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Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT. We keep in stock the largest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof n America. Bbè Vi.iilors aie cordlally iiiviled to visit aar Stare when in Detroit. PHYSICIANS, SÜBOBON9, STtTDENTS, and DEALKRS are inviled to etniiiine oiir large and complete asiOttinent of Sirpal Instruments and all kindre.l goods b.'foro maVing th.'ir selectiona elaewhere, aa we will make it to their adrtuttage to oljtain their suppliea of na. FEEDERICK STEARNS. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR KA RN EI) ! NEW GC)ODS ! And pricea LOWER THAN KV SR. I have purehased in New York, for c.i.-li, auu 1 urn huw daily receiving one of tho lnrvest and most uelect stocks of Qnxwrlei In Wusbteim Oounty, consistint; of a t uil and well aele.cted LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - iucluding (inupowilcri, Imperiale, oiing llyson, II soiin, Japans, iiniuu:, lor. i i, (uin'uuv Soik lionas, nml I uaill.;) s, Togetlier witli a Culi line orOoPPEKS, cnnniating of the following branda: MOCHA, ol.L) GOV'T JAVA.MAHACAIBO, LAtUJAY ItK.HANTOB and H1O, both roasted and gromid ; a ful and well Bölected Mtock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MÖLASSES, Together with everythin in the line cf l'ure Spieea,Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have ;i full and complet" line of BOOTS & SHOES, II ATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hoaiery. Alao, a cboíce aasortment of Ltidiea' aud Oentlenjfeii'H Uiiderwear. Cali and examine Gouds and Piioeaaml we will tasare satisfaction. EDVVARD BUPFÏ. " Maynard'n Bloeit,' cor. Main nxtd A nu streetfl Aim Albor, Micb. BSrEighfL .noli pri.e juni i ui nll iaiin RAILROADS. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking elïecl Siiuüay March 23, 1879. fiOINO NOItT. GOINi SOUTH. MTx. bïpTKxpT i:xp. Kxp. Hli Í.MA.M.P.M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 6.r.0 10 40 Clin TOLEDO 929 2 60J9 25 6 BS! 10 42 6 02 Nortli Toledo 9 27 2 48 9 22 7 07 10 50 C 11 Detroit Junctlon 9 19 2 88 9 04 7 20,10 58 Ü20 Hawlhorn !i 1 1 'J :il 8 47 7S:illWi C -23 Samarla 908 2 48 8 S0 7 42 1111 f. 34 Heola 8 B8I 2 18 819 7. Wil 18 6 41 Lulu 8 49 2 IS s (12 803 1123 i;47 Mon roe Junctlon 842 2 os 7 61 8 351132 G67 Dundee 8 3i 166 7 SS 8 46 1137 7 0 Macon 80 ISO 7 21 8.r.8 11 42 T lu Azalia 8 24 1 44 7 10 9 251154 7 23 Noran 8 11 1 :ü 68J 9381200:729 üraa 8 05 L 26 6 26 9 62 12 00 7 88 Mllnia 7 58 120 618 10 13 12 15 7 41; Ypsilantl Junc. 7 48 1 10 S 54 10 40.12 28:8 00 ANN ARBOK 7 35 12 58 5 30 The 7.:ï5 a. m. expresa aouth makea close connecl.ious at Monroe Junction for Adrián and Monroe and t'or points on t he Lake Slmiv ; ;n Toledo willi ('oluniluis A Toledo and the Wabaah. The 12.58 p. nl. sonth connects at Toledo wilh the :i o'clock train east on the Pennsylvania Road thro' to New York. All train run by Columbus time- 7 minutes r.