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- C. A.Levvis is visiting frieuds in the old Bay State. - Dr. Maclean has roturned froru an up-the-lakes trip. - Attorney Pistorious is visiting friends in Sagiuaw. - Mrs. Sheriff Caso and daughter aro visiting frionds in Illinois. - Mr. Cowley, sexton of tho Episcopal churoh has gone toEurope. - Miss Iieynolds of Syracuse, N.Y., is visiting Misa Wells of this city. - Miss Laura B. Palmer of Ypsilanti 8 visiling friends in Port Huron. - Cashier of Savings bank C. E. Hiscock is recuperating in uorthurn Michi;an. - County treasurorPairchild roturned on Monday from a pleasure trip to Duluth. , - Mrs. Herman Hutzol left the city yesterday to viait frienda at New Hatnburgh, Ontario. - Misa Nellie Hoban of this city is speuding a few days visiting Mrs. T. Tarsney of Bay City. -E. A. Gott and S. T. Douglas of Detroit are spendiug vacation at the paternal residence in this city. - Mr. John Kelly, formorly of this city, spent a few days with his sister Mrs. B. Harkins last week. - Ex-County clerk Peter Tuite of Dexter, returned this week froui a ten days trip arouud the lakes. - D. A. Alleu of Ann Arbor, TTniversity class of '78, has been elected principal of the Quincy schools. - Prof. Perry goes to Flint on lrday tojaaisfc-n- "T "" the conauufc of a teachers' institute. - Misses Uooney and Maveril of De;roit spent the Sunday visiting the Misses McCarthy of this city. - Charles M. Jones, teller of First National Bank leaves for PortHuron today for a two weeks vacation. - Rev. Wyllya Hall, rector of St. Andrew's churoh, occupied the pulpit of Grace church, Detroit, on Sunday. - D. Cramer, Esq., was in Monroe Monday on legal business diuing with lis old friend Congressman Willits. - Mr. and Mrs. Georgo P. Sanford of the Lansing Journal are at Mackinac enjoying a season of rest and pleasure. - Eev. Christian Spring of New jurg, Ontario, and Rev. Rerner of lundee, Ont., returned borne on Wednesday. - Eobert the eldest son, and Pauline, a daughter, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Widenmann, atWhitinore L,aka. - Fletcher W. Jewell of tho Cook ïouse left this city on Tuesday to join a Toledo party for a week's reoreation at ?ut-in-Bay. - Mrs. J. W. Knight, daughter Addie and son, Geo. W. Knight returned from rtochester N. Y , yesterday, af ter a visit of several weeks. - Mrs. Cochrane, widow of the late Tudge Cochrane of Detroit, is teniporarily sojourning at Widenmann's, at Whitmore Lake. - J. E. Fair, late teacher of soiences n the Ypsilanti schools, has been engaged as principal of the Harrisville chools for the ensuing year. - Miss Ella A. McKeever, from New Jersey, who has been spending a few lays visiting her cousin Miss Christina 3arey, returned home AVednesday. - Jamss Ashley, Jr. superintendent of he Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad mar ried Miss Bessie Eaglesfield of Grand lanids on Tuesday and both departed br Europe. - At a meeting of the American society of inicroscopist8 which is to be hold in Buffalo August 19,20, 21 and 22, 3rof. S. A. Jones and Prof. P. B. Rose will attend from this city. - Circuit court Judge McClellan of Waterloo, Indiana, was in the city last week, looking for a residence for his 'amily, the children of which come here o obtain an educatiou. Unable torent or buy agreeably, he has let a contract o build. - Christian Mack of dry goods house of Mack & Schmid departed for New York on Monday to meet bis son ward, absent the year past on a general our of Europe, expeoted to reach this hore on Sunday next, and to purchase a fall stock of goods. - On his return to Detroit on Thurs[ay of last week Bishop Borgess conirmed the temporaiy appointment made y Vicar General Hennaert, plaoing the lev. Father Fierle at the head of St. Thomas' Church of this city, as succesor of the lamented Fat her Van Erp. Chose who ara in a position to know think the appointmeut a good one. - We received a pleasant cali yesterday from Mr. Herman T. Frueauff of Detroit, who is a brother of Maj. J. F. ?riifeauff of this city. He is here to fill an engagement with the Colorado Jourmi as special traveling correspondent, and wiü probably leave the city in a ew days for a trip to the mountain towns in the interests of that paper. Mr. Frueauff is an old traveler in Europe, and thinks there is but one city in ihe old country that can compare in jeauty of situation and grandeur of mountain scenery with our "Queen City of the Plaius," and that is Waldikaf kas a


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Michigan Argus