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Gone To Enjoy His Reward

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Before last weiik's itsue of the AeO-US was entirely priiited, Father Van Erp passed infco spirit land, expiring at 6:30 A. it., on Friday. From the moment the injury befel hini to the expiring breath he was totally nnconscious of his condition, or tho hopes of thousandsoifnends hero and elsewhere. To enable priests of other parishes to perform tneir dutieson the Sabbath and reaeh the city in time to join in the sad duty of adininistering the funereal rites of one of their number, Tuesday wasset apart for burial services. Preparations through comiuiUees began for the occasion. That of mourning consisting of Mrs. A. Koaruey, Misses Sarah Sinith and Cullen, draped in black the entire rear of tho altar, panels of side walls, wiudows and galleries. On arrange menta of ohurch, were Messrs. E. Duffy, Wirt Cornwell and David Rineey. On guard of honor, IL Condón. On funeral arrangements, Revs. Father Buysee, Reokeart and Mr. M Condón. The remains were placed in the church Monday afternoon, and between 6 and 9 o'clock lay in state upon a raised catafalque in front of the altar. That evening and the next day they were viwed, it is estirnated, by between 4,000 and 5,000 paople. Ther wen 45 priest preseut Tuosday, who participated in theob scquies. At 5 o'clouk Tuesdiiy morning maas was celebrated, and from that LUw "-■' just before the hour of the funeral ceremonies proper. In the center of the church and directly in front of the altar was placed the raised catafalque, heavily draped in mourning, upon which the caaket containing the remains were placed. Fither Van Erp was dressed in his priestly robes of purple, and appeared very ïnuch as before death, the effect on the face of the fatal fall not fxliibiting any greai disfigurernontof the countenanco. Upon each side of the casket were buruing tapers. Surrounding the remains was a most beautiful display of flowers, three large pieces frota Detroit florista attractiug very muoh attention. One of these consisted of a heart and cross, an emblem of the tëacred Heart, in scarlet fluwers, placed in the center of exquisite white flowers, in which appeared m purple the words, " Worship His Heart." Another piece was a large pillow of white flowers 'with the words in purple, ' Our Spiritual Fathor." At 9 o'clock the doors were opened and within a few minutes thereafter every available bit of standing room was t ken, the aisles being occupied. Many of Protestant iaith, regarding the deceased highly for his eminent intelligence, courteous bearing, Christian demeanor, and in all the walks of life a thorough gentleman, atteuded services. VVhile they were in piogress thousands who were unable to gain admittance iistened on either side of the church aDd in the street. The ushers, Messrs. J. W. Keatiug, C. T. Dounelly, J. V. Sheuhan, Charles Carey and James Fogerty were taxed to the utmost in the endeavor to appease those desiring =to gain adinittance. The following priests were present : Very Eev. Father Henneart, of Detroit, of Mt. Clemeus; Peter Wallace of Adrian; John Eiser of Hudson ; John Keichenbach of St. Clair; Einil Dnkiere ol Mt. Morris; C. Korst of Cold water ; James McCarthy of Dexter ; D. Calleart of MhisIihII; E. D. Vmi Lauwe of Poit Hurou ; Fred. Buiingartner of Poutics; Jolm Lyuch of Bmmet ; Jonn Doherty of Brigbton ; Chas. Bolttt ut Ionia ; Chas. De Ceunench of Lucüugiuu ; Juhu Cuppon of Niles; Tnuothy Aluipliy ui Grand Haven; L. WickutTt ot Ha tinga; Henry Meuff.