Political Gossip
- President Huyes has come to Tretnont tu vote electiou day. - An exchange asks"Isthe millenium About to Dawn 't" Yes in Nov. 1880. - Senator Coukling knows how it is himself- buil dozed by the shotguupolicy. - The Greenbaek party is sending its best orators into Maine, expectinc n vir tory in Sep. - Senator Thurman ia incubating a speech for Ewing. Dan Voorhees will speak eight times ii the state. - For the first time in the history of the state Kentucky has this summer elected a governor whe is not a professional politician. - The following are the eggs which the Oincinnati Gazette proposes to have hatched in October : Foster, 324,620; Ewing, 308,900; Piatt, 12,332; Stewart, 4,182. - Jim Blaine would have given his seat in the senatu if he had been there to observe the " turkey cock" move down the street with those ourla flying ia the breeze. - George Gorham, late secretary of the Republican national committee ia being roundly abused by the Eepublican press because he sees fit to support tte Democratie candidatos in California. 1 t ■ - i ■ i - i If y ou select good healthy fcod for your fatnily, you should also look to the welfare of your Baby. For all troubles of earlychildhood notbingis better tlian Dr. Buü's Baby Syrup. 25 oentsabottle
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