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Real Estate Transfers

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WAURANTY C. H. Unterkirchr to John Bnrlt■■ Manchester vi llago lot for $450. Albert Forsytb to George E Whituian. Land in PittsHld for $2,000. Whitmore and Forbom to Albert Forsyth. Ypsilanticity property tor $1,800. Puuline and A. Widttninanu to John Morgan. City ot' Ann Arbor lot for $100. Rosa A. Smith to Alhert F. Vanfttta. Land in Noithfield for $3 100. John K. Starks to David F. Starks. 55 acres in Salem for $1,000. QUIT-CLAIM. Jacob H. Martin to Laura A. Spoor. Ypsilanii city property for $1. John Qeo. Kooh to Henry Breitenwisber. Land in Freedoiu for $1. John Richards to Stoddard W Twictaell. Ann Arbor proprty for $540. Oscar Hogers to John Hilurbrant. Land in Augusta for $1. Piiebe Ketsey to Mard Ward and othors. Riijhtof dowerin landsin Augusta for $100 annuity. Chas. Widenmann to Pauline Widentnann. Ann Arbor city property for $100. David Henning to Ann K. Bennett. Ann Arbor city property for $1. .'( nry B. Dodsley to Am E. Bennett. Aun Arbor city proporly for $780.