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- A lunatlo has staited a daily paper in Marshall. - St. Jobn's Clironlda a Greenback organ has joined the departud newSpaper host. - -Tb ore is saiií to bo $150,000 worth of building goiiig on in Battlu Creek at the present time. - Squire Trumbull of Tvoy, Oakland Oo., died from virus iuoculated thruugh dootoring a horse. - John Haas i Ilillsdale manufacturer of lager, has been arrested on a charge of beating bis wire. - A propositiou is on foot in Ilillsdale County for a gatliering of all persons over sixty years of age. - Battle Creek bas another sensation. The wife of a prominent man aecuses her hüsbaud of adultery and sues for divorce. -John Teattei wants 1000 from the Coldwate Republiam's troasury beoanse it said T. feept a house of queationablu reputo. - Fjjnt citizon's national bank loses over 113,000 throngh its lato cashier, W. Gibson. It 8 the threadbare story of speoulation. - Miss Nellie Tubbs, a highly rcspected young lady, daugbter of John H. Tubbs of Ionia, was found dead in her bed on the 4th. - Detroit people havesubsoribed $500 towards the rebuilding of the. PortHuron Methodist ohureh reccntlyblown down by a tornado. - The Ionia Sentinel boasts thutjonia has more flag sidowalk, and more full plate-glass fronts than auy other town of its size in tho state. - The W. W. C. T. ü. of Battlo Crook has solemoly resolved that itis wrong to have Sunday rxcursions or keep cigar stores opon on Sunday. - The animal picnic of the farmrs f Hillsdale and Lenawee counlies will bc held at the usual place on the shcre of' Devil's Lake, Aug. 20th. - Soth Lewis, the oldest journalist in Culhoun eouuty, and one of the fldoi in Michigan, died at his home in Mar shall last Fridny evening. -Miss Frank lledfield, an estimable young lady of Homer, became derjnged while on a recent visit to Albion, and has been insane ever sincr. - Justice of the Peaee Richard MeGiun and J. B. Dredge, of Mt. Morris, havo been arrested charged with obUiuing nioney under false pretenses. - The Flint court records reeal the fact that the ordinary Flint youïg man does not know enongh to drive a livery horso without driving it to death. - Dr. Blanck of Howell has bren ar rested on a charge of criminal abortion produced upon Mrs. Quinn, the complaint being made by her husband. - Mr. Scovill of Coldwater, had only three lightning rods on his house, and consequontly the bolts of Jove had no difficulty ia knocking it all to pieces. - Anna Barnard of' Jaokson, feels confideut that she can walk 100 miles qnicker that any woman in Michigan, and has issued a challenge to that effect. - Lansing gives due and formal notice that excursionists are not wantod in that city on Saturdays. On Saturday the Lansing peoplo take their woek'y bath, it seems. - Alonzo Pennock and Mrs. Mary Luthor, of Tecumseh, are undor arrest for lewd and lascivious cohabitation. - Pennock left a sickly wife and Mrs. Luther has a husband living. ■ - Mrs. A. Delematyr of Osseo, Hillsdale county, a lady of 00 years of age, after being totally blind for more than a year, has had her eyes operated upon, and her sight is now recovered. - Mr. Ed. Parker, of Hudson, has a pair of gloves said to have been worn by Jefferson Davis in hia historie act wherein he took the part of a sonthern feminine at the time of hia capture. - W. Gleason, a 12-year boy living at Marshall, on Monday was experiinenting with a revolver, when it was accidentally discharged, the ball entering his groin. He is in a critical condition. - A stranger, Mr. John Smith, latü of England, remarked at Ionia that he wanted a wife. A Mrs. Hollister of that placo overheard the remark, and in less than half an hour they were man and wife. - Mrs. Van Campen, of Pontiac, while accompanying a Sunday school excursión last week Thursday, became bewildered, and stepping in front of a train of cars that was in motion was instantly killed. - James Carroll, of Ohio, went to Adrián to have a little fun. Ho had it, and did not quit until he had two ribs broken, was knocked through a saloon window, stole a watch, and was sent to the house of oorrection. - Addie Ten Eyck is the name of a Medina, Lenawee county, girl, aged 16, who drovo a reaper to cut 20 aeros of whuat this season. If Addie Iives there two years henee. Medina will be u good matrimonial prospectiug country. - Wheat is coniiug into Toledo at the rata of 200,000 bushiüs perday, and very largely over the Wabash E. R., the yellow fover haviug shut off shipments by way of the Mississippi river. Toledo has a capacity of 6,000,000 bushels. - The accusatiou made against the Rev. Edward Barry, of Belleville, by Lizzie Thiede, is thus alluded to by the Wayne Tidings : " We have no hesitation in saying we do not believe it. The story is improbable and carries its own refutation on its face." - M6S Jennie Wilcox, a well-known and ïnuch esteemed young lady of Adrián, feil out of a hammock at Stind Lake, Lenawee county, on tho 8th, stiilung on her head and so injuring her as to render her unconscious for many hours. Her condition is considered serious. - The Coldwater Itepublican flatly charges that tho aotion of the railway authorities at that place is drïving the wheat trade away from Coldwater, and farmers will take their wheat 12 miles furtherrather than ship at (Jold water. - The matter of grading wheat seems to be the root of the evil. How happy Hayes, Sherraan, Schurz, Ourtis, and other anti-Conkling liepublicans are, sub rosa, over the "boom" Sprague gave the haughty senator from New York?


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