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D. Cramer sold bis house and lot in Dundee for cash. Pouiological society meeting at court house to-morrow. Kd Kent of Manchester coms to this city to open a rueat market. Twenty-three carg loaded with tea passed over the Central railroad one day last week. John Keek was serenaded on Saturday evening by the Bethlehem Luther■n church choir. -Court dragg itself slowly along. - Adjournment was ordered on Saturday to Wednesday last. -Pólice report for July : vagrancy 5 ; 1 ibiceuy í, iisorderly a, o, assault and battery 2; total 16. Williniu C. Hill and family have reI tnored to Battle Creek where Mr. H. is to have charge of publio schools. Kearly all the colored people of the city went to Ypsilanti on Friday to partioipate ia the first of August colebration. July 1 last, Theodore Jackson of Dixboro was married to Mary MorBe of Ann Arbor, by Justice Clark at his residence. - The Reform Club havo mode arrangement to run a train to the Groes Isle temperance camp meeting, Aug. 15. - Fare f 1. - Several hundreds of dollars have been expended on the court house since the acceptance from the contractora a hort time ago. - Camp meeting of colored Baptists ibat bfgan on the Fair Grounds on ïbursday of last week has iiot been very largely attended. - It is reported and by good authority that the Toledo and Ann Arbor railroad will have an assistaut superintendent on Monday neit. - After a residence of 28 years Miss Maria Ford removed to Madison, Wisconsin.some sis years ago. Her remains were recently brought to the city for interm ent. - Threecar loads of excursión Toledoani came to the city on Sunday. 130 of the number unsuccessfully attempted to procure dinner at oue of our hotels for 25 cent each. - At Davieon's social this evening, beiides the violinista we mentioned last week, the champion wbistler of Michigan, Mr. Burt Keith of Dexter, and the beat comedian tne state nffords, will be present. - The temperance meeting in the opera house Sunday eveniue: was condncted by the president of the YpHÜauti club, who ttlso mad6 tome reinark.- Capt. E. P Allen aud others also made short ppeeches. - Tbe state teachers' institnte for Waubteuaw Cnunty will be hi-ld in this city, comiuencing at 2 P. il.. Monday, August 25, and closing Friday tollowing. Prof.W.S. Perry.supt-rintendent o! cbnols of this city will conduct it - James Stewart and Frank DavN, young men, able bodied trmups. arrested as V8griit8 and stole railrond pui-tnfie froni Jackson. were ticketed to tbf Detroit Houpe of Correction for sixtyfive dayc, un Mondtiy hy Justice Clark. - Neither Gov. Seymour or Senator Voorheen havo beeu invited to deliver an address at the county fair. The questkm of inviting two distingnished gentlemen soto do, bas been infoimull) discubsed, but no positivo uction has yel been taken. - S. G. Miller, former resident of this city, but the past eighteen montba residing at Fairfield, Iowa, returning to tbis city to reside and will erect a residence tocost 6,000 on Somb Ypeilanti Street, known as the Solt. Cook plaoe. -The combination Sunday school compriiing sohooU from the Methodist, Bptigt, Presbyteriiin and Congregatiional ohurchesheld meeting uuiuber orx kt the M. E. church on Sunday, nd %vxs ddressed byEevs. Pope, Haskell, Ryd. r and Hamilton. ■;bo. J. fitevena TÍKtd Mr. Fran ciico wbere hi bad ntdd, on Main rtre"t, ♦h ! of ibe rvek, and after he Dg. The following rtnrn4 tbc rconey, but was tabseqintly .rrestd and finad the -u„., i ivüiuu uo ïorkea over to Jus tice Clark. - At a meeting called one evening laat week to raise funds for Bpecial premiums to be offered at the county fair, tria following gentlemen were designated: Capt. R. Beaban, chairman, John Allen, Frank Wood. N. H. Drake. J. Hoffstetter, Hiram Kittridge iuid D. G. Rose. $300 were subscribed in the first two dayR golicitation. - Fred Folt-y, h v uncr lad arres' ed for ttealing money from bis motber, and who escaped from jail on Wednesday of last week by prymg the bais from one of ibe Windows and jumping a distance of ñftecn feet to the giouud, went directly to the