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A torriüc gale of wind passed over Reed City at t':'M Tueiiiay morning, doing an im";"mense'amtunt ot damage to crops and othei property. Several buildings in that village were wrenched froin their positions, and innumerable minor injuries were done to signs, sbeds and corniees. Fences and hay and grain stacks were swept away. Fields of wheat, cut and standing in shock, were leveled to the Kjound. The%achelor mili at Port Hurón has been pnrchased by 8. Taylor of West Bay City, and will be removed to Duluth. Miss Sherwood of Mundy, Genesee county, diod on the 9th froin injuries received by the '. i upsetting of her earriage on the 4th. A young man of Brighton named John M. Nye, about twenty years old, was drowned in liriggs' lake on the 14tb while bathing. C. B. Anderson, who recently operated an clevator for the grange at Belding, Ionia county, disappeared the latter part of June, being short some $8,000 in his accounts, the resuli of dissipation. It now transpires that he wenl to Toledo under an assumed naine where he was taken sick and where he died on the 15th. The tenth annual reunión of the snrvivors of the Pifth Michigan Infantry will be held in Pontiac, August 27. Alonzo W. Howard has brought suit against Dr. Van Deusen for $Ü5,000 damages for injuries alleged to have been sustained while Howard was an iumate of the Kalamazoo asylum, Howard claims that while he was strapped to a chair he was kicked in the face and his jaw broken in two places. Four dwellings in Ionia were entered by buri'lar on the night of the 16th. In that of J. M. Eidd, $120 was stolen f rom his pantaleons. The Kalamazoo county pioneer society wil] huid its annual picnic this year at Schoolcraft, August 14. Hon. O. V. N. Lothrop of Detroit will delivër the opening address. Hon. E. C. Seaman died at his residence in Ann Arbor Thursday night. He was bom in Chatham, Columbia couuty, N. Y., in 1805, Htudied law and was admittcd to the bar in 1831, located at Ballston Springs in 1844, where for five years he practiced his profession. He carne to Detroit in 1844, where he resided when uppointed seoond comptroller of the treasury ;. under President Taylor, which position he alj so held during President Mlmóre's admin-r ititration. He was a voluminous writer, the author of "The Pr-gress of Nations," a work in two volumes; "The American System of Government," "Commentaries on the Constitution and iiaws," "The People and History of the States," "Views of Nature," and several papers on "liife and Spontaneous Germination." For nine years he was editor of the Ann Arbor Journal. For the past two years he has given nearly the whole of his time to the preparation of another work which was almost ready for the prss at the time of his death. There are now 241 inmates in the prison at Ionia. Twenty-four were received and 28 were discharged in the inonth of June. A large flrm is negotiating for a plece of land in Shelby, Oceana couüty, to erect kilns for burning charcoal for the large furnace to be erected at Fruitport. Ten kilns will be erected at an early day. During August State teachers' institutos will be held, by appointment ot the superintendent of public instruction, at Hanover, Midland, Ludington, White Pigeon, Allegan, Owosso, Elk Rapids, Lexington, Greenville, Mt.,. Pleasant, Harrisville, Nashville, Richmond, Marquette, Northport, Ann Arbor, Birming ham, Vort Gratiot and Bay City. The stock of lumber on the docks on Saginaw River is estimated at 200,000,000 feet, against 225,00,000 last year at thia time. The pro portion sold is mueh greater than last year. The man whose body was found suspended to a tree in the woods near Charlotte some days ago, has been identified as Baptist Yeaman. He has been in the country four years, and his former home was at Balsburg, Germany. He was a single man and has resided at Midland. He has three brothers, one m Uermany and two here. Lorenzo D. Phelps, bookseller and nowsdealer at Comuna, died Friday afternoon from ■ the effects óf an ounce of laudanum. He confessed to his family that he intfónded to commit suicide. Mr. Phelps was attacked wrth paralysis last nummer and bis mind has never recovered. The Jackson county soidicrs and sailors hold their annual reunión in that city August 12. Beniamin Luce's shingle-mill at Alpena was totally