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Wednesday's withdrawal of bullion from the Bank of England was all in eagleB of the United States. Keith Johnson, leader of the expedition to explore the head of Lake Nyassa, died of dysentery on the 28th of June, at BercK ero, Í30 miles mland from Daressalaain. The expedition will be continued by Thompson, ecientific assistant to Johnson. The Alhanians atrain contémplate an invasión in forcé into Servia. The Lanarkshire, Scotland collieriea run only f uur daya a week. This arrangement causea the first advance in coai in three years. A dispatch from Serajero on Friday evening stated that a great conflagraron was in progresa in that city. It was oansed bv an explosión. The Oatholic, Servian and Je wis h districts and the commercial quarter had been destroyed, A thousand buildings were burned, including the Catholic and Servian churches. Ten thousand persons were made homeless. Damage oxiormous. The charitable contribution of the Germán people on the occasion of Emperor William's golden wedding amounted to considerably over 2,5,0 000 raarks. The f rigate Wyoming, with the Ameñcan minister to Turkey on board, will cruise in the Black Sea. This is the first time an American man-of-war has entered the Black Sea. Twenty thousand people are reported homeless and dcstitute in consequence ot the conflagration at Serajeyro, Turkey, on Friday. A correspondent at Lisbon reporta that an Ent;lish steamer coilided, off South Finicteer, with the Spanish stearaer Ooncora. The latter yefisel was sunk. Fourteen SpaniarcU were drowned and nine saved". A London News Sarajevo dispatch reports that the fire destroyed 288 houses, 358 shops and 48 warehouses. A dispatch from Vienna saya that the crisis in the Austiian ministry is on the eve of solution. Count Taafe, the present minister of the interior, will be chief of the new cabinet, in which the Liberal party will probably predomínate. The lagblatt believes that Count Andrassy's retirement will be due to his dissension with the minister of war, who opposes the occupatiou of Novi Bazar unttl preparation have been made on a large scale. Twenty-two persons injured in a rïot at Belfst Monday night,growingout of aCathol'c procepsion, had their wounds dressed at the Koyal Hospital. It does not follow that women are cobblers or blacksiniths because they re good hands at shooing hens.


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Michigan Argus