Real Estate Transfers
WAURANTY C. H. Unterkirchr to John Bnrlt■■ Manchester vi llago lot for $450. Albert Forsytb to George E Whituian. Land in PittsHld for $2,000. Whitmore and Forbom to Albert Forsyth. Ypsilanticity property tor $1,800. Puuline and A. Widttninanu to John Morgan. City ot' Ann Arbor lot for $100. Rosa A. Smith to Alhert F. Vanfttta. Land in Noithfield for $3 100. John K. Starks to David F. Starks. 55 acres in Salem for $1,000. QUIT-CLAIM. Jacob H. Martin to Laura A. Spoor. Ypsilanii city property for $1. John Qeo. Kooh to Henry Breitenwisber. Land in Freedoiu for $1. John Richards to Stoddard W Twictaell. Ann Arbor proprty for $540. Oscar Hogers to John Hilurbrant. Land in Augusta for $1. Piiebe Ketsey to Mard Ward and othors. Riijhtof dowerin landsin Augusta for $100 annuity. Chas. Widenmann to Pauline Widentnann. Ann Arbor city property for $100. David Henning to Ann K. Bennett. Ann Arbor city property for $1. .'( nry B. Dodsley to Am E. Bennett. Aun Arbor city proporly for $780.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
C. H. Unterkercher
John Burkhardt
Albert Forsyth
George E. Whitman
Pauline Widenmann
A. Widenmann
Rose A. Smith
Albert F. Vanatta
John K. Stark
David F. Stark
Jacob Martin
Laura A. Spoor
John George Koch
Henry Breitenwischer
John Richards
Stoddard W. Twitchell
Oscar Rogers
John Hilerbrant
Phebe Kelsey
Mard Ward
Charles Widenmann
David Henning
Ann E. Bennett
Henry B. Dodsley