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_Henry Otto is instructing tbe new bod-The case of the People vs. Nancy pj6her, charged with disorderliness, was ,ettled. -On Mondsy nrl Tuesday tbe mercOry rose to 98 in the shade. In the un it went above 100. - Well, where are you going to spend our sumraer vacation, and hide your,elf frora these torrid heats? - J. O. Banks, of tbe firm of Blackman Banks of Wliitehall, latelyfaüed, was formerly a resident of this city. - Judge Morris has dismissed the order compelling Dr. Rose to show cause n the case agaiust hira for comtempt. -The contract for painting the school iouse8 in the spcotid and third wards bas been let to John Boylan for $293. -Amone appointraents of oil iiispec(ort ia that of Chas. Wolcott of Jackson for district six, comprising Jackson and ffashtenaw counties. A number of shade trees were blown down and limbs detached from others in different portions of the city, by the violent storm of Friday. -John Ryan ws arrested for assault und battery on John Lucas, on Saturjij and taken before Justice Frueauff Lucas plead not guilty and case was ad journed to July 21. The Juvonile Tetnperance Union bas elected Miss Lulu Goodrich, presiaent; Míbs Georgië Goodrich, -vice presiaent; Mrs. 1). M. Tyler, secretary ; and JIrs. L. S. Lerch, treasurer. Attention of builders is called to plans and gpecifications for a new resi dence to be built on Bowery Street by Margaret Kearney, on exhibition at the grocery store of Ambrose Kearney, 33 South Main Street. A strangulated hernia of E. C. Seaman was operated on Tuesday afternoou by Prof. E. C. Franklin, assisted by Dr. Backus. It was a critical and danger0U9 case ; but there are grounds to hope it may prove successf ui. -Chas. Clark and Henry Lester, two traraps arrested at Chelsea tor breaking nto a car, were exaraincd before Justice Urauger and discharged, there being no eridonce to show the offeuse was committed in Washtenaw county. -The dwelling No. 82 South Main street, occupied by Mrs.Hannah Keyser. caught fire on Tuesday from a defective chimney. before the flre department reached the placo a few pails of water hnd extinguished the flamea. Dauaages f 10. Insured. At the Schutzenbund tournament held in Toledo on Monday, Fred. Bross of this city, the fourth best shot, received {40 in money and a 30 gold badge. - John Ambruster, Chas. H. Manly, Alvin Wilsey. John Newland and Richard Beahau also received prizes. Major Anderson, who has been initrumental in securing a $10,000 sub(cription for the extensión of the Toledo road to Pontiac, as well as about six miles of the right of way, has gone to Port Hurón to raise a certain amount for the Port Huron and Northwestern Scarcely a day passes but what one or more trarups are arrested in town for ome petty offense. On Friday Thomas Newman was committpd to forten Jay8 for entering a house in the fifth ward and stealing a pair of shoes. Mir ghat Johnson runs thein out of town when (hey are seen loitering arouud the depot. - The temperance meeting in the opr house Sunday evening was conducted by Dr. Gates of Chelsea, president of the Reform Club. Speeches were alio made by different inembers of the Chelsea club. The meeting was a mccessful on, and a considerable num her signed the pledge. Tuesday. July 29, is the day fixed tor tbe excursión to Port Hurón. - Our old and well known grocer, G. W. Cropsey, having finished his new building on Wnshington Street, No 14. has jiiBt put in anew nnd complete stook of groceries, which hu offers at low fisura for cash or its equivalent. Owrbisutori" he has fitted up a restaurant, where meals at any hour of the day, ie cream, lemonades, &o., are furnished parties, (ingle or moro. He would like to huve you give him a cali. - InRpBCtor-General Heath inspecturl Company A, Michigan State Troops, on Friday evening at 'he armory, and expressed himself as being dis appointed in the ooiiditioo he fount that organization. There were hetweei thirty and forty meinbers of the com pany present, and their old time pro riciency in drill was exhibited. Then are ten applications in for raembersliip and the company promisps to resume it wontpd prosperity. - Benjamin Randall. a commissie, merchant of Chicago, f6rmirly a rsi deiit of Adama, N. Y., was taken sud denly ill with cholera niorbun betveen Jackson and this city, on Thursdtr morning of last week. On arrival a this city he was removed to the Leooari House. His wife and son arrived th next day. He is recovering as rapidl as possible, and expects to be able t either return to Chicago or complete h journey to N. Y. city, this week. - Union services of the Presbyteria and Congregational ctrurches of the cit; will be held through July ani August - half in one church, half in the other, tlie preaching to be done by 'he pastor of the church in which the service is held. The services next Sunday will be held in the Congregational chureh. ïhis is to give Mr. Ryder and Dr. Biown each a chance tor a tnonth's vacation. The Sunday schools and Bible classes will Jteet as usual in their churches. -The Baptist Chureh and society, at a meeting Saturday, decided definitely to build a new chureh. Plans wcre drawn by Myers of' Di troit, and accepted, and the trustees instructed to appoint a building cornmittee and place the subscriptions to the building fund in proper shape. The chureh will be of red brick, with black triruruings, and probably cost between $15,000 and $18,000. It will be erected on a lot for several years owned by the Baptist Society, on Huren street. It is txpected that the foundations will be lain this fall The work will be so carried on that when the building will be completed it will be entirely paid for. - The North Lake camping party )roke camp Monday. John N. Gott has just completed lis semi-annual inventory. A large number of ladies and genlemen speut the Sabbath at Whitmore jake. Court re-convened on Wednesday. jittle business is done, time beingmosty occupied by argutneuts in chauoery ases. A tea party was given last evening y Miss Hattie and Fred McEeynolds, o those recently in camp with them at !iorth Lake. - Píate glass fronts aro popular. In ddition to that of the old savings bank orner, the bout and shoe store of Mr. j. Gruner and jewelry store of Mr. B. ?. Watts are being likewise ornamented.