paternal residence where he was csptured on Friday. Hu was bound over for trial at the circuit oourt on Friday. - An important cbange in business has taken place, by which the nuinber of book stores has been reduced to three. Messrs. Moore, Stieehan and Andrews have purchased the stock of books nd tationery of Douglasg &Co., and the Utter firm in turn buy the wnll paper, curtains and fixtures heretofore owned by Messrs. Shoehan and Andrews. - The trade in books is thus liuiited to three firnis, and that of wall paper, curtins and fixtures to Messrs. Douglas' fcCo., and Moore. Four book storekftTe ruined tha trade by competition. - A píate glass front will be put into the store of John N. Gott, naxt week. - Bnch & Abel furnished the kids fo the pall bearers at the funeral on Tues day. - The office of the new American Union Telegraph Company will be located in the oíd Savings Bank comer. - Marshal Johnson's disbursetaent of poor funda for last week were: First ward $5.82, secoud $2,50, fourth #29,80, fifth $6,25. Total #44,37. - Mr. L. J. Liesemer has sold bis interest in tbe Aun Arbor Democrat to his father. Mr. H. Liesemer of Saline, and se ve red his connection withthe newspaper. The pólice aoubt the truthfulness of the story that J. K. Foster a resident of Williain Street, lost #80 in money from under a pillow where it is said it was placed for safe keeping. - Ladies, don't fail to examine the cheap laces at J. N. Gott's. 500 pieces placed on sale Thursdayat thelow price of 5 cents per yard. The same laces are sold for 15 and 20 cents in other stores. - O. M. Martin & Son furuished the elegant casbet coutaining the remains of the late Father Van Erp, and are credited with conducting their portion of the burial services, in askillful, obliging and eatisfactory manner. - Receipts of the Western Union Telegraph company on Friday were the largeat known to the history of the office. Tbo operator was busily engaged lüe entire day, the extra labor arising from messages forwarded and received consequent uponarrangementsfor the funeral services of the late Father Van Erp. - JudgeHiram Thompson whosedeath s announcedin a Winona, Minn., newsjaper was abrother of John W. Thompson of this city. He died on the 17th ultimo at St. Charles, Winona County, n his 80th year. Says the obituary, beides the prominence in eduoational in;erest8 else where : He was also early inerested in educational interestB and in the seleetion of the two townships of land douated by the United States to Michigan for the establishment of a University, and it was perhaps owing to his xertions that institution was located at inn Arbor, he being one of the original onors of the land on which the Univerity of Michigan now stands. - Mammoth posters announce the fth annual excursión of Coinpany A o Put-in-Bay, on Friday, Aug. 15. Tüe rain will leave the Michigan Central epot at 6:30 A. M., sharp, connecting t Detroit with the fast steamer City of )etroit which will couvey passengers to be Island, distance forty miles, in a litle over three hours. The coinmittee lave placed the fare at the low price of 1.35 for round trip, a price lower than ; has ever before been sold for. The )exter band has been engaged and muïc therefore will be excellent. Four ïours will be given to remain on tbe Isand, one of the pleasantest and most opnlar summer resorts to be found in lie United States. - Eev. Father Buysee of Jackson has een in charge of tbis paiish since the ccident betel the late Kev. Father Van 2rp. The i'ollowing from a Jackson pxLauge, the Patriot, will be of inteiest to lany: " It will be remeinbered Ihat last piing Miss Lizzie Kellehan, a young ady of tbis city, dit d leaving her pioprty by bequentliuunt to Rt-v. Fatbier uysee, of St. Johu's (Catholic) church. 'he relatives of the girl cnntebted the wiil, niainly on th ground of undue intience, but the judg of Pioliate htis euided the mattir in favor of the legtew, atid jijmiiitcd O'Brien, of uuimet, administrator with the wil! nnexed. 'ïhv. vhIiic of the est tte isbt'twetn $6,0(10 and $7.000.


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