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1 1, (lito. O.oana couiity, a bachelor by the Mme of Webbír m inuod rted on Tuesday m his cabin wber he was iiying alone. He had attached a atrios to tho trigger of his gun and then to his toe, and placing the muzzle to his mouth dUoharged the gun. He had probably been üead si míe Sunday, as that waa the laat that wus seen of him. Michigan posta of tho Grand Army of the Kepubliu will gi into encampmcnt on the 18th at Marble Lake, neiir Quincy, Branch county. Fires have been raging in the back town Rhips ot Sanüac county, doing oonsiderable daraae. In th townahip of Flynn it han huí through sections 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 :md most of 23. Several iarjiers have losthouses.barus, feuccs and er ps. The annuai reunión of Co. H., Bixth Michican heavy artiliery, took place at Charlotte on the 5th. About fifty of the old members were present, and the exercises were very interest-, ing. The address was delivered by Maj. H öoule of Jackson. The Umversity anthorities have notified quite a nnmber of students of intern perate and gambling habita that their f urther conneotion with the University is not desired. Kusterer's brewery at Grand Rapids took fire Wednesday afternoon. but the flames were promptly extinguished. A large quantity of rain and hquors were destioyed or daruaged. The losa is entimatod at $12,000; fully insured. A glass báll tournament took place at Howeil last. Thursday víhich attvacted a large crowd. The championahip medal was won by C G. Jewett of Howeil by the remarkable score of 98 balls in 100. Bazzard of Illinois, his contestant broke 85 balls. Capt, Bogardns and hia son gave a great exhibition of skiü and scientifii; marksmanf.hip. Gotlieb Breckcl au old resident of Península townsbip, Grand Traverse county, suicided Wednesday night by drowning in the bay at Old Mission. Family difficulties are allegcd as the cause, King's plaining mili and Langdon's shinsle mili at Cheboygan were total ly destroyed by fire Wednesday night. Loss about $5,000; no ers the addresseB before the Bay and Alpena county fairs this falL The I3th annual reunión of the llth regiment of Michigan Infantry and the fourth battery of Light Artillery will be held at Quincy, Branch county, on Friday, 22d Thö house, barn and contenta of Meivin C Brown, four miles from Port Huron, were burned on the 7th. Losb O2,000; insurance $1,200. The nre originated in the barn, and is supposed to have been set by a tramp. Heavy lires are reported in the woods in the vicinity of Lake station and on the Chippewa near Farwell, Clare couuty, and a good deal of damagc has been done to standing timber, oanips, etc. A letter from Mr. Carpenter, who emigrated from Muir to Nebraska last spring, brings the startling intelligence that nis little daughter, years oíd, has been kidnapped. At the date of the letter she had been missing six days and no trace discovered. Kink Byerly, sou of James H. Byerly, who lives three miles southwest of Owosso, while hnnting on the 5th vith nis father and two brothers, was shot by mistake by his brothcr, Bam, dying in 20 minutes. It is reported that, there is a defalcation of over $20,000 in the accounts of ïïm. L. Gibaon, recently displaced from the position of cashier of the Citijens' National Bank of í'lint. No partioulars are made public yet, but it is understood that the defalcation extends over a oonsiderab e period. Mr. Gibson has always held the highest oonfidence of the community. The ïarge frame barn filled with hay and wheat, and the sheds adjoining, with the rttacks of wheat near by, on the premises of Nelson Bloss in Charleston, were burned Thursday eveniug. The loss is from f 4,00u to $5,000. Anthony Eno was choked to death while rating meat at Athens, Calhoun uounty, on the 4'.b. For several months a suit has been pending against H. H. Brown, a leading lawyer of Battle Creek, charged with assault with intent to kill James Pugsley, a wealthy citizen. The evidence failed to sustain the charge and Brown was discharged. Now Brown has commenced proceedmgs against Pugsley in the circuit court for libel, the damages being laid at $25,000. The case is set for trial at the September term of the circuit court. The Board of State Auditors after taking the two weeks perruitted by law for examining and determing the proposals for State con tracts, have tormally awarded the printing for 1880-81 to W. S. George & Co. Tne prices on the principal classes of work are 40 cents per thousand erna for composition on laws; 58 cents on journals, documents, reports, etc; 20 cents on bilis and resolutions; 15 cents on official journals; correcting alterations, 30 cents per hour; printing envelopes, 90 cents per 1,000; briefs, 85 cents per page; prese-work, per form, 30 cents per token for five tokens or less, and 2G cents for mure than five tokens. There will be 13 other bids, The 14th annual reunión of the Twentieth Michigan Infantry is to be held in Marshall October 8. The daily whitefish catch on Lake Superior, at this time aggregates abont 50 tons, which is mostly shipped away. Mrs. Matilda Van Camden was killed ;t Drayton Plains, Oakland county, on the 7th while walking on the railroad track. Simon Sharrow, an old citizen of East Tawas, committed suicide on the 8th by drowning himself in a well near bis home. John Cardenist is at present living in Dcxter, but soon expects to join a travelling company for exhibition purposes. He is 45 years old and 28 iuches high. Wolves are quite numerous in Springfleld, Kalkaska county. A pack of seven droye a man up a tree recently near Peter's camp, and ethers have been seen chaKing deer. A little twelve-year old son of Lafayette Fletcher, at Hartford, Van Buren county, while "playing brakeman" on a freight train at that place on the 4th, feil between the cars and was killed. Phillis, wife of Maxim IUnguet, died at Grand Rapids, Saturday, aged about 72. She came there with the early French settlers from Montreal in 1835 and has lived there ever since A large