The Michigan Argus
, - ' - -i PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAT MOBNDÍG In the third story of the brick block corner of Main and Huron streets, ANN AKBOR, - '- MICHIGAN. Entrence on Huron street, opposite the Gregory House. JOHN N. BAILEY, EDITOR AND PUBLISHBR. Term, S2.00 a j ear, or S1.50 in advance. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Spack. lw. 2 w. i 3 w. 6 w. 3 m. 6 m. I year 1 square $ 75 SI 25IÍ1 60 $2 50 $8 5 $5 00 $8 00 squares 1 f.0 2 00 2 50 3 50, 6 00 8 00 12 00 3 squares 2 00 2 50 8 50 5 OOi 7 50 10 50 15 00 1-5 col'n 3 50 4 OO! 4 50 6 0010 00 15 00 25 00 Ucol'mn 4 00 5 00) 6 00 8 00 12 OOJ20 00 30 00 (col'mn Í 5 00, 7 00 8 00 '10 00 '1F 00:" OO SR 00 Scol'nin ! i 0,12 (Huís 00,20 oo:so ooi 55 66 leoi'mn 110 0l)]15 00!l8 0ÚÍ22 00 351)060)0 100 00 Stfelve Unes or lees cousidered a square. Cards in Directory, $1.00a line per year. Business or special notlces 10 cents a line for the llrst iusertion, and 5 cents for each subsequent In. ertion. Yearly advertisers have the privileife of changing iheiradTertisements quarterly. Addttional changini rill be charged for. Adrertlsemenfe! unaccompanied by written or verbal dlrections wül be published three months, and charged accordingly. Legal advertising, firat insertion, 70 cents per folio ; 35 cents per folio for each subsequent lnsertlon. When a postponement is added to an advertlienient, the whole wül be charged the same as the fint insertion. ctob iFiEeissrTiïsra-Painphlets, Posters, Handbills, Circulara, Cards, Rail Tickets, Labels, Blanks, Bill Heads and other varieties of Plain and Fancy Job Frinting executcd wlth proniptness, and in the best possible style.
Old News
Michigan Argus