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Brethren, Why Not?

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Upoii perusing the prooeedings of the meeting of the northvvcstorn pres9 association of Michigan, vmtten by brother George of the Lansing Hepxtblictin, it occurred to ua that the good time there had should not be litnited to any portion of the fourth estáte, in the future. There is no reason why tliere should not be a press association of Michigan, including editors, proprietors and publishers of all newspapers within its borders, to meet in the month of June in some one of the many oities in the commonwealth. Such an association is in existence in nearly all the remaining states. An inquiry reveáis tbe faot that an association of thia kind haa been allowed to die. Can it not be revived? A connection with an organization of this character elsewhere bas served to raake many pleasant acquaintances to present opportunities to shake by the hand gentlemen whose papers come to you regularly, with whoin you perchance crosa swords in heated campaigns. Beside excursions upon land or water and other incidental enjoyable things much is learned by contact. The secret how the Lansing Ilepuulican caü afford to use so good a quality of white paper; how Sauford of the Lansing Journal is able to secure so enviable an advertising patronage ; why Don Henderson edits the Allegan Journal so stalwartly; how Applegate can afford to publish a daily Times in a city the size of Adrián ; how Willard of the Battle Creek Journal gets up one of the best weeklies in the state; how Muskegon can afford so many dailies; howO'Donnell's Citizen - according to the Evening News - canie tobe ono of three papers in the state making the most money ; above all, how a paper up north - according to the speech of a senator who introduced the bilí to reduce the price of legal notices - was able to make $14,000 in a few years; all these mysteries can be unraveled by personal interviews. Brethren of the Press of Michigan what say you ? Shall we supinely rest and only enjoy reading what pleasant times annually befal the northwestern aasociation ? Can we not resuscitate the oíd, or créate a new, association that shall include the fraternity of the state? Why not? Another ocean steaiuship is lost, and there was a narrow escape from another " oeean horror" in conuection with it. As it was nine persons found a watery grave. The State of Virginia is of the Glasgow line and takes what is known as the northern instead of the southern course to Ireland. She left New York on Thursday the lOth instant, struck a dense fog the next day, and foundered off the shore of Sable Island - a low, sandy island, about twenty-five miles long and one and a quarter broad, lyiug ninety miles southeast of Nova Scotia. This island lies directly in the track of vessels sailing between the northern porta of America and Europe, and haa been the scène of innumerable shipwrecks. Where the blame, if any, was, is yet to be learned. The vesael is a total wreek, and the only wonder is that so few passengers were lost. The Dortfolio of the war derjartmunt has been tendered to ex-senator Ratusey of Minnesota. This representativo of the "stalwarts" so odious to his people that he was left out in the cold in 1875 will succeed McCrary provided the Democratie senate confinn him, which ia somewhat doubtful on account of his opinions embodied in the president's first veto of the army bill. In the nieantiuie McCrary himself is doing hia utmost to conciliate the southern senators by filling all the small places at his coramand with " rebel brigadiers." In trying to satisfy them he will mortally offend such stalwarts as Conkling, Blaine aud Edmunds, and Conkling at least will take advantage of this bargaining to raise a storm about the president' head next winter. Washington Democrats say that General Torn Ewing has had an interview in New York with Mr. Tilden, in which latter disproved the reporta that he is hostile to Mr. Ewing'B success on account of the latter's financial position. They say that, on the contrary, Mr. Tilden gave the most positivo assurance that he is heart and soul in favor of the 8uccess of the Democratie ticket in Ohio adding that it was folly to doubt hiiu, because his life was proof of the fact that he had never faltered in his support of the Democratie party. He might differ in details, but he was always in favor of the success of the party." We are close upou tho season of polit ical campaigns and elections. Ken tueky holda the first State eleotion tbi; year, on August 4th. The rest come it order as follows: California, Septembe: 3, State and Judicial oflicers, fourth (Jou gressmen and Legislature; Maine, Sp tember 8, State ofiicers and Legislature Ohio and Iowa.October 14, State officen in part and Legislature; Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, NewJersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Verginia, and Wisconsin, November 3d.- Governors are elected in all the Statef named except Mississippi, New Jersey, Peunsylvania aud Wisconsin. If Chastine Cox escapes the gallows justice will again be burlesqued. Confessing that he robbed the preinises ol Mrs. Huil, and that he tied her with sheets and pillow cases, from which affright 8he died, he affirms as a man under shadow of the gallows naturally would, that he did not intend to kill her. Convicted and sentenced to be hanged on the 29th of August, his attornies havo secured a bilí of exceptions, one point gained toward a now trial. How some Democratie newspapers do relish crow diet? Unable to get their fill in 1876 they are now preparing fodder for themselves in '80. When will they get enough? The Chandler boom is booining to Rome extent. It is in the range of possibilities that the next time he tries to steal the Presidency it will be for Zaoh Chaudler. Thus early we ask the Cincinnati Enquirer that in case Ewing loses the election, will it credit the defeat to Saín Tildón and the wonuy aharks of tho cast ?


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