-txter Ihan Ann Arbor time. J. M. A8HLEY, Jr, Superintendent. MI( IIIUA CENTRAL KA1LK0A1). MAY 25, 1879. aOIMO W6T. t J i p r'O . I Bd . I H 2 " - : i íi W II T OM +- A. M. A. M F.M. ]p. M. P.M. p.M. Detroit, laave, 7 uu B 80 ■■ 58 ;: et 8 1 9 ,'iO Q. T. Junction, : 7 15 10 00 0 10 4 u 8 20 10 ld Wayne Junciiiin 7 52 10 28 C 42' 4 36 8 57 111 42 Vpsilanti, 8 20 10 45 7 05: 4 55 9 22 11 (14 Oeildes, 8 30 20 ; AnnArbor, S 40 u 00 7 35; 5 20 9 38 11 20 Delhi, 8 68 7 4ü 1 Dexter, '.I 04 7 56 .1 37 il SS Chelsea, 9 29 : 8 11 5 511 10 15, Grasa Lake, 'J 50 s Si 6 10 10 38; P.M I A.M. Jackson, 10 20 12 15 il 00 f, 80 11 la 12 46 Albion, 11 4 12 5(1 7 86 11 5!l 1 20 Marshall, 11 50 1 30 30 8 08 12 26 1 40 p.M. mS a.m. BattleOreek, 12 19 155.! 8 82 lï 60 á 02 Oaleaburg, 12 52 9 06 1 20 A. M. Kalamazoo, 1 15 2 87 B 00 9 !fi 1 M 2 43 Lawton, 1 53 5 SS 2 13 Decatur, 2 10 5 50 2 31 Dowagiuc, 2 85 G 12 2 57 Nües, :t 05 4 07 6 55 .'! 30 4 15 Buchanan, 3 19 , 7 07 8 45 Three üaks 3 4:1 1 7 SS New Buffalo, 4 03 4 67 7 48 4 27 Michigan City, 4 30 5 20 8 10 4 55i 5 30 Lake, 9 13 6 02 8 58 5 45 6 19 Kennington, (i 00 0 50 9 (0 6 40 7 10 Chicago, uriive, I 0 50 7 40 10 30 ï 30 8 00 ?_ _l_ _ ó&_ j_ z_ A.M. A. U. P. M. P.M. P.M Chicago, leave, 7 00, 00 I 00 5 15 9 10 Keusiugton, 7 90 9 5(1 4 (0 S 05 10 011 i:ke, 8 38 10 30 5 42, 6 60.10 48 Michigan City, II 25 II 13 ü 89 7 40 u :io Newliuttalo, 'j 47 II 30 IU 11 .',■_ Three Oaks, 10 02 7 08 A. M. Buchaimn, 10 32 7.15 Nile, 10 45 12 15 8 OS 'J 00 12 48 Dowagiac, H 18 8 88 j 1 16 Decatur, '11 31) - 8 571 I 1 40 Lawton, 11 57 9 15 a. m. 1 57 Kalamazoo, 12 33 1 41! 9 60 li 50 10 28 2 28 Galesburg, :12 53, . 7 08 Battle Creek, 1 28 2 15 m M 7 10 II U 8 IS Marshall, 2 2o 8 00 L 8 OS il 37 3 46 Ia.m. , Albion, : 2 52 8 21 a.m. 8 35,11 59 4 12 Jackson, 3 45 : 4 05 7 15 9 30 1150 5 00 Uraan I.nke, 4 10 7 38 9 50 6 25 Cnelsea, 4 40 .8 02 10 0J - - 5 50 Dexter, 5 00 8 16 10 11 6 05 Delhi, ' 6 101 1 8 25 , Ann Arbor, ■ 211 ." 10 8 45 10 86 2 05 6 25 Oeddes, 5 80 8 60; Ypailanti, 5 37 5 24 l 00 10 48 2 20 6 41 Wayne.Iunc, 6 01 5 45 II 23 11 08 2 44 7 05 O T Juuc, 6 88 li 15 9 55,11 35 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., 6 18 6 80 1" 10 11 50 3 35 8 QO Huudityö excepted. iSaturday and HuiuLiy exoepted. I Daily. H. B. LEDYARD, Oen'l Manager, Detroit. H. 0. Wf.ntwoiith, Q. 1". & T. Aet., Chicago. f1 AÑADA SUUTHEKN H'V UNES. Vv The Oiily American Route Tbrough Caaada Traína lea ve M. C. H. R. Depot, Detroit, city Unie, :is fi tllowa : Atlantif Expresa, ihüly, 4 00 n. in., Wagnsr c:ir in Boston. Fast Day ExpreaB, daily, 12 Doon, Wagner oar lo New York anti BostOD. Llgbtiilng Express, daily 1 iccep) 9undy, 11 10 . in., Wagner car to linttalo umi nocbester. Toledo traína leave 7 5o a. 111. exeepi Sunday ; ': 10 p. ui. daily ; 6 50 p. lu. except Sullday, For Fayette G 80 p. in. except Sunday. 4ttf" For iuforiuation and tüketB apply lull. W Hayes, agent M. ('. K. K., Ann Arbor. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit, FRANK E. SNOW, lisu. Pa-js. and Ticket Aft. Detroit, ÏTOTICE. The nndenlgned hu parobued the interest of H. Wlnslow In the frame and picture buil Beu, No. 80 Basl Huron Streei, and will eontlnue iiie business tt the una place, giving prompt atI' i'Mon lo all orders for frames, etc. A fine stook 01 Chromoa, Engravings, and Photographs on hand and for sale cheap. All debts due the late tirin of Winslow & Mc.Mii lan reparable to the underaigned, and any debu contrac ted during hls connectlon wlth the Hnn will lx: jiakl by hiiu. Arm Ail,,,,, (M. l-l, 1S78. 