-ls of áw;iii Crn k . M. H Scheakt-n ol Wl Bny City ; Wui. lieudricks of Ceune Line; P J. Üncncilt of HubtjiinlMi.n ; J ia Wüibht ol Owosso; B. G. oí Monroe) W Seiferathof Detron; A P. Bloyenborgh, i. GoJtz ot Groeuflid; A. Van Dm Driescheol Cunmis Uiuek ; C. J. Kocht; of Aus 8abln ; C. Dmnismi uf L, xiugton; Wm. De Borre of Ypsilauti ; E. Van Der Heyden of Sagiuaw ; B. J. Warmers of Dtruit ; Juhn G. iïhieusi rasser of Grand Kapids ; Kev. Theo. Aluer of Dearbonville ; Max Luporte of Detroit; C. J. Leib, S. J., ot Deiroit; Ernest Van Dyke of Detroit ; Frank O'Brien of Detroit ; K. W. Haire ot Flint; ïheophBuysee of Jaukson; A. Lingemann, ü. S. F., of Detroit. The religious ceremonies comiuenced shortly after 9 o'clock and continued until after 12. The Offioiuui Defunotorutn was flrst chantep, Kev. Theoph Buysee of Jackson, officiating as celebrant, and assisted by Kev. Churles Kyckaert, Mt. Cleinens, and Rev. B. G. Soffers, Monroe, deacon; and Kev. R. Van Der Heyden, Saginaw City, subdeacon, as the flrst part of the Office of the Dead. The second nocturn of the matiuo wao poi-furniad and seeonaly the Liudo. The choir waa led by Rov. Father Bleyenburgh of Holy Trinity of Dötroit. In the absence of BishoD Borgess, in the northern portion of the state for his health, and beyond telegraphic comuiauication, Very Rev. Father Henneart, Viuar-General of Detroit delivered the address. The text was drawn froin the suddenness of Pather Van Erp's death. The speaker adinonishedall withiu hearing to be ready at any moment death wight come. It was a study of Hfe to be so prepared. He spoke of the true christian Hfe of the deceased; his inuocenoe of heart ; purity of moráis ; how he gave up a life of comfort, a home 01 affluence, relatives and friends, all for the cause of Christ. Of the ordination into priesthood whioh he attended, of the exposiug of his Hfe to the dangers of early niissionaries, and how he knew no differeuoe between the rieh and poor tbe white aad red man in the exeroi&e of his zeal for their Bpiritual good. The Vicar-General, on the part of the priesthood, thanked the citiztas of Ann Arbor for their kind attention, aud especially the mtmbers of the medical faoulty of the University, uiembers of which had been in their attentious upon Father Van Erp froui the tjiue of his accident until his death. Aftt-r the litiera nd b.-olution by Eev. rheopb Buysee the asseaibled rnuliitude mi those who had beoa uuüblo to get ithin tbe doorsof the ehurch wore permitted to pass around the C;itafa!que und view the remnins for the lust tiine. Sevcral hundred peoply aguiu availed theiaselves of this opportuuity to look oncn more upon the never-to-bo-f orgotten features of their late priest and friend. The remains were then taken from the church and placed in the hearse by the pill beartis wbo were A.Küainey, David Rinsoy, Joseph Donuelly, John Delany, Ed ward Duffy, Antün Eisole, P.U'IIearn aud M. M. Soabolt. Tho prooessioi. for the cemetery was then fonned. The streef, for some distance was iairly blocked wilh carriage8 and men. The following was the oidor preserved : Standard bearer. Ancolytes. Celebrant and ussistant in carriagea. Hearsu aud bearers. KtLawrtince BenevolentSooiety. St. ThoniHn Tcniperauce Society. St. Patrick Tcniperaucu Scciety. VisitioK clergy in carriagee. Genoral public. The proceísiou vraa a very long one. comprising 125 or 150 caniagoa besides tho different societies aud others on foot. At the cemetery, the final resting plat e of the deneased had been handsomely decorated with ilowers, the grave itself being lined with a profusión of arbor vitte and white flowers, tho work of young ladies of St. Thomas Church. The cross at the heud of tbe gravp "s , oiso neenrated, as was the entra."ce to the cemotery. After the benedi ','".. and miaerere tho rptnains weio ]jjija ' into the grave. Five " Our Fathers'1 and '■AveMaryg" weresaid at the grive something unusual, and the vast crowd which had followed the prooession to the cempfery, then dispersed. Eev. Father Fierle of Detroit, who recently, during the absence of Rev. Fath er Van Dyke, offieiated for five weeks at St. Aloysius Cburch, Detroit, will take charge of the vacant parish. Wuen tbe place will be permanently filled will depend entirely upon the pleasure of the Bishop.