A D. 1876, at 3 p m., in liber 51 of mortgages, on page 691, in the uffice of the Register of Deeds för the county of Waphienaw, Michigan, nnd more tliart sixty davs having elnpsed since defaiilt was made in the pivymenf of interest and principal due thereby aecordinj; to the ternis of said mortnge and the note accompunying the same, giving the mortgage the right to elect that the whole num oí principad and interest should be due and owing at once, and the said mortgagee having so made his electioöantl Ihere being elaimei1 to be due on aaid mortgage and the nute aforementioned at the date of this notice the sura of nine hundred and two dolltirs, And no proceediiijr at law or in equity haring been Inatítntéu to recover the sume or any part thereof: Notice is therefore bereby given, that by Tirtue of a power oí sale in said niurtgage contaii.t'), and of the statute in such oases made and provided, I shall sell at public auction or vei)due to the liijiliest bidder, on Saturday, tbe TwektttSixth pay OF Jri-Y, A. D. 1879, at len oMcck in the forenoon of said dny, at the south door of tbe Court House (that bei ny the placo for holding theeircnitoonrt for the county oí "Washtenaw, Michiganj, the premises described in said mortgnge, as íiílíowB, to wit: All those certain pieces ot parcel of land nituat and being in the villnge of Manchest r, In the county oí "VVashteniw and Stat1 of Michigan, and bei Dg more particularly dencribed in a deed given by Christopher Kalz, liis wife, and Jacob Katzand Anna Mary Katz, hi wife, of the towiiship of Manchester, county and Slate afore said,to Charles G winner, and being recorded Ín the Register's Otliee of Washtenaw county, in liber 53 of deeds, on page 729, on the 17th dn y of August, I8fi4 ; and also in a deed given by John W. Co vanand Dorcas Cowjin. his wife, of thetownof Sharon, oourty and State afores id, to Charles Gwinner, and being recorded in the Register's Office of Washtenaw county, in ïiber 62, piltre 610; and alsc in a deed given by William H. and Cedelia Bessao; his wife, of Manchester, ecnnty and State aforOHiiid (o Charles Gwinner. and bein? reeorded in the Register's Otticeof Washtenaw county, in libes 65, page 482. It beina expressly hereby intendecï by the pa Mies of the nVt part that thia raortgagif to cover tlieir eDtire interest under the last mentioncd three deeds. The said preinines being deecribed in the deeds above mentioned, as folioira,, to wit : Pait of lot number seven 'm block number three in the vilbige of ftlanebe&ier, beginniny at the nnithwest corner of sid Iet tbence south ont a parallel line with the line of said lot sixty-two and on e-hal f f eet, th once east on a linepamllpl wilh the south line of snid lot thirty-two feet, thenc north on a line paraüel with tbe oa3 li? of said lot sixly-two and one half feet, thenee wet-t thirtytwo feet to the place of befïinnim' : also beinp fire rods off íoutheastrrly end of vilïape )ot number seven in block uuniber three in the villaiic of Mancheeter ; alao part of l"t nwmber seven in blocK number three of theTÜlage of Manchester, begin BJng sixiy-iwo and one-half ieet south of tho sorthwest corner of saM Tot rnnninip thenee east thirty-two feet, thenee south tbïrty-eïght feet,. thenee west thirty-two feet, thenee north thirtyaiflfht fePt to the place of begin -ning. Said premise willbi' sold to atinfy tb amomat so claimed to beiue.witb the interest accruin after this dte anct in nttorney fee of thirty dollars provided for in iaifl mortgagE, and the costs and expenses allowed bv law. 'Daied, April 22, TS79. JOHN CONRAD BINDER, Mortgagee CRAMEIt, FllCEAUFF & COBBIN, Attomeys lor Mortgagee. pABltt FOK SALK. CO acres, well improred, off the w8t aiöe of the' vest half of the simt heust quarter of section elevea n the townt-hip of Pittsfield, Washtenaw County pV'ill be B(ld cheap. Terms easy. Enouire of h. C. RISDON, ?T-3m Anu Arbor. Mich. BOAKllNt; SCHOOL FOltliÖïS. MICHIGAN MILITARY ACADJÊMY. Siud fur Catalogue. ORCHARD LAKE, MICBfc


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