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i of Mr. Plumb, nnd ihe Rcv. Lymon C. ' ah of Uiica, N. Y., m lecture in the State c tlio months ot September snel OtMobcr. - e y bring bigh ntrodueiions ns to nbility, r Jiice, and landing, (rom StcWart. and Bailey, Editor of the Liuerty Frésí. They i without donbt, bo found1 Intcrccting nnd " j jrlul ppeakora; and rclily rcpny the : of ero w ded audiences. We bespen); for j i the attention ibev chiini, ns vell pcrsonnlly, ingsininger. Wc trust the friends uill ■" hemselvfs to1 procure large audiences: to f nmplc nnd timcly noticó of leciurea-: to proboBpitnlity fnr their visltors, and to forward i froni iriend tó friend. ïcso friends are nlso empowered to solicit and Z vo contributions to the State Aind. We -■ iliat friends wil! contribiite Inrgely. Tbis is all we bnve to sustnin the great effort we nnking. Every one can give sometlnne and J feel it ; if icc have to foot the bilí, it will be mis. Every contribution is ncknowlodged in A Bienal, and the sum total will bc accounfed She í the cent, at the next Anniversnry. ,[)FT i"e nave documenta ior tno contnuuting fowns. AITOINTMKXTS OF MR. PT.UMB FOR CALHOUN COlXTT. Tuexday, Sepf. 22 t Albion. Wednesday, " 23 nt MhrengD. Thursday, " 24 at Marshall. Fritlny, " 2." a( Ceresco. Saturday, ' 2G at Battle Creek. API'OtNTJIENTS OF MR. IfOCOIf, FOR CaMíOUN couKTr. Tiipsdiv. vSeplember 2'2 nt Hnnovrr. WediiRsday, " 2 at Fredonia. 24 at Mnrehnll. Friday, 25 nt Tekomha. Brakc'h County. Satorday, Scjn. 2(5 at Union City. Each o( tlie fullowing appointments i al 7 'clook in ihe evening. e.vccpt thoso for Jbcksqh, nd Marshnl!. At iliese places mpeiings wijl be eldnt2 o'clock fn the afternoon. and n the zoning. and wül be ttentlcd by the twospenkrs. It itnoped ihni fricnds tnero will take ndíntngeof the nttend;ince of these genflenmn to ivilo ollier Bpeakors. snd malte an efiart íar a loJ County Convention. Prienda in each loc;ility, will seo to places for eetings, Iiht3, notices, and other arraneents. C4 H. RfFWAIÍT.