1711111 D. McMILLAN. Abstracts of Titles. All parties who are deairoua of ascertaining the condition of the title to theiv lands, or parties who wisu to loan money on real estáte w 11 do wellto cali at the Register's oüice and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said books are bo lar advunced that the Register can furniah on short noüce a Perfect Statement as to the Title "I any parcel of iaud in Washtenuw f'ounty ai show by the origiuul records. C. H. MANIA', Register. DETROIT Throat ILunglnstitute MERRILL BLOCK, corner of Woo&wwd and .iftüMmi avfs., Detroit, Micli. M. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r, Who personally receiTet patients at the Institute for the euro of all the raiioua dlaeaaea or the Head, Tliroat and Chest, and their complieattona. llirough the system of inhalation, combined with proper interaal treatment. To those who have what they are pleaaed loeall "lingering colds " we would say imhesilatingly and il possible wilh a voiee that would awaken all' trom that pleasant delunlon, that without prompt und earnest eflbrta in a rational und proper manner tnauy wlll soon follow whohave found releaaa (tem their u Sering in that "sleep whlch kr.,,. do waking." Yon have been oonsciotu, but almoat afraid tu confesé thefacf, and unwilling to udiuit it to yourselves that the elight rrltation of the throat, ttc ïmojanca of .il catar rh, tl,.. yiii,,icnis bronchial ïntlammation of a few weeks or uu, mi, atto, whii-h you conüdently believed would "wüm Off," has beconie flrmly eatablished, and is most eertainly, and bydegrees. more or less rapldïy, and with fatal precisión and unyielding grasp, aávaucing to hopeless coneumption. You niay object to and shriul; from the frank statement by your medical adviser; you maydeny the truthful conviction whii-h torces itself upoii your observatiou anj reason, but. the plain fact, divested of fiattering a.1 surances that ean only cheat you of even lile ilself is that these ihroat di.senses, the brouchial infiaininations and other constitutional causes, telling agalnst you wilh unerring certniuty, am' the assurances- so pleasant to the ear- that all will Iw well bye and bye, are the more delusiva and cruel You do uot want to stupefy the senses by opiates, nor takeinto the stomach drugs that will forever ilesti'oyitstone and impairits office. You do not want merely palliative treatment toconduct and lull you into fancied security to the very brink of the grave, font is neither reasonable nor jnst to yourselves, or those who regard your cases with trembhng Boliettude and painfal anxiety. The cliilly blastw and storms of advauced aunmn, the imlement winter with lts aearchlng windsam! atmotphere charged with moisture, have lmd their etl'ect npon you- the great and rapid vilisiludes of spring, that, with the re-awakening ui regetable Ufe, is pecnUariy fatal to connumptives- these changes of seasons are now upon the invaliJ as irellai upon the robust, and