barn belonging to the estáte of the late J. O. Dennison, iust outside of Grand Bapids on the north, was destroyed by an incendiary fire Sunday with all its eontents, except the horses. Total loss three thousand dollars. The body of Cornelius Mahony of Kalamazoo, the boy drowned in Recd's Lake July 13, was found afloat there Sunday. There were no signs of foul play. The coroner's verdict was, drowned v hile intoxicated. Nelson Savage, who escaped from the State House Of Correction at Iouia on Thursday of last week, was capturcd by tbree officers from Adrián at mïdnight Sunday just as he reached his home in Ridgeway. He was sent from that place for stealini grain, and says he wanted to aee his wif e and f amily, who are destitute, and walked the entire distance of one hundred and fifty mileB without food. Mouday atternoon, two miles of Lansing, on the farm of I. H. Bartholomew,worked by John Mallory, a steam thresher ignited and burned threestacks of wheat coiitaining thrce hundred bushela of whtat. 'Xhe se parator was also destroyed. "Value, $436. The corner-stone of a Germán Lutheran church was laid at Frankenmuth on Sunday with appropriate ceremonies. It is estimated to cobt twenty thousand dollars. C. V. Van Worraer, an old and respected citizen of Tuscola county, died Sunday at the residence of his bop in Flint, aged G;i years. There was a monstrous y ello w rattlesuake, 13 feet long, wearitig 27 rattles, kilUd in Fawn River, Bt. Joseph couniy, July 30. There was found in the "serpent's" stomach 22 frogs and toadst3 Bpring chickens and about a dozen Bmall dirdsThe store, stock, d welling and barn of Wm. Engle of Parisvüle, Huron coimty, were cleHtroyed by lire on the tenth. Loss $7,000; insurünce $3,000. Tuefiday was the 200th anniversary of the discoveiy of Lake öt. Clair, by Robert Cavelier le Sieur de la Salle, commander of the Gr iffin, the first sailing vessel that ascended the Detroit river, and the day was appropriately oeiebrated at Grosse Point by a y acht race, the delivery oí a historical aildresa by Prof. Bela Hubbard, the readinp of a poem by Chief Justice Campbell, and other exercises. The Hon G. V. N. Lothrop presided, and a largc number of people was present. The pofitpffice at Dowagiae, and the jewe)rj store of W. B. Nichols, both in one building were broken into Monday nighfc. The post office was robbed of about lifty dollars worth of ötamps, and Mr. Nichols of bctween iive and six hundred dollars worth of jewelry, al most his entire stock. The shingle and planing mïll belonging to Mapes & Son, Kalkaska, was destroyed bv iire Tnesday aiternoon. Loss, 43,000; no insur anee. A Bpark from the Bmoke-stack set fire to the roof. A meeting was held at Bat t Ie Creek Tues day of prominent capitali sts of that city Marshall and Toledo to discuBS the proiect o building a railroad i'rotn Toledo to Grand Haven via Marshall and Battle Creek. Thos present sa,y it íb a Biire thing. There is no knowledge so thorougl as that which is gained at lust, afte years of baftled and wunderlng inquiry - Colion. Detroit in Brief. Mr, James F. Joy who bas returned f rom New York where lie was summond Borae days ago to a, meeting of railroad magnates, reporta that theWabash directora adopted aresolution to build the extention from Toledo to Detroit at once, lf the Grand Trunk or the Great Western, or both, chooBe to join in the enterprise, they may do so. If not, the owners of the Wabash will f urni h the capital and put the road throngh with all possible speed. Mr. Field, Mr. Uouid, Mr. Dillon and others will provide the nioney and the details of the work of building the line are placed is the hands of Mr. Joy, who is of opinión that the new road will bc completed and in operatinn this fall. He saya he can build it in 90 days. The pólice are prosecuting the adulterators of milk, who seem to have been doing a thriving business in the clly unmolested. Thirty-four dioceses and 20 bishops have been heard from, all favorable to the consecration of Bishop-elect Harria. Wm. A. Hiekok, Saperintendent of the Dotroit and Saline Plank Hoid, committed suicide at the first toll gate on Michigan avenue, by shooting himself in the head. The cause is supposed to have been financial embarrassment. He leaves several children. Chas. P. Barrow, General Freight and Passenger agent of the Detroit and Bay City lfciilroad, has mystenously disappeared, and much anxiety is feit respecting him. Friday afternoon Private Petit, of Company K. Tenth United States Inf antry, stationed ut Fort Wayne, met with a shocking death. He was standing on tho porch oL the barracks, and while leaning over, looking at sornethint; below, he lost h;s balance and feil to the stonepaved court, a distance oL about eighteen feet. He was carried to the poBt-hospital, where he died in twenty minutes. i coal heaver named James Dullea, attempted to jump on the front platform of a street car Friday night, but feil under the wheels and was almost instantiy killed. The auditor of the Detroit and Bay City railroad has examined the accounts of C. F. Barron, late general passenger agent of the road, and declare themjentirely straight. Mr. Barron has be;n found and is with his friends, and the probability is that all his affairs will be sneedily and satisfactorily arranged. MotAïwiiru iiveuuu, iia úeen rearranged, and thrown open to the public. A small admission fee is charged. . The entire bonded indebtedness of Wayne county is now $337.150. Nearly all this falla due in 1883, being 20 year bonda isaued in 1863 to pay war bounties. Madame Andersou, who undertook to walk 2,028 quarter miles in as many quarter honra, at Detroit,completed lier task Monday even'ng in the presence of a large audience at Whitney's Opera House. A fire Tuesday night destroyed the Steamer J". W. Steinhoff and the old Hutchings warehouse at the foot of Griswold street. The steamer was val ued at f16,000, Capt. Steinhoff, vife and child escaped by leaping into the river after being severely burned.


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