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-The Mercantile Union of this city Is advertising a list of dead beats in tbe Register. - Charlie CooIey.Will Ronaldeon and Lew Hunt swam aoross Whitraore Lake, a distance of two and a half miles. - Keceipts of Reform Club entertainment on Friday evening were $85. At thegrove meeting Sunday evening $51. - A three ypar old daugbter of Policetnan Amsden feil from ft fence on Tues day evening and brolte one of her legs. - D. Cramer has bought the house and lot 14 Blook 4 Noith Üange 4 East and is fitting up the same for rent or sale. - Company A's team practices three times per week, Mondays, Wednesda3rs nd Fridays, at their range located in the lower town. - R. Waples, a practitioner sinoe 1852 in New Orleans, has opened a law office on north Main Street, opposite west door of Court House. - The first regiment of state militia to which Company A of this city is attaclied will go into camp at Adrián Bometirae this roonth. -Tho next Washtenaw County Pair will be held on the fair grounds in this city, on Thursday, Sept. 30, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 1, 2, 3. - Fourteen coaches bearing peoplo of Jackson upon an excursión to Buy, under auspices of tho Catholic Temperance Society, passed eastward on öaturday. - Beside the Opera House n thiscity, simular places in Detroit, Fort Wayne, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing and Toledo, are nnder control of Mr. C. J. Whitney of Detroit. - It has been resolved by the Red Ribbon club, "Thatany person who has repeatedly broken his pledge be refused tbe privilege of signing at our public meetings, olí a two-thirds vote of the club." - William Graham was tried by a jury Friday, in Justice Beahan's court, ou the charge of selling liquor to Joseph Buil, an habitual drunkard. He was found guilty and genteneed to pay $43 35 fine and cosía. - Contrary to the general idea that, the high price, one shilling to fifteen cents per quartfor whortleberriea is owing to tbe late dry weather, dealers inforiu ub the swamps are bo full of water, that they are with difficulty picked. - Fred Derheiro and Frank O. Donnell, arraigned before Justiee Granger on Tuesday and plead guilty to larceny in tfildng canned fruit from Theodore Taylor and Mrs. Treinaine, received nmety daye each at Ionia. Tbey were esoorted thither yesterday. - As the result of a row in a Fourtb Bt. paloon on Saturday evening, Gotlieb Btabler retired witb a head sadly disfig nred, so mucb so that he didn't appear ftmong bis friends as usual the next day. Georpe Eeidofer the assailant, maintains a proper distanoe from a warrant issued for his arrest. - A special excursión from this city vin railroad to Toledo, thence by steamer to Put-inBay is announced for Wednesday Aug. 6, hext week. The new and elegant steamer Grace McMillan will convey the partv o'er tbe waters of Lake Erie. A limited number of ticVfts will be sold. Train leavps Ann Arbor 7:35 A. M. Fare, round trip $1 50. - Sunday night a third attempt was made by a burglar to effect an pntrance in a house near JeiFerson streef, ocoupied by Mr. AfoNelly. He was heard at one of the windows by parties on watch, who commanded him to throw up hú arms, but instead ho threw up his lees in euch a manner as to eficape, notwithtfltiding 6hots were fired and chase giren. - At Davison's social on Friday ovening of next week au especial feature will he introduced. Two Misses, Annie and Susie Bmith of Jackson aged nine and twelve years will play violin and piano. Anna, the younger, is an excellent player for her age and is well worth listenlig to. An en tire ohange of program me will otherwise be presen ted. Policeman Amsden bas cousented to perform bis barrel mystery. - There was a meeting of the directors of the Ann Arbor and Northeastern railroad Monday in the interest of the road to Pontiac. Every effort is to bo made to secure the deficiency immediately. - Those who have thus far refused to give t oent will be called upon again and will be appealed to for the last time. - The people here want the road. Many have aubscribed beyond their means, and if the project falls throug-h ccrtain wealthy men will be rpsponsible for it. In order to build the road to Wixom $10,000 is still necessary to secure the right of way, about $2:3,000 having alleady been raised in Aun Arbor and along the line. - A chaptor residenoe, to cost about $10,000, and to be located on corner of South Univereity and State Street, wil', be promptly erected by the Psi Upsilon fraternity of thoUuiversity. The plans weredrawn by Prof. Jenney, of Chicago. The building will be three stories, brick with stonetriniraings and willoost $10, 000. In the basement will be the dinintrroom and other apartmnts for the ac comrnodation of the fmnily in charge. - On the firatfloor will be parlors, sitting room,sruokiiig-room, etc. There will be rooms in the house for twenty-four teembers of the society. The hall will beonthethird flaor. The building, it M expeeted, will bo completad uext spring. - The excursión to Port Huron on Tuesday was a profitable as well hj. plea8urable one to the Reform Club. Three coaches were filled upon arnval from the west, and frona tliis city umi vicinity passengers filled eleven more. Eight hundred aïid fourteen full tic'iets were sold besides a large nuiuber of talf fare. Gross rceei))ts from refresh ment table were $290.25. Stven houis Were consumed in trip from Detroit to Port Huron. Two lmurs werp pent n tbat city, ml five Iiimra nccupiud in r. - turning to Detroit. Tha mily u.'i len'l huppMiiiitr o auy M thê prty befel Wai. Moou of Sein, whi creleBsl] fel] off the gang plank ai midmgbt, bul Promptly resoued. ïhe club wjll un doubtedly rnaliZtí a proflt of $500, an &uiomit that will matürially auguiaut a fcearlydepleted treasury. - Policeman Amsden acted as marshal Tuesday during the absence of chief Johnson. - Teachers and scholars of Bethleham Lutheran church enjoyed a picuic at Firemcn's Park, yesterday. - The buying public will beespeciailIy interested in the perusal of John N. Gott's uew advertisement. - To-day, Pred Webber will be arraigned before Justice Frueauff to ba tried for severiug a bovine's narrative. - Seo the change of " ad " of the ötar Clothing House. Noble must be wild to sell coats for 23c, but then we get the benefit. - The next meeting of the cal society will be held at the Court House, Aug. 9. Subjuct for discussion: "Tho riporiing fruits for the season." - Charles Carroll, the boy thrown from a buggy and severely injured on Thursday uvening of last week, is recovering. Bcing drunk is supposed to haye savod his life. - Presuming Joo T. Jacob's advertiseinent to be so Iarge that readers ot the ArgüS could not well help observing, we failedtocallattention toitbefore. Be ye wise, go and consult the extraordiuary bargaius he offers through the dull season. - A Mrs. Parrish who keeps a boarding house on the córner of División and Jefferson streets, has for soms time past tnissed numerous artides, and up to Tuesday had no clue to them whatever, when it was discovered that the servant girl, a Charlotte Boyer, (colored) had in her possegsion, ainongst other things, a black cashmere dress, wbich Mra. P. had just had made up. When the girl waa approached she pioked the dress up and fled. Policeman Ainsden was called upon but only obtained the dress, the girl hftving left for parta unknown.


Old News
Michigan Argus