destroyed by fire on the 16th. Loss, $5,000. Conolupive evidence having been obtained showing that Alonzo Davidson, whose body was found in Bcram Lake July 3, died frora the effect of poison, oheriff Peck, of Knt county, went to Oakfield Friday and arrested P. E. Stevens, who is suspected of committing the m,urder. A woman interested in the case has left the State. Miss Nelly Coats, of Newberg.Wayne county, attempted suicide on the 19th by taking Paris green, but was rescued. She had become very düspondent on account, as she alleged, of the ptirsecutions of a class of young ladies and their teacher in a Sunday-school which Bhe attended ij.,y. Hoag's general merchandise store at Kejit City was burned Friday night. Hoag's .loeis,' $4,000; insured about one-half. The building was owned by M. L. Whitney, whose loss is $1,000, with no insurance. Wm. Emmet, son of Joseph Emmet of the township of Davison, Genesee county, feil into a well Saturday forenoon. When taken out " vliffe was found to be extinct. The Lenawee county soldiers' reunión will be held at Hudson, August 12. The Monroe eourt house burned last winter will be rebuilt in accordance with plans by a Toledo architect; cost $14,000. Houghton Gazette : A correspondent writing from Keweenaw county in reference to an article on silver in the copper deposits of Lake Superior, maken the atartling statement that during the active mining career of the cliff over $300,000 worth of silver was filched from the mine. He says he can ñamo several persons who now enjoy a comfortable competency obtnined through purchasing this stolen metal . A young lady, 23 years of age. named Lillie Munger, living near Pontiac, took a large dose arsenic on the 15th and died from its effects on tte 18th at Rocheeter, Her parents live in Ashtabula, Ohio. She had been at work for one Terïy, near Pontiac, who, she says, accused her of opening a letter not belonging to her and threatened to have her arrested. This so worked upon her as to cause her to commit the rash act. The State Treasurer on Monday paid $37,000 of Sault canal bonds and $18,710 of coupons. At the election for county seat in Crawford county on the 17th, Grayling won by 150 majority. A nve-year old son ot J. Cole of Sebewaing, Huron county, was killed last week by the kick of a horse. The coming peach erop of Allegan and Van Buren counties is said to bc immense in quantity and tine in quality. Dudgeon & Cobb of Kalamazoo have received an order direct from the old country for 20,000 bushels of new wheat. The engine house of the Evart & Osceola logging railroad at Evart was burned on the 20th, and a locomotive badly damagcd. Loss $3,500. A lire at Marshall on the 19th destroyed the f (illowing property : E. McGee, shop, storehouse and contents, $3,500, no insurance; F Vary, barn; $300, insured for 200; Syraan Sleepcr, barn, $300, no innurance; D. 8. Beach, barn and shed, $500, insurance $300; damage to his dweiling, 3Ü300, covered; Amos Wilson, shed, etc, $100. The fire was an incendiary One. Battle Creek is very eonfident of securing the Chicago and Lake Huron railroad shops. The time for the sale of the road has been postponed for 30 days and a furtbcr postponcment is thought probable before matters can be gatisfactorily nxed for its sale. Thirty acreB of land will be required for the shops. öeveral days ago Michael Grady, of Jackson drank bed-bug poison. He was prostrated by the dose and lingered until Monday morning, when he died. He took the fatal dose by miBtakc. The Grand Haven "Yates Light Infantry" have been accepted by Gov. Croswell and Inspector-General Heath has notified them that he will muster them into the State service. The oylinder to a steam threshing machine at work upon the farm of Thomas Foster, near Flint cxploded Monday, causing terrible havoc. Three men were struck by fragments. and one - named Walter Covert, very dangerously injured. Mrs. Gcorge Hillabrant.wife of a well known Adrián hotel keepei, attempted suicide Monday evening by taking chloroform. Dr. Stepheuaon succeeded in saving her life. It is offioinlly deouled that the First Regiment f Michigan State troops will encamp at Adrián, August 27, staying one week. Levi Itobinson, of Woodbridge, Hillsdale county, aged 22, was the victim of a fatal sunstroke on the 18th.


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