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General Ewing's Candidacy

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trom the New ï ork Her&ld. , at tñe nlne Mr. Ewing is also a man with vftTx his paity can go coufideutly befbre the country. He is a man of braing, unergy and character, trained in the law und in the school of practical politics, auci, abovo all, he wan a dowuright Uniuii man, and proved it on the field of buttle. His splendid fight t Pilot Knob, where with one thousand Union soldie; 8 he faced old Price with tix thousarid Confederates, and disputed every inch of ground in a stubborn, dogged retnat of thrte days, would be a point in cani paigning literature all the more precions to the Deinoortts, becauseit is comptratively rare for theui lo have this sort of treasure. And there ia great partv strength in the fact that a record likithis is an assurauce to the nation. Men judge other men by wbat they feel in themselves; and Northern men know that a soldier of the Union aimy may be dependí d upon not to lend himself in any degree whatever to the furtherance of snch a course as it has been said the Democracy will pursne in eettling the results of the war. Ewing's financial record will be held up as a reproach. But the financial storm is over. All thoso questions are practically settled in the actual state of the f acts. They will be ancient history in a year or two. It would be as logical to oppose Mr. Bayard because he once held slaves as to rojoot Mr. Kwing because ha ono orposed resuraption. Schools and Teachers.- The Lansing Republican says that last year nearly 7,000 applioanta were refused llcenses as school teachers in this state. Tha average per diera of the teachers in towuships for 1878 was f 1.89, but few are employed for inoro than tour monthü. The avtrage teacher receives less than $144 per aniniin. Nearly 25 per cent of the experienced teachers leave the profession every year because they can inake more money in other kinds of work. The average cost of the school-houses of the state, including those of cities and towns, is about $1,170. The school law of this state próvidos that "if a parent, guardián, or other person visit a school and upbraid or insult a teacher in the presence of the school, the offender símil be fined in any suru notexceeding $25." There are in the state 9,515 Bchool houses, of wLich 89 are built of stor.e, 1,724 of brick, 7,608 of frame, and 124 of the priinitive log. The valnation of the school property ia $11,536,647 39. Detroit is sotuowhat alarmad over the July mortality repoit. 265 persons died of whoni 172 were childreu, an average of 66 per week, greator in proportion to the population than that in New York during the last week in July, the most fatal inonth in the year. The valuable information is given Mr. Tilden by the N. Y. UeraU that he can serve bis party best by decliuing to run agitin for the presidency. The Demo'nitiu party huving got along without the aid of this newnpaper in the past, its advice will therefore receive very little u t tont ion. ,


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