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In a saloon row at Kalamazoo Tnesday mght a stranger nupposed to be Ed. Kclley was íatally hot by a man uimeii luce, who was sub■sqñently arrestad. í'ourteen bids for doing the State printing and nine Lor binding were reoeived at Lansing, Wednesday. There were only a few for stationery and paper. Au official order has been ismied by Adjutant General Robertsen for encampments of the State malitia aa follows ; First regiment, ■t Adrián; second, at Grand Rapids; third, at l'ort Hurón. lt is reported that R. H. Morrison, the defaulting Odd Fellow, has been arrested for perjury, alleged to have been coramitted last January, iu the St. Joseph cironit, in the case of Barridge vs. Carr. The Saginaw Valley bas been thoroughly connected by telcphone, there being 81 offices in Bay City, 15 at Saginaw City, and 23 in East Saginaw, most of the milis and business places availing themselves of this facility for rapid and easy communication with each other. The Fenton woolen-mills, which have been elosed for some time, have been purchased and are to be changed into a f ruit-evaporatingfacBrig. Gen. Christopher W. Leffingwcll, one of the chief quartermasters of the departnient of the army of the Potomac during the rebellion, died at Henry, 111., on the 21st, at the residence of his daughter, at the age of 70. He went to Grand Bapids in 1863, wherel his home bad been mostly since. A special meeting of the Board of Regents was held at Ann Arbor, Thursday evening for the purpose of considering planu for the new museum building, the homeopathie ooilege amphitheater and to receive bids for the construction of a central boiler house for steam heatiug Japparatus, etc. The Detroit metal and plumbing works were uwarded the contract for putting in the steam heating apparatns for $9,606. Dean K'M, Detroit, took the contract for building Vas boiler honse and stack, vaults, etc, for SS W9 The oommittee on building and grounds vare instructed to advertise for bids for the uuustructiou of the homeopathie hospital amphitheater and latchen according to Prof. Jenny' plans, and to close the contract in acoordance with the resolution of the board. The State printing and contracts have been both awarded to W. B. George & Co., the oontractor for the past 10 years, The pnces are reduced to coDform to the times. The book and print paper contract was awarded to tne Peninsnla paper company of Ypsilanti, who have had the same for six years past. The bids for stationery were all reiected. The Board of State Anditors will probably purhase m the open market. A tramp at Centerville, 8t. Joseph county, barned the barn of Wm. J. Major on the 19th. He was attempting to Bet firc to a house near by when he was captured. A man named Richard Eddy was buried alive in th Jackson Iron mine, Marquette ooanty, on the 224. He was shockingly mangled and when his body was recovered he was dead. He has been in the employ of the mine for 13 years. He leaves a wife and five Lieut. Col. J. D. Hinckley of the First regiment Michigan State troops has resigned and hia resigníition has been accopted by the Qovernor. This creates another vacancy, and leaves the command of the First regiment temporarily in the hands of Maj. Fitzsimmons. A woman named Mate Klliott died at Grand Bapids Thursday af ternoon from the eff ects of ui overáose of morphine,taken accidentally. The Michigan Central railroad water tank, ttt Battle Creek, oontaining 32,000 barrels of waier, feil Friday night. It had jast been erected. Damage, $l,0U0. Workmen under it fust escaped by running f or their livce. John Ackerman, one of the oldest patients at the kalamazoo asylum, was found in his bed Friday with his throat ent from ear to ar A machinest of Blissneld, Lenawee county, has built a road engine which will climb an incline of 45 degrees. Two children, a daughter and a son ot A. B Bonn of Hiverton, Livingston county, aged 6 and 4 years, were burned to death on the 24th while playing in a barn, which was accidentally set on fire. An incendiary fire at Blanchard, Montcalm county, on the 25th destroyed the hotel, five stores, the post-offlee, a blaaksmith and wagon shop, and two dwelling honses, involving a loss of $6,003; insurance about $2,000. ï'dward Gardner, a young unmarried farmer living and-a-half miles east of Chelee, hung himself Thursday, and was found Friday dead. No cause is known for the kot. A terrible accident occurred at l'ort Huron Thurday night, the victim being Mrs. Adam Heimer, who with her husband resides on the corner of Union and Tenth streets. About 11 u'clook Mrs. Heimer was awakened by the noise of bnrglars in the house. She immeüiately aroused her husband. On getting up Mr. Heimer told his wife to keep quiet, He then seized an army musket lying in the bedroom and went to another part of the house on a nearch for the intruders. Meanwhile his wife arose nd went to a different part. When the husband returned he thought he saw an intruder in the closet and fired ; but to his most sorrowful surprise the intruaer proved to be hiB wife. The whole charge from themusket entered Mrs. Helmer's right side, causing a fatal wound. Preparations are going on for the