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- Doxter has five wbeat buyera. - A one-third apple erop is prodicted - 300 Port Hurón excursión tickets, were sold in Dexter. - A patent on fence has been issuod to A. P. Pruden of Chelsea. - 900 bushels of whortleberriea were shipped from Chelsea between July 16 and 29. - The new telegraph company is erecting its poles through the streets of Ypsilanti. --Odd Fellows' Hall, in the new Union block YpBÜanti is fust approaching completion. - D. H. and S. W. K,ilrod contémplate re-building bridge over the river near Saline. - Chelsea's Ladies' Library Association give an excursión to Gross Iale on Thursday next. -The Ypsilanti City Band will realize nearly $200 from their excursión to Detroit Tuesday. - The contract to do the brick work on Ypsilanti 's opera house has been lot to Oliver & Newton. - Animal ride of yonng people of Dexter to Whitmoro Luke, will take pluce on Tuesday next. - Baptist people of Manchester have secired the services of Kev. Mr. Palmer of Verniont for ensuing yoar. - Manchester has a special eleotion on Mouday to elect an aldertnan to succeed Job. Gordonier, resigned. - Bernardirk, newlyelected Democratie aldertnan of Ypsilanti resigns the office of special deputy marshal. - Wilson & Kut b fon open a newclothing store in Ypsilanti, Aug. 15. Both young men were formerly salesmeu in Suuiiilur's clothiug house. - A valuable buil of blooded stock came upon the premisos of Israel Keanle of Scio, uno day last week. The owner is wanted to pay costs and remove the animal. - The L'idies' Benevolent Society of the Baptist Cburch of Ypsilanti will jive a Harvest Festival on the evening of the 13th, on the lawn of Mr. J. 8. Jenness, Forest ave. - Mrs. D. W. Palmer of Bridgewater, some weeka ago thrown from the rear of a wagon, striking upon her head and shoulders and injured seriously but not fatally, is now able to walk with the aid of a cañe. - A conituittee representing the farmers of Bridgewater have fixed upon Saturday, Aug. 23d, as the day of aunual picnic for thig season. Messrs. D. Urainer and Chas. II. Richmond have Jeen invited to address the gatheriug. - The farmers of Sharon have set apart Thursday, the 14 th of this nonth for annual picnic at I) Q. Rose'a jrove. A general in vitation is extended, lev. A. H. Gillett of Sturgis, a Sharon ;oy has been invited to deliver the ad dress. - Among the heavy farmers of this county is Mr. J. M. Young, of Saline he owner of 330 acres of land. He has raised this season 1400 bushels of wheat f.„ sa ..-o., . „f 27 bushels par acre. His wool erop was 1740 pounds rotu 295 sheep an average of 6 lbs. per ïead, for which ho received 33 cents per ound. - Manchester boasts some pretty abarp oys. Not loug ago one of theru stole a itmb trom a fariner's flock, lii it into ■wt. umi sold it fora dollaf, 11 in broad day-light, and it was only by an aociluii ilint ihe trick wi üiscovered. The iinuer now says that he his losi other ninbs trom his flock but suiiposed they id died - Cmnion Council of Ypsilanti have ad"pted the foUowing resolmion : "ïhat lio Mitrshitl is inslr'Kjtfd 'o imII is uiaiiy pecinl de uty niiirshals, s tie inay deem lecessary, on du' y eveiy Saturday night at 7 o'clock to remain on duty unlil 12 o'clock at night, at A snlary not to ex ceed omi dolUi ppi niht, uatil further rderi front this ''oninil." - Theuew stiuiiiary luiildingin Ypianti will soon tin rady for use. The choolg uextyear willoccupy four buildngs. Tho ceutnil (aew)with two male and nine feiuale teachers; First Ward for colored altildrtm), under onefemale: "oiirth Ward, two fcmales; Fifth Ward. one male, three females. Herbert W. ir.wn has been strl. cted as principal aud professor of tho cmssics. -Win. Huiismin ami a cou])le more men were going home from Manchester when they were nie.t by about a dozen ïoises running loose in the road. O ■ of the horses, a gplt-ndid two-yerir-oM colt belonginji; to Putriük MeMnhon, ran against Hensiunn's Imr.-e with full force, driving the end of the tbiü into his .iroaet a distance of 12 iuchea. The sbau were not hurt but were somtwhat shaten up. - Edward Oardner of Lima township was in poor health and had met siuall losses during: the suminer. It is thought the extremb heat affected his hrain, and togetber prompted suicide which was accomplished as follows: He took part of the leather driving Unes from a set of barness, fastened one end arouud two rafters, made a loop on the lower end, placed it abont his neck, and literally strangled to death. - It's time to ent Canada thistles. It is made, by the new law passed last winter, the duty ot the overseers of bighways in the townships, and that marshals in villages and cities, tonotify the owner8 ot land to cut down Canada t.histles, and if sid owners refuse, then for such offieer to enter upon the premises and remove or procure the rewoval of s'joh thistles, the expenses to be paid for by the town board. All ofHcera negleoting this duty ure liable to a fine of $25. - Tho emancipation celebration at Ypsilanti was asucoess. Alurge number white as well as colored were present. - At 10 o'clock the procession headed by the local colored band bogan to parade the principal streots to the Fair ground where an oration was delivered by T. E. Cris6up of Detroit, 68sy by Miss Jacobs of Ypsilanti, oration by John Fox of Ypsilauti. Congressman Willits spoke also. In the eveniug there was a ball at Light Guard Hall. A rope walk and jumping from Congress Street bridge into the nver a distance of thirty tuut added add tional interest to the day. A grcii; many drunk and disorderly persons were caged during tbe day. - W. W. Tozerof near Dexterthreshed, from twenty-seven ucrea, 875 busbels of whent, an average of over 32 per acre. - Marshal Rosa of Manchester augmented the village treaaary with f 13,74, recept from two drunks, Pred Sohneider and Drozler.


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