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A correspondent at Paris telegraphs that it s reported that several officers who attended ;he requiem mass for the Prince Imperial at ;he church of öt. Augustine have been removed, and others been sent to Algiers. The aws which empower the government to expel Jesuits from France have never been repealed, and it is believed that the government will en:orce them . The terrible epidemie diphtheria continúes ts ravages m Bessarabia, where a rescript of ;he governor is published ordering the universal fumigation of the dwellings and clothïng of the peasantry. The Firman appointing Prince Tewfik Khedive of Egypt has been submitted to the Sultan. It is understood t'iat it confirma all the richts formerly enjoyed by lsmail, the exihedive, except the right of concluding trea;ies. The French Senate, 153 to 116, voted the bill relating to the installation of the Chambers in Paris, as amended by the deputies. An Argentine cruiBer has captured Gen. ïodoyo, the Paraguayin insurgent leader, and he Paraguayan troops have recaptured tho iOwn of Humaita. Capetown advices to July 8 report that the ïcadquarter columns have advanced within sight of Ulundi. The enemy are retreating in all directions. There is a large Zulú torce close to Port Durnford Numbers of young men are desertmg King Cetewayo. A correspondent at Maritzburg, under date of July 4, reporta that 2,000 Zulus were expected to submit that night. The Rusaian minister of the interior has received a telegram from the governor of Niiui ovgorod, stating that a fire broke out there ïaturday in the bazaar, and many houses and shops were destroyed. While the fire was raging an explosión oceurred in one of the shops killing 21 persons. The Finance says: The proRpeetus of the 'anama canal company is expected to appear n August. The ordinary capital will be 400,000,000 francs, represented by 800,000 shares, .0,000 of which the commissioners will retain. The company also propose to issue obligations to the extent of 200,000,000 francs, making the entire capital 600,000,000 francs. Accounts received from Russia indicate the revival of the Nihilist movement. A conflict has taken place in the district of )sman Bazar between Bulgarian militia and nsurgents. The Turks had 45 killed and 15 wounded . The loss of the militia was more aerious. The terrible "Commencements" are at hand, and out of every 1,000 "essays" which the sweet ghl graduates of this country will read, judging from our observations in the past, we predict ;hat. unless tlie subjects be changed, 81 of those essays will be on "The Voyige of Life;" 187 on "Woman's Mission:" 53 on "Man the Architect of Ilis 3wn Fortune ;" 98 on "We Launch Our Bark - Where is the Shore;" 74 on True Ileroism ;" 203 on "Night Brings 3ut the Stars;" (1 on "Honor and Fame from No Conditions Bise, Act Well ïhy Part." etc; 30 on the Pliilosophy of the Unconditioned ;" S5 on 'We Gather Light to Scatter," and the remaining 209 on miscellaneous subeets.


Old News
Michigan Argus