State convention of red ribbon clnbs in Lansing on August 6 and 7. Arrangements have been made for excursión ratea (2 cents per mile) on all roads leading into Lansing, and the hotels will charge from f 1 to 1 50 per day. In the exaniination of candidates for the naval cadetship at Kalamazoo, William E. Bowman, of Three Rivera, won the award over four competitors. The camp meeting of the Spiritualiats and liberáis comxnenced at Lansing, Saturday, and is said to have been gratifying to those who haveit in charge. They had quite a city of tents. There was a large attendance of "mediums." Nathan Crawford, residing Bear Otisville in GeneBee county, was thrown from a fractious norse while riding Friday and fatally injured. He is a young, unmarried man, aged 25. Hon. Délos L. Filer, president of the Pere Marquette lumber company, and a leading man at Ludington, died Saturday. He had been seriously ill for some time. The survivors of the Fifteenth Michigan lnfantry will have a reunión at Deerfield, Lenawee connty, August 14. The banishing of the "crooks" from Chicago has begun to take effect in western Michigan, which is overrun with squada of from 25 to 50 trampa, who are very bold and inaolent. Mrs. Newton Baker last week while picking whortlebemes in a swamp a few miles from Hillsdale was bitten by a six-toot serpent with nine rattles. Proper remedies were tered and it i thought Bhe will recover. On the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern road office a change in the freight rates íb announced to take effect on August 4. On and alter this date an advance of 5 cents per 100 ponndn will be made on the fourth class, grain flour and live hogs. Thomas Foster'a saw and shingle milis and store, 250,0C0 shmgles and 150,000 ieet of lumber were burned Monday afternoon at Wall'B station, on the Jackson, Lansiag and Saginaw railroad. lt was a total loss of 26,000. Messrs. D. and E. Le Boeuf, owners of the Evart and Osceola railroad, on Saturday sold their road and iix tures to P. C. McFarlane anH Hon. John C. Dexter of Evart and John llurd of Bridgeport. Connecticut, for the sum of Í55.000, of which $20,000 cash was paid down. L. Nado of Ludington has puxchased this aeason 5,000 pounds ginseng root, and expects before the falling of snow to parchase 10,000. K. H. Morrison of 1. O. O. F. fame has now üoed Parker & Austin of Bturgis for $20,000 domages for elling his goods while he was in ]ail last winter. A Maokinao dispatch to a Chicago paper say:- Avery remarkable fish was captured there on the 21nt by Mr. O. Blossom. It was about 10 feet in length and its weight is estimated at about 400 pounds. lt is perfectly truuHparcnt and the action of the heart and other fanetional organs can be plainly een. Altogether, it is a very remarkable specimen of thefinny tribe, and is well worthy the attentiou of scientists and naturalistB. Mr, Blossom will orrange a tank eontalning aloohol in order to preserve it. It excites great interest among citizens, who have never known that such a specie of fish existed. James H. Beattie, Richard Turner and Edwin Boyce left Ludington May 27 for the vicinity of White FUh Point, Lake Superior, and have not been hcard f rom since. The boat thev embarked in was about 18 feet long and five feet wide, scow built and contained all the parapeernalia for camping out. Mr. Beattie is a man about 60 years oí age, Mr. Turner 22 and Mr. Boyce 22 James Wood on the 23d inst. removed the remainü of his father from Claybanks Cemetery to Ludington, and opening the ooffin found that the remains were unchanged though they had been buried six years. Mr. Addinon Russell, of NaBhvillc, beard ■ome noise Bunday niyht and arose, taking a pistol in her hand, when it was accidentally diftcharged, tho ball entering at the right of the umbilicuR, taking a downward courae and coming out at the lett lower portion of the bwel. A team thresher at work onMary A. Brown's farm at Danby, Ionia county, Monday, net fire to the straw atack, burning the barn and 550 bushels of wheat belonginej to Mrs. Brown, Hud 400 belonging to her on. Cinden were thrown by this lire to the stack of B 1). McConnell, CO rods distant, burninghis barns, shed, hay and over 600 bushels of wheat just threshed. Total Iobb, $4,000; partly msured. A lire at Saginaw City destroyed BUbs'b kindline wood factory, Gardner & Co.'s sash and blind factory, Burnham'a boat factory, Hollister's tooi factory and three other buildingB, all frame structures. Loss about $10,COO; insured light. At least 25,000 are sent away every rnontu from the Portage Lakc cpper dwtrict to the old country in the Rhape of family remittances. The oldest victim of death in Michigan in 1878 was Ke-we-way-qua Ke-na-bick, a male lidian, born on Grand river near Grand Rapids, who died in Wayland, Allegan county, aged 116 years, State oil isnpector C. G. Luoe, nnder the new law rcdistncting the state, reducing the whole nunibcr from 36 to 15, appointed his deputies and had the whole machinery of his administration in good working order within 10 days after the law took effect, July 1. At all important points where oil had been held sume days, the work of inspection was promptly done on the first day of the month.