General Notes
- James McHenry, a noted EngIÍ6h oiipitalist, has füilod with liabilities of $.3,000,000. - Betcher to Conkliog - You and I are tbe persecuted victima of a nialicious, unbridled presa. - If Cunkling enters the lecture field ho will knock Theo. Tiltou's business "higher than a kite." - Col. Bub Ingersoll has given a Troy factory leave to issue an Ingersoll paper collar. It is expected to bo the most eloquent collar in the niarket, but of such irreligious tendeucies that it won't do to wear it Sundays. - ïhe M. E. camp meeting at Petoskey tbis year was generally voted a decided success. The Sunday school congress which was to follow it for a week provad a failure, and it is doubtful whuther an attempt will be made to hold anuther next yoar. - Gen. Itobert Toomba ia ono of the trustees of the University of Georgia. Last week he attended a meeting of the board, and said to a friend : " I have traveled 1,500 miles to attend this meeting, so anxious am 1 to be on hand. This is a long way for a fellow to come who was expelled from the college when a boy." The Augusta Chronicle explains that ho was expelled for a fist-fight with a ooinrade. The rush still continúes and crowds oome from all directions to secure the great bargaius that are offered at Maok & Schmids and whica have created an excitement unparaleled in the anuals of the dry goodB trade in this city.
Old News
Michigan Argus