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LEGAL IMOTICES. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ►O of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of tb e estáte of (íeoi'ííe Fiecher, Annie FUeher, John Fischer, L wis Fisober, and Mavy Fischer, minors. NoticeiH hereby glven, that in pursuiee ufan order uranted totbe u udei-ined, guaidiarref the est ate of said minors, by, iiie (Ton. Juage r Probate for the connty of Washtenaw, on the :ïd day of July, A. D.1879, there will be Hold at pui lic vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south front door of the Court Honse in the eity of Ann Arbor, i 11 the county of Washtenaw in Baid State, on Wïenesday, the Twktïtieth day of August, A. I). 1879, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of that day (subject to ail encuinbrances by mortgatte or otherwise existingat the time of the sale), all the right, title, aud interest of said minora in and to the followlng descrihed real estáte, to wit : Lot nuinber three in blnck number three soutl) ruilde six east. The northeast pait oí lot mimlxr three ia hluck number one south rmige number fouv east, beiug sixteen and a Half feet front and fílty iVet dt'cp Asd ixteen feet oif of the west Bide of lot number two in black number one south of range four fust ; all in the city of Ann Arbor, in the state of ftfiohigaa. Also a piece of land on section number thirty-two in town two sonth range six east, in thfl State of Michigan, bezinning on the nurth and souih quarter line eleven chaina nortn oí the center of siiid srction, tJtence north alonar the qiiarter line thirtoen obains and twenty-six links, thenoe east alung the soulli line of Hrown & Bach8 addition totbe oity of Ann Arboi fow&een chains and thirteen links tu a thence MHith four ohajaa aud iix links to the half quurter line, thence east alonar the half quarter line five chains and eighty-.iffht Hnks to tbc north and south half qu arter line, thence sou tb nfne clmius and seventeea links to astalce, whieh la eleven cïiains north of the east and west qnarter ÜQ6 of said seetion, tlienco Weet tweiity cluiinstathe place of beirinning, bein# twenty-four iunl nioeoue-ftundredths acres ot laud more or less. Also a piece of land on the northwest quarter of the northwe&t quarter of sectiou number thirty-two in the township of Ann Arbor, eounty of V;i!!itenrnv and State of Michigan, exoepting the west sevon chains and fifty links vide acroai said quarter of said seetion, containing twenty-ñve and forty-four one-hundredths aerea, Also the oor tb half of the southwest quarter of seetion number tive hikI the sonilienst quartei of Bection number ilve. town one sonth ranee six east.exceDtiufï1 the Test fort y acres, in Michigan. Also lots number Bve, six, tn-ven, eight, mne, ten, eleven, twelvo, thirteen, and fonrteen in Brown's second addition to the c.ty of Ann Arbor in said statf. Alsn lots fifteen and sixtetn in Brown's second addition to the city of Ann Arhor in the state of Michigan. A Uo lots one. two, ihree, four, five and the north twenty-two links wide of lot number 8Ïx in bleek four, eouth of range number two east in the eïty of Ann Ar hoi in the state of Michigan. Dated juïy 2d, 1879. LE0N1IARD GRITNEB, Guardian. K.state of Thomas A. Ilooth. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wiishtenaw, ss. At & seswion of the Probate Court for tiie Cotinty of Wiishtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the aevenrh day of Jul, in the year oue thnusand ei"]if hundred and seventy-nine. Present, WIHiam 1. Harriman, Judge of Probate. ' In the matter of the estáte of Thomas A. Booth, deoeased. i Koah W Checver, juiminitrator of eaid estáte, ( OOmei info cour! and representa tlmt be is now pared to render his final account as auch ] tra tor. ( Thercupon it isordercd, that Satxirday, the petvond day of August next, at ten o't-lock in !S, i forenoon, be assigaed for examinins and allowfng such account, and that the helrs at law of eaïd ] ceased, and all other persons interdted ín said ] tote, are requlred to appear at a seaslon of said t Court, then to be hol [en at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in said eounty, and show cause [f any there be, why the said account should not lie kUowedi And ii Isfurther ordereá that said admlnistrator give ootice to the persona Interested In laid estáte, of the pendency of Bald accoant and t-he hearing thercol', by eatfcaiftL a oopy OÍthJa order Lo be pubü.slied in iIil'" Mh'HKïan ArGDS, h newspapei printed and circulaUnglta said eounty, three y luCCeMive weeks previous to said day of hearing, i WILLIAM U. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Jmlge of Probate. Wm. G. Doiy, Frótate Register.


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Michigan Argus