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Anothcr body was found in Boston harbor Wrainesday, supposed to be Samuel Farrell, a Oinoinnati journalist who was lost in the storm ME the 16th. Thus far 20 bodies have been recovered of 23 known to have been lost in that storm. A shooting affray oecurred at the farm residence of Lucas Covert, near Cclumbus, Ind., at the breakfast table Wednesdy morning, between his son Henr y and Aleck. in which Henry was ïnstantly killed and Aleck mortally wounded. Twelve inore cuses of yellow fever were reported at Memphis Wednesday. There were 117 deaths f rom yellow fever at Havana for the week ended July 26. JIíbs Hngel, aged 18, and sister, aged 5, were drowned in the 8t. Lawrcnce at Brockvillc Wednesday while bathing. correspondent at Centre Toint, Iowa, telegraphs that the "cholera epidemie," as the local physicians cali it, is still on the increase. Not lesB than 100 cases are now reported in the rural town and immcdiate neighborhood, with fatalities occnrriDg every honr. Six deaths are reported at th town oi Walker, distant only a few miles, from the same disease, which is an indication of it epidemie or contagious character, which is trnly alarming. A meeting of the National Lincoln monument association was held at Springfield, 111., Thursday, for the purpose of transacting general business. A letter was read from Larkin G. Mead stating that ho had a model of the third, or artillery group, complete and ready for casting, and had commenced work on the fourth and last or cavalry group but awaited the order of the axsociation before proceeding further. A resolution was adopted instructing hira to proceed with the model of the last group, and have both cast as soon as possible. At Oswego N. Y. on Thuraday two steam vachta lashed together and containing a pleasure party had not proceeded more than 20 rods from the doek when the head lashing loosed and one yacht capsized and sunk. drowning Mrs. Pereells of Binghamton, Mrs. Sarah Bostwick, MrR. and Miss Burkelew of Kirkwood, and Miss Hattie Pollock of New York. Gen. Terry, commanding the military department of Dakota, received Thursday night a dispatch from Gen Miles, dated "Camp on Koek Creek, 18 miles Bouth of boundary," saying: "Sitting Ball's band of Sioux fled northward to Wood mountain, leaving their property scattered along the line of route for 50 miles. The Sioux are estimated to number 5.000, with 2,000 fighting men. Gen. Miles saya that he believes he has forcé enough to deal with all the lndians Sitting Buil can muster. Hamilton, Ont.,wan visited by an unusually destructive fire on Thnrsday. A boy named Littlehall.while assisting at the bank of Hamilton, was fatally injnred by falling stone. tnë sa'me cause, 'ihe extent of the damage cannot be estimated exactly. The Mcfnnes building was valued at one hundred and fifty thousand dol ars, and stock three hundred thousand dollars, both insured for two hundred and thirty thousand dollars. The value of the other buildings destroyed is full six hundred thousand dollars, and stock one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand dollars. Henry and Matthew Shellenback were killed and two merchants wounded near Salaro camp, Santa Bitas mountains, on the 30th, by Mexican highwaymen. Thirteen new cases of yellow fever were reported at Memphis on Friday and quite a number more at other points in the South. There is a well grounded belief that the authorities hare been systematically falBifying the returns, and that the number of cases has been. much greater than reported. Denomination. Piches. Gold doublé eagles $ 139,750 Oold cagleB 12,000 Gold half eagles 21,700 Sllvcr dollur i gjo ooo Mlnorcoinage 811,000 Total colnage 2,634,450 Value $4,681,610 Cartis N. Chapman second mate, and Neil C. Darnetedt, suman of the brig Salisbury, which touched at Havana, were admitted to the quarantine hospital at New York Baturday sick with yellow fever. Three large buildings on Hoffman lsland are ready for patientB should the disease increase. Chevalier Jumonville, more than 30 years a caBhier of the Canal at New Orleans, is a defaulter for two hundred thouauid dollars. Wm. Fitzpatrick and Edward Ryan, two doek hands, Friday night, while engaged in a nght on the stairway on a building just over the river on Clark street, Chicago, were precipitated over the railing to the doek and thence into the river, where both were drowned. Custer's battlefield on the Little Big Hom is made a national cemetery. The town of Volcano, West Virginia, was totally destroyed by fire on Monday, the work of an incendiary. Loss about $75,000. Charles Drews, Frank Btechler, Geo. Ziohman, Hcnry Wise, Josiah Hummel and Israel Brandt, convicted in April last of the murder oL J oseph liiiber, were brought into court at Lebanon, Pa., ou Monday. Judge Henderson granted a new trial to Ziohman, but denied the application of the others, and they were remanded for sentence. Raber was killed by fivc men who had insured his Ufe. Monday evening a train ran into a team containing Pierre (iaudrean and two ladies, Mose Martin and Celina Morin. all Frenen, and ol Lewiston, Me., at a crossing in Lisbon. All were instantly killed. They were returning from a wedding excursión. A whole family, consisting of E. P. LeBum, wife and two children, were Btruck by lightning at Rochester, Minn., Sunday night. Tbe wife and children are dead and Lesum will die. A family nanied Movette, consiflting of seven persons, were poisoned at Port Vian, Canada, from eatincr bread which had been standing in the same place with Paris green. Three are dead. Deatlis from yeltow fever at Havana last week 1S7; an increase of Ü0 over the previovs week. Total number of deaths from yellow fever during July 637, againBt P04 last year the same month. Since the beginning of the year 857 dcaths have occurred against 813 for the same time last year. Bernard Sweet, a prominent lawyer of Chicago, is accased of complicity in a strawbail swindle amounting to $33,850. A murder and suicide occurred at 87 Polk street, Chicago, Tuesday afternoon, Solomon Senn, partner in the firm of 8chillo, Kossman & Senniron founders, shooting the foreinan of the firm, Conrad Englemen, through the head, and then, after snapping the revolver at his own head, retiring into his private office and cutting his throat from ear to ear with a knife. Both men have families, were sober and industrious and not quarrelsome. E ghteen cases were reported to the board of health at Memphis Tuesday, 10 of whom were colored. Five additional deaths have occurred. The fever is gradually spreading from the two infected points, and greater mortality can be auticipated. At a meeting of the committee of safety Tuesday afternoon it was resolved that rations and medical attention be sapplied to all camp and societies alike, provided that all moneys or oontributions received by said campa or societies be turned over to the safety committee. The national board of health made a requisition on the Secretary of War for 500 additioual tents for Memphis, and they were promptly forwarded. Reporta from United States oonsuls in Europe show that wages in the United States re doublé those of Belgium, Denmark, Franc a and England, and four time those of the Netherland?; that the prices ot the necessarie of life are lower in the United States than in Í Europe ; that more misery resulta from strikes drinking, socialism and communism in Englai,d and Germany than from all other causes combined, bard timen includcdSome San Francisco parties who have been working up tbe matter ïor some time past, have diacovered the wreek of the steamer Brother Junathan, which was foundered off Point St. George. near Cre&ent City, in July, 1865 She lies in an upright position, in 22 fiithomu of water, about fifty fathoms from the submerged rock on which Bhc is Bupposed to have struck. There was about one million dollars in treasury notes and bullion in her safe, and the finderR are fitting out an expedition for its recovery.


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