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'o Nervous Sufferern-The Great Europe Remedy- Dr. J. Ií. Simpson's Speciflc Medicine. It is a positive cure for Spernmtorrhea, Semin,, ifeaknesB, Impotency, and all diseawa kH .. ftom Abuso, as " t[,)BK. Mental Anxiety, after. Loss of Memory, jLJ7 - 4;t, P?ins in Back or ififlafcffi. Hido. and diseases wVClEpV W$ ÍW) that lead to TfcLTjS j4 T-Ví snmption, insauity Pi) S?" p ■dfcgKJ... ? and an ejirly grave. $flL;L tí' PPvC The Spcciflc Jyg J ' cine in being usedHHH rith wonderful snccess. Pampbleti sent frcetoil! Ifíite for them and get full partioulars. Price.Speciflo, $1.00 per package, or six pacïiu, or $5.00. Address all orders to. .1. B. 8IMPHON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 106 Main Street, Buffalo, N.', For sale iu Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son, u. )y all druggista everywhere. itoticeT The undersigned has purchased the interest loerge II. WídsIow la the frame and picture lu. íess, No. 30 East Hurón Street, and will confluí, lie liusiness at the same place, giving prompt lention to all orders for frames, etc. A fine stock f ('hromos, Engravings, and Photographs onhay nd for sale cheap. AU debts due the late firra of Winslow & McMil lan are payable to the undersigned, and any deta :onlracted during his connection with the , will be paid by him. Ann Arbor, Oct. 14, 1878. lUOtf D. McMILLAK, Abstracts of Titles. All parties who are desirous of uscertaining th ïondition of the title to their tanda, or parties vi wiBh to loan money on real estáte will do welll uil at the Register's office and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said booka are 80 lar advanced that the Kegiid can furnish on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title Df any pareel of land in Washtenaw County , shown by the original records. C. H. MANLY. Eegistei. DETROIT ThroatlLung Instituí! MEURILL BLOCK, corner of Woodward and JefFerson avea., Detroit, Mich. M. Hilton Williams, li. D.f Prop'r Who personally receivea patieuts at the Init tute for the cure of all the varioug diaeaaof theHead, Throat and Chest, and their complications, through the aystem of inhalation, combined with proper internal treatment. To those who have wbat they are pleased toca "linerinsí colds" we would say un hesita ting and ïf possible with a voice that would awaken , from that pleasant delusion, that without prom aud earnest efforts in a rational and proper mana manv will aoon follow those whohaye found releí from their suffering in that "sleep whicli knoi no waking." You have been consciou?, but almoat afraid confess the fact, and unwilling to admit it to you selves that the alight irritation of the throat.t annoyance of nasal catarrh, the aymptomB of bronchlal inñammation of a few weeks or moat ago, which you confidently believed would "we off," has becorae firmly established, and is ma certainly, and by degreea, more or less rapidly, u with fatal precisión and unyielding grasp, advani ing to hopeless consumption. You may object and shrink from the frank statement by your mei ical adviser ; you may deny the truthfül codtícüc which forcea itself upon your observation a reason, but the plain fact, divested of fiattering surances that can only cheat you of even Hfe it is that these ihroat diseases, the bronchlal intima! ions and other constitutional causes, are teUii agalnst you with unerring certainty, and the i surances- so pleasant to the ear- that all wiil well bye and bye, are the more delusive and era You do not want lo stupefy the senses by opial nor take into the btoinach drugs that will fore' deatroy it stone and im pair its office. You do notwi mn -'■ ■ -Miiitive treatment toconduct and lullji into iuijcied security to the very brink of I grave, font is neither reasonable nor just to you selves, or those who regard your casca with tre bhng solicitude and painful anxiety. The chilly blasts and etorras of advanced & nmii, the inclement winter with its searchii windsand atmosphere charged with moisture, hi had their effect upon you - the great and rapid cissitudes of spring, tbat, with the re-awakening vegetable Hfe, is peculiarly fatal to consuniptive these changes of seasons are now upon the invsL aa well aa upon the robust, and it is wise to jw now stop and rerlect upon the nature and progr? Of your disease, and the remedial measures ji have employed, and seriously to inquire if there a way open to you by which you may escape t danger which isimpending. We say, without heeitation, that thegreater dui ber of pulinonary diseases can be curea. We ueed not dilate upon theories while we u able to preseDt living evidences of the efficacy judieious medication in a class of cases so longu persistently pronounced hopeless. Inhalationaare applicablein all dibeaseaoft respiratory rgnns, uicludiu catarrh, throat dis es, asthma, bronchitis, consumption ; and thou ands of cases can be cu red by this mode of tra mentwhen nothing else can reach them. Those who desire to consult me in regard to the cases had better cali at the office for an exaniim tion, but if impossible to visit the office personal! may write for 'List of Queations," and circuli both of which will be sent free of charge. Addrw M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D Mebkill Block, Detroit, Mich. 1N8UKANCB GQHPAM Capital, - - $3,000,0011 Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Loases Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71, Surplus over all Liabilities, includ'! Re-Insurance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, includisf Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Asciit, Ann Arbor. GET YOUE PROPEKTY ff SUEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent! No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - MIC The oldest agency in the city. EstabWH aquarterof a century ago. RepresentioS following lirat claas copioaniee: Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assets over J6,W Continental Ina. Co. of N. Y., Assets over $3,011 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets 81,4fi' GirardotPa., Assets over Sl.OWjl Oriënt of Hartford, Assets 70fl && líales low. Losses liberally adjusted ""l promptly paid. C. H. MILLENI B ZZTBACT Sarsaparilla ■Isacsnowledged to b tb beit and ffl I relioblepreparationnowpreparedfoi LIVER COMPLAINI, And for Pur Ifylng til Blesd. This preparatlo" ie compounded with p care, trom the beet seleoted Honduras Sarsaparilla, Yello! Doek, Stillingia Dandelion, I Wild Oherry, and other Valuable Remedies. - - Prepared only by W. JOHK81ON & C0 Cheinist & Druggists, I' 161 Jefiérson Ave,, Detroit, '$ Puld by all Druggiets. '


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