it s wise to just now stop and rcflect upon the nature and progresa of your disease, and the remedial measures you llave euiployed, and seriously io iuquire if therê ü a way open to you by which you may escape the dimger which isinipending. ÏVé say, without hesitation, that thegreatcr numberof pulmonary diseases can lie on retí. We ueed not dilate upon theories ftile e art able to present living evidences of the efficacy ol judicious medication In a class of casis so long mul peralstently nonounced hopeless. Inhalationsare applicable in all tliseases of the respiratory organs, includhjgcatarrh, throat diseas, asth'ma, bronchitis, eonsnmptlon ; and thousand- of cases can be cured by this mode of ire:iimentwhen nothiug else can reath them. who desire to consult nie in regard to their caaes had better cali at the ottice for au examinalicin, but If imp.issiljle tu vislt the office personally, may write for "Ijst of yuestions," and circular. loih of which will lie sent free of charge. Addieaa K. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. 1)., Mf.krill Block, Detroit, Mich. (i;s 8PECIFIC l kihcink. TRADE MARK.T)e (rolt K„. TR ABL M K iïÉj 's- A'"1 unfailingcuie ffi ll jSmpiM etisect thtit follow áViL TJnlveral l.assitude, Pain in the Baok.Dimness of ision, Premature (lid Af , aud HKmy otner rtiseases that letid to lnsanity, Consumption and a l'rematTire ürave. - Full partlculars in our pamphlets, which e Jesire to st-nd free by mail lo every oue. The Speoiflo Medicine U aold by all DruggistBat $1 perpackage, or aix packagea for $5, or Wlll be sent by muil on receipt of tiie money by addressing THE UKAY MEDICINE CO., # No 10 Mechanica' Bloek, Detroit Mich. iSol(l ïu Aun Ai l,or ty all l'ruggiats, and by druggisly everywhere IMiRffl OüMPANÏ, i)1:il, - - $3,000,000, Assots Jan 1, l.STt), $6,792,649.98. Liosses Pairl in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. iSurpltis over all Ijiabilities, includi"g Ke-Irj8urance Keserve, $4,735,092.86. Nfit Surplus over Liabilitiea, including Re-lnsurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Agen!, Aun Arhor GEÏ YOÜÜ PROrEETY I STTREI) P.Y C. H. MILLKN, Insurance Agent No. 4 Snutli Main Street, ANNARHOR, - M I C II. f Tlie oklest agency in the city. Kstablisheii f a (uarter of a century ago. Kepresenting th6 following ji i-a t class copíname: Home Innirffce Co. of N. Y., Assets over SG,OO0,000 Continental lus. Co. ofN. Y., Asset over $8,1 Niágara l're Ins. Co., N. V., Assets {1,442,4(4 Ölrard Ol Pa., Assets over íl.OOO.OÚÜ Oriënt of Hartford, Assels $700,W Rales l,,u. l.osses llberally adjusted vi promptl, pald. (. II. MII.I.KN. m EXTRACT ■ jSarsaparillal ■isacknowledged to he the best and moltB reliable preparation now prepared fo I ILIVER COMPLAINTJ And for Futifyisg the Blood. & I ■This preparation is compounded with greata care, irom the bett öelected Blïonduras Sarsaparilla, Yellovl JJoek, Stillingia Dandelioo, Wild Cherry, and other Valuable Remedies. Prepared only hy WW. JOHNSTO1T & COM Chemist & Druggists, Il61 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Michl Huid by